The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
I Am One with the Love Of My Soul, & the Love My Divine Self, & the Love of the Creator! I Am My Supreme Love Body anchored now in my Higher Heart Chakra ! I Am My Divine Power merged now with my Supreme Love Body in a sphere of Golden & White Light in my Higher heart Chakra. Now feel or imagine this sphere of Golden & White Light, with your Supreme Love & Power Body in it, expand throughout your Whole Being and anchor in your Earth Star Chakra..... and now expand and encompass all of Gaia & every human Being! Take a moment and breathe in this Divine Energy encapsulating you...and let yourself feel how this Supreme Love & Power is uplifting & healing you.
And now visualize this Golden & White Sphere of Divine Energy encapsulating every person on earth from the time each person is in the womb and throughout each person's life, and encapsulating Gaia as well - so that with each breath of each person on earth, as well as each breath of Gaia - the divine energy is helping each person & Gaia with their ascension, and helping with the expansion of each person's awakening to God's Presence within, and helping with each person's experience of the Divine Love, Joy, Peace, & Abundance of the Soul.
Affirm: "I Am My Supreme Love & Power Body merged with similar Divine Spheres of Energy of all others joining in this Lightwork, encapsulating every human being for each person's entire life from the time each person was in the womb, & also encapsulating all of Gaia in spheres of Golden & White Light... & with each breath of every person on earth, & each breathe of Gaia - this Divine Energy is helping awaken & expand every person's experience of God's Presence within themselves... & is helping expand each person's experience of their Divine Self... & is helping expand each person's experience of the Divine Love, Peace, & Joy of the Soul... & is also helping manifest the Divine Healing that every person & Gaia needs. Thank You God! And So It Manifests with each breath of Gaia & each breath of every human being! " Take a moment & let yourself feel this.*
Video: "Let's Unite In Oneness & Be Spiritually Uplifted - By Steven Hutchinson
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