Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I Smoothly Flow In An Ocean Of The Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness With My Every Breath - By Steven Hutchinson

I Smoothly Flow In An Ocean Of The Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness With My Every Breath - By Steven Hutchinson

What I was divinely guided to share with you very much focuses on using your breathing together with the prayer affirmations to help you experience & embody Your Divine Self & your Soul and expand your experience of God's Presence within you and 'All that you are'.
Doing your daily meditations & affirmations will help you greatly in living every moment established in the Divine Peace & Love & Stillness of your Divine Self, and smoothly flow in an ocean of the Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness - for the more you experience & embody your Divine Self with your Soul, the more these Divine Vibrations will naturally reach out to others through you to help bring Peace on Earth & help uplift others as well !
So you can use this as a guided meditation, calling upon your Divine Self & the Heavenly Host to lead you in the meditation, and consciously breathing in the Divine Energy in each affirmation.
And when you are divinely led to do so - you may also want to pause for a few moments with some of the affirmations and just be fully conscious in the moment & breathe in the divine energy & receive any Divine Guidance that comes to you.
And remember - what you consciously think & affirm every day is what you become and experience in your life....and the Divine Light & Love in you reflects the Divine Light & Love in every human being - helping uplift us all !
Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all,



With my every breath, my mind & my Whole Being are united in Oneness & Unity With Gaia. With my every breath, I Am continually sending the Highest Divine Love & Light to Gaia & to Mother/Father/God ... and I continually breathe in & lovingly accept the Highest Divine Love & Light from Gaia & Mother/Father/God.

And with my every breath through my Golden Grounding Cord, my Whole Being is now & always grounded & anchored on Gaia & in the heart chakra of Gaia & God. 

My Golden, Platinum, & Magenta Nets of Protection always keep my Whole Being protected from all vibrations & activity not of God's Love & Light, & also protects my Whole Being from all parasites. Thank You God! And So It All Manifests with my every breath ! 

My Mind & my Whole Being are centered & anchored in the Divine Stillness & Love & Peace of My Divine Self in my Higher Heart Chakra with my every breath. And with my every breath I Am experiencing Divine Peace & Harmony on all levels of my Being. 

Anchored in this Divine Stillness of My Divine Self, I Am continually & smoothly flowing with my every breath in an Ocean of The Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness & Infinite Transfiguring Divine Love. My Whole Being is perfectly aligned in every moment with the Energies of Divine Stillness & Love, & Peace, & Christ Consciousness, and I embody these Divine Energies with my every breath.

I Am always manifesting the Creator's Love, Will, Creativity, & Power in me & through me for the highest good of all with my every breath.

 I Am the perfection of the Creator embodied & manifesting as an Angelic Divine Human in a healthy 5th dimensional body.

I Am the Miracle Energy of the Creator embodied & manifesting fully in my Whole Being & thru me in all of Gaia & in every person on earth with each breath of Gaia & each breath of every human being!

I Am a Divine Portal for the Creator's Light & Christ Consciousness.  

I Am a Divine Architect of the Creator, and with the Christ Consciousness of my Divine Self, I Am bringing the Creator's Supreme Light into physical form in the Creator's Perfection in my Whole Being & in all aspects of my life & in all of Gaia with each breath of Gaia & with each breath of every human being! Thank You God! And So It All Manifests!

Video: "You Are The Divine Architect Of Your Life By Emmanuel Dagher"

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