The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Major Vital Cosmic Update!
By Dr Schavi
At 0719 Universal Time (2:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time), an extremely powerful “M.5-Class” solar flare blasted from our Sun.
Shortly after, at 1009 Universal Time (5:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time) an “M.1-Class” flare exploded.
Sunspot numbered AR3014 which is directly facing our planet has a beta gamma delta magnetic field for “X-Class” flares.
At 10:36 AM (EDT), solar winds were traveling at 518.5 kilometers per second.
The Schumann Resonance (“Power” from vibrational frequency and amplitude of Earth/Gaia’s being activated by strong cosmic forces) is rated thus far at “52” and being called “Strong Activity.”
Ancient “normalcy” of the “Power” levels (prior to modern times and the research of Dr. Weinfried Otto Schumann, for whom the vibrational frequency and amplitude studies of our planet were named) during the time of the “Rishis” (“Sages”) was “7.83” cycles per second.
The “new normal” seems to be when the levels are in the “40s”—-and beyond these numbers should be considered as very “High-Powered.”+++
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