The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Waking up is never an easy process, as having to face the fact that you have been conned on every level is extremely difficult for you. We referred to WORD MAGIC. Many of you were up in arms, dismissing it as nonsense. Now, we share well researched EVIDENCE of Word Magic, that is used against you, every day of your lives by Church and State. It is something that you will have to take on board if you want to survive. The 1% who control your world are experts on Word Magic. They constantly use it to their advantage. This is precisely how the human race has been dominated and controlled for centuries. You live life like hypnotised zombies, rushing from one carefully designed disaster to another. This must end. You must stop blindly accepting what they tell you as truth, for that is the last thing that it is. What they want will never benefit mankind, no matter how they dress it up to confuse you. Even the most brilliant minds were taken in by the Magic Speak. They, too, fell under its SPELL, just like everyone else.
THERE IS NO SHAME IN BEING CONNED. THERE IS SHAME IN REFUSING TO SEE YOU WERE CONNED. You all need to raise your consciousness. Walk in nature; that always helps. Remove the propaganda and become more discerning in what you choose to read or view. Have more respect for yourself, as you are better than all the rubbish that is forced on you constantly to hold you in control. They are rushing through their final plans, as they fear you waking up, preventing their FINAL SOLUTION.
The destruction of Europe is happening right before your eyes, and you are not seeing it for what it is. All your governments are colluding in this. What they say is shown to be false. Whom do you trust? Only those with eyes wide open, who research it for themselves, and so find the truth. The human race is in dire trouble. It needs to awaken and refuse to continue to be an accomplice in the destruction of humanity.
2016 = 9. It is an important year. Decisions must be made and action taken. There is no escape from this. You do not have a choice. You must accept that everything you ever learned, whether through education or religion, is NOT TRUE. You were lied to. You have been led, like sheep to the slaughter, and you are blindly accepting it. What will it take for you to open your eyes and see what is being done to you? You are sleep-walking into extinction. Is this what you really want? Have you no backbone? Do you intend to meekly accept all that they have planned for you?
They cannot hide their plans any more. They are being exposed. This is why they are trying to rush things through before any more of you wake up. The Police and Army are responsible for what they do to further the plans of the elite to exterminate the human race. They will be held responsible for their actions.
Nothing is hidden. It is all in front of your noses. Great Draco, the God of RKM – the largest parasite of humans in history, is proudly displayed for all to see in the City of London. RKM has held the world to ransom for 300 years. "RKM the biggest anti-human parasite: deceptive, inter-generational crime syndicate, world's largest merchant of drugs, war, death, poverty and misery. It will not go down easily. It never keeps agreements. RKM hijacked the US money system in 1913."
You see the evidence all around you, yet you continue to accept what they tell you, rather than accept the evidence of your own eyes. Time is of the essence. Action is needed. Accept the responsibility that is placed on you to challenge what they tell you as fact. It is your lack of interest in the future of mankind that has brought about the situation you are facing today. The
"I'm alright, Jack" attitude is responsible for your present dilemma. All humans, whether rich or poor, will perish if no action is taken. Money will not protect you from the parasites you are programmed to revere. They revel in the suffering of the human race. It is the oxygen of life to them. It takes them closer to their goal: total domination of the Earth. It gives me no pleasure to write these words but I have to be honest and share what I see from this side of life. I cannot stand by and ignore the destruction of the human race and the Earth that was entrusted to them.
Continue to release the ENERGY from the Ley Lines and sacred places. This will assist you in your battle for survival. Everything you need to assist you is there. You just need to connect with it once more. In ancient times, Man was connected to the universe. He understood how it worked. All this important knowledge was removed from you. Your heads were filled with trivia that disconnected you from Source and left you in the wilderness of ignorance and helplessness. There is nothing stopping you from reconnecting, once again, with Source. Dealing directly, assistance will be given to those who ask for it. When you do this, the parasites will lose their power over you. THEY POSSESS ONLY WHAT YOU HAVE GIVEN TO THEM. So withdraw your assistance, then they are rendered helpless and useless. It is up to each and every one of you, to consciously decide which course of action you will take. Do nothing and you will be wiped out, or act and protect humanity and the Earth. The decision is yours.
My dear, the powerful and the ignorant, who feel powerful when attacking the truth, continue to try to destroy our attempt to protect humanity and the Earth. They attack because they FEAR people waking up to the TRUTH. It will not be for too much longer, my dear. Our objective is the protection of humanity and the removal of the parasites. There are good people who fully comprehend this. They will come forward to assist.
My love, stay strong and resolute. We will succeed.
Always, your adoring, Monty.
Magic Spells, the State, and You !
Here's what other people are saying about this two part presentation on the power of words and influence in creating the 'system' and the f.e.a.r that supports it.
Learn the tricks of the masters and level the playing field in this in-depth exploration of magic, words, the State, and how it all applies to you. Ever wonder why a "Summons to Appear" in Court is called that or why judges wear black robes, or why mere words on a page can instantly alter our mental-emotional states, or why we call members of Government "Ministers"? Why is possession 9/10ths of the law and why are corporations named from the same root word as 'corpse' ?
Of all the work I have personally put out over the years I feel this is the most important. It's a culmination of many years of study and analysis put into a comprehensive easy-to-follow exposé of the nature of the beast.
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