Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Joy of Creation
By Judith Kusel

When planet earth was first created, she was known as “The Crown Jewel of Creation”. She was vibrant, beautiful, filled with new Life and thus all who passed here in their Great Motherships, admired her and wanted to experience her.

Thus the first who created her, and brought life into form and being upon, her petitioned the Intergalactic Federation, and asked if they could continue living her, and thus start civilization here in earnest. Thus Elysium, the first Civilization was born.

In those days, billions of earth years ago, there was but one single continent, which geologists now identified, as the Super Continent. This embraces all of Africa.

Elysium was indeed the first paradise, and what we all subconsciously remember. It was 7th dimensional.

You can read all about Elysium and the second Kingdom, after the Wars of Heavens, in my book “Why I was born in Africa: – the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom.”

In the meantime, she has gone through massive and dramatic changes, as those who colonized her, tended to end civilization, after civilization in war and destruction, and it was with the Fall of Atlantis, that even more havoc was wreaked, and this was because the Black Magi of Atlantis, nearly blew up the Whole planet, with the atomic lasers, and thus by Divine Intervention, the Great Floods happened, and Atlantis sunk forever under the sea, and humanity indeed, into the seas of forgetfulness.++++

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