Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Join Us On August 18 For This Global Peace Meditation For Egypt & The World



The Details!

Peace Transmission for Syria and Egypt

August 18: 11 am until 12 noon New York time

World Clock Calculator (to figure the time in your home zone.) If you cannot make this specific time, please do it when you can. This is a one hour transmission occurring at the same time that a Peace Concert is taking place for Syria and Egypt. This synchronized transmission will include calls for Divine Intervention, the building of a morphogenic field, opening a portal of light and then concluding with unified  Quantum Prayer.

We are connecting as one and guided by Children of the Sun facilitators, Gary Gottselig and Leslie Moore, through a pre-recorded Conference Call. It can be done in the comfort of your home or other sacred space.

1. Join the Peace Mission to Syria and Egypt
  (no cost)
JOIN US and be part of the Peace Efforts

Receive the short course on Quantum Healing Prayer


2. Join the live Synchronized Peace Transmission for Syria and Egypt
August 15 for Syria 
August 18 for Egypt 
This live event takes place at 12 noon New York If you cannot make this time, please do it on these days and when you can. We will send out all support material.


3.  Mark your Calendar for Unified Action

August 15:    Peace Concert in Syria                            Be part of the Synchronized Peace Transmission
August 18:    Peace Concert for Egypt                            Be part of the Synchronized Peace Transmission
August 22:    Full Moon Unity Transmissions                            Continued calls for the Middle East
The image below is meant to assist in the assist in the visualization process in the meditation.


Required Downloads:

Please download the following materials in plenty of time before the transmission. You will listen to the audio while following the program.

1. MP3 Audio – Peace Operations Syria for August 15 Please listen to this audio during the transmission so that we are all going together in unified rhythm.

2. MP3 Audio – Peace Operations Egypt for August 18 Please listen to this audio during the transmission so that we are all going together in unified rhythm (the video below has the same audio) .

2. PDF: Program Sequence – Global Peace Operations for Syria and Egypt Please refer to this program as we make group invocation, build the high frequency field of energy and open a portal of light for the nations of Syria and Egypt.

Children of the Sun Foundation joins James Twyman’s Peace Mission to The Middle East



We are invited to the Middle East as a delegation of peacekeepers. No matter where we are located on the planet, we are ALL being called into commanding action now!

Children of the Sun Foundation and its team of global meditators and energy transmitters are joining James Twyman, “The Peace Troubadour”, on a special pilgrimage to Syria and Egypt in the midst of a dramatic struggle for peace in both of these countries.

James is a bestselling author and musician who has performed concerts for peace in Bosnia, Iraq, Serbia, South Africa, Israel, and Northern Ireland.

This Peace Vigil for Syria and Egypt is supported by thousands of people who will conduct a powerful prayer modality called “Quantum Prayer.” During the Peace Concerts for Syria and Egypt, participants will activate the energy by building an immense energetic field of transforming influence to help heal the trauma in these regions.

Juan de la Luna tiara-ojai copy


Tiara Kumara, founder of Children of the Sun Foundation and Juan de la Luna, creator of the Peace Experiment have been invited to join James Twyman on this special pilgrimage to assist in peace efforts. They will serve as delegate representatives for the Children of the Sun Foundation and its global team of energy transmitters.

“Our unified group consciousness IS the intervention needed and required! This is truly an opportunity to put all that we know how to do into influential action. We have been trained for this. Together, we can initiate a very positive, catalytic shift in these regions.”   Tiara Kumara, Founding Director of Children of the Sun Foundation

Let’s Build the Massive Support

All affiliate Children of the Sun teams, all unity networks and transmitters are invited to help support this Peace Vigil for Syria and Egypt.
This is our chance to have a true impact on world events!

1. We are sending our energy to these troubled areas the same moment a Peace Concert is taking place.
2. Our combined efforts will assist to build and sustain a massive forcefield of energy while transmitting quantum healing energy.
3. All participants will receive free instruction on “Quantum Prayer” to help build the morphogenic field of transforming energy.
4. Your commitment is at least 10 minutes to help activate and transmit the prayer.

ing this instead of a Conference Call as a way to generate the highest frequency field of energy from our own sacred space!

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