Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Life is in God’s Hands
The Archangels
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

Beloved people,

Upheaval and new beginnings now go hand in hand. While the old is fading away, the new is emerging and every crisis is followed by rays of hope of incredible intensity.

The upheaval is happening on all levels. Nothing you know remains exempt from it! Every area of the human living together and every area on the planet earth have been seized by it.

In the midst of this process you enjoy the unlimited protection of God, in the midst of the storm you remain sheltered, in the midst of the noise of time there is silence.

Now the kingdom of peace is spreading within you, because what you have redeemed in the past years is now making itself felt. You are not to be brought from the rest – and if....+

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