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Globalist Agenda Watch 2016 – The Rio Olympics are shaping up to be a showcase of human woe (+ a P.S. x 3 – More on Vladimir Putin, the “Savior of all Christians worldwide”)

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016 – The Rio Olympics are shaping up to be...

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, it’s easy to forget that the Rio Olympics will be taking place later this year…

The Games will be held from August 5 through August 21, right before the big war breaks out this September. And the already deteriorating economic condition in Brazil and the rest of the world should be infinitely worse by then. So we’re looking at a games where…

> the ocean water will be so polluted that aquatic competitors will g...,

> venues could be unfinished due to corruption and bureaucracy,

> the economy will be so bad that people will use the international l..., and those demonstrations will descend into riots,

> a crime wave will wash over Olympic visitors as desperate people st..., and

> security will be so haphazard and overstretched that “ISIS” attacks....

With this Olympics, the globalists have arranged for all of humanity’s problems to be on vivid display, and these problems will cry out for the solution they intend to provide us after the war. In fact, one wonders if what happens in Rio will be one of the triggering factors of the Global North vs. Global South war. One also wonders if the Jesus statue will survive the Games.

We’ll find out in 200 short days. So if you live in Rio, you have 200 days to prepare and activate your family safety plan.

(P.S. – 18 January 2016)

How to start a holy war in 3 easy steps

After posting the update on the Rio Olympics, it occurred to me that Christians from all over the world will be among the visitors coming to see the Games. And the devout among them will likely seek out local cathedrals for sightseeing and worship services. Upon looking into the places they might go, one place really stood out: the Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Sebastian…
…It is the seat of the local Roman Catholic Archdiocese. And besides looking like the type of cathedral the North Koreans would build, there is something else that’s notable about its architecture…

“The cathedral was designed by Edgar Fonseca in a modern style based on Mayan architectural style of pyramids.” – Source: Wikipedia

And do you remember what the Maya used to do at the top of their pyramids? Pluck out human hearts as a sacrifice to the gods of course. And what modern group is known for plucking out and eating human hearts? It is as if this cathedral was custom-built for human sacrifice.

As I thought about this, I also remembered all the talk I’ve heard out of the two Roman Churches (Catholic and Orthodox) about declaring a “just Christian war” against ISIS and other “Islamic extremist” groups over terrorism and the worldwide slaughter of Christians…
…From Breitbart (top) and the The Christian Post (bottom)

So if someone wanted to start a holy war in the Middle East in September, this is what they’d do while the world’s attention is focused on the Olympics in August:

1) slaughter Christians at one or more Rio de Janeiro cathedrals in Paris-style attacks,

2) crash an explosive-laden aircraft at the base of Rio’s Jesus statue and watch it fall over, and

3) set off a WMD in the middle of the 74% Christian city.

That being said, the Olympics present a prime opportunity for starting the big war. The Catholic Church would give the West the green light, and the Orthodox Church would give the East the green light. And when Putin inevitably attacks the CIA / US military logistical assets supplying ISIS and the Syrian “rebels,” the guns of Global North and Global South would turn from ISIS towards each other.

(P.S. – 18 January 2016)

Two popes for two prophecies

A reader recently left me a comment which talked about Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict, and it reminded me that we have two living popes right now…
…That’s an awfully convenient number given that the globalists have two seemingly conflicting pope prophecies to fulfill:

> Prophecy 1 is the Zohar/Fatima prophecy Tom Horn is promoting to the public…

“Well now you’ve got the Pope saying that it could be that now Fatima, the Third Secret of Fatima, is gonna be fulfilled. What’s the third secret of Fatima? It describes the Pope, the bishop in white, walking in a great city — most people believe this to be the Vatican, right? And something has happened. Dead people are everywhere, and the Pope is walking along – there’s dead Christians, dead bishops, dead people all over the city — and as he’s making his way towards a cross, these ISIS-like people run into the city and shoot him and kill him.”

> Prophecy 2 is the death of the two witnesses in Jerusalem, one of which is Pope Francis.

(For more details on the two prophecies, read Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 4 – How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will ...)

Since Pope Benedict lives in the Vatican, he is conveniently positioned to be the “bishop in white” who gets killed when Rome is destroyed. And that leaves Pope Francis available to be one of the witnesses killed in Jerusalem. Of course, Pope Francis’ death will be simulated, but you get the idea.

(P.S. – 19 January 2016)

More on Vladimir Putin, the “Savior of all Christians worldwide”

You know you need to take the Putin as Mashiach/Christ meme seriously when you see stories like this in the mainstream media…
…From The Washington Times

And while we’re speaking on the “only defender of Christian civilization,” have a look at this…
…From Russia Insider. Here is a telling excerpt…

>>> A key element of Putin’s world view is not just his commitment to the Russian Orthodox Church as an institution, but also his admiration for three 19th and 20th century Russian Christian philosophers—Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Solovyov and Ivan Ilyin, all of whom he often quotes in his speeches…

The key message of these philosophers is of Russia’s messianic role in world history and of its need to preserve itself through Orthodoxy and restoration of its historic borders…

For their part Solovyov and Berdyaev argued that the historic mission of Russia is to lead the way to human unification. Russia would transcend secularism and atheism and create a unified spiritual kingdom. “The Russian messianic conception,” said Berdyaev, “always exalted Russia as a country that would help to solve the problems of humanity.” /p>

If you’re not taking this Messiah stuff seriously, you should consider doing so. But what of Russia Insider – should it be taken seriously? Is it a propaganda site full of ridiculous bullsh*t, like Veterans Today, or is a propaganda site that should be taken fairly seriously, like RT? It is more the latter than the former, for reasons I will explain in an upcoming entry.

With love…

This entry was posted in Globalist Agenda Watch 2016, NWO on January 18, 2016.

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