This is a small part of a down load I received in Palenque in 1991, when I was wild and crazy and spent the night inside the temple of the sun. I would do it again in a heart beat… but we live in the age of security cameras now, and until I learn to be invisible… we have to find other ways to deeply connect with sacred sites and also the ancient ones who still exist within their ever present connection to the cosmos.
To connet to any sacred site, we should arrive with deep respect, humility and most of all we should have no expectations to out come. Enter with no agendas. Arrive as a little child. We can simply introduce ourselves much like you would introduce yourself to another human being. Because these sites are in truth, living energies. We can begin our connection by offering our name, and why we have been called to this place and this time. Share what you can offer the site … like your love, your appreciation etc. For me, I like to say I am here. And I can hear you. So if....+
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