Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

January 20, 2009

Because of technical difficulties incurred by my mother’s service provider, she was unable to distribute my foregoing message at the intended time. I believe the difficulties were providential, as now I can speak in a timely manner about President Barack Obama’s stirring address to his nation, indeed to your world. It is not his eloquence to which I refer, but his forthrightness and honesty and wisdom, his determination to unify what has been divided, to mend what has been in tatters, to strengthen what has been weak and to heal broken spirits. The energy of this day, energy that opened wide the portals of change based in love and enlightenment, reached heights not felt on Earth since the finest hours of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Now I shall continue with other truths and perspectives we at this station wish to share with you. Abundance is the God-given right of souls, and joyful living circumstances for every person on the planet is part of the master plan that includes the election of Obama. From a purely “3D” perspective, his administration is facing one of the gravest situations the world has ever encountered. And indeed, it is a huge mess that must be cleaned up! However, what we see from our vantage point is that Earth is far healthier today than she has been for millennia, and due to the massive infusion of off-planet light that guided individuals into generating their own light, the turn-around in Earth’s condition has happened with speed that is unprecedented in the universe. Again, this is all according to the master plan, and every soul on the planet is participating one way or another.

By using the global economy to demonstrate the importance each of you has in the ongoing transformational process, I shall be answering many readers’ questions. The population as a whole is seeing the economic situation as it is reported by mainstream media, with unemployment, retail sales and real estate statistics along with various analysts’ forecasts. Therefore, in the collective consciousness the situation appears dire—by some estimates, the spiraling downward will continue for as long as two years and the overall impact will be felt with leveling out stages over the next ten or twenty years. The analysts are calculating in accordance with economic history and they see the resolution as combined government and corporate efforts to return to what they consider the soundness of the global system that existed prior to the meltdown.

You know better! You know the economic system is collapsing to end the Illuminati’s long stranglehold on all aspects of commerce, taxation, investments, and such, and that a new foundation based in light is rising out of those ashes. You know that the increasing light in your world is propelling Earth to her fifth density destination; you know about the universal law of attraction and the advent of on-planet assistance from the same advanced civilizations that have been helping from afar for sixty-some years. By living in consonance with this awareness, the light in your optimism and trust has raised the vibrations within the collective conscious—your contribution has been phenomenal!

We want to clarify some misunderstandings prevailing even among the most faithfully dedicated lightworkers about the economic reforms underway. Some persons still do not know the magnitude of what is commonly known as NESARA. In previous messages I have recommended reading the explanatory messages about the true NESARA, but we understand your time constraints and I have been requested to summarize that material [Special NESARA Edition in “Matthew’s Messages” below September 11, 2006 message on]. Most succinctly stated, NESARA is that master plan for manifesting spiritual renewal and world transformation.

It had to begin with the thought becoming known on Earth so it could enter the collective consciousness, and it was presented in the form of legislation in the United States because that country is perceived by your world as the strongest. No legislation can state anything about a plan devised in the continuum jointly by light beings in spirit and those in advanced civilizations. It cannot state that there is nothing “federal” at all about the Federal Reserve System, that it is a grand deception designed by the Illuminati who own this private banking consortium, or that partially through that means, they manipulate the global economy; or that through the Fed’s agency, the Internal Revenue Service, the Illuminati garner the billions of dollars paid annually by US income taxes; or that ridding Earth of Illuminati economic control will be accomplished by the growing intensity of light. No, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act could be worded only according to what was acceptable to the US administration and within the normal parameters of legislation.

Of course, that government never intended to enact it anyway. Massive corruption within national and global political and legal channels prevented enactment and the dissemination of disinformation added confusion and disbelief to NESARA’s energy pool. Regardless, because its monumental goals are literally “in the heavens” and already manifested in the universal continuum, the plan’s down-to-Earth progress continued in other directions to accomplish the very same goals.

Now then, among the believers are those who expect NESARA to begin with its announcement on television and followed with the delivery of enormous sums of money to specific individuals and “debt forgiveness.” There will be no TV announcement, no such deliveries, and no automatic elimination of all debts. The actuality is that light forces on, off and within the planet have been working for more than six decades toward achieving all of NESARA’s goals, and one goal is fair distribution of the grand abundance of your world’s resources. The key word is FAIR. Would it be fair to eliminate a ten million dollar mortgage on an estate or yacht purchased with laundered drug money? Or a hundred million dollar mortgage on a building acquired by someone whose money came by defrauding investors or deliberately putting small companies out of business? Would it be fair to eradicate a $25,000 credit card debt incurred by someone who replaced last year’s model of an expensive car with the latest model? Choices like that, like all other free will choices, are the responsibilities of the individuals.

What NESARA will do is eliminate the unconscionable disparity between the billionaires and the impoverished billions of people. This will be a process of examination, calculation and reallocation of funds derived through exploitation of entire nations’ resources. You need to understand this so your thoughts and feelings about the resolution to the current economic status can be made in the fullness of NESARA’s profound reforms that extend to every hamlet and city in every country where God-given human rights and the rights of Earth herself have been trampled by the darkness that destroyed the conscience in some souls.

Let me speak now about the many aspects of what has been transpiring in Gaza. Even though your media have reported the grossly disproportionate Israeli retaliation for the missiles directed by Hamas into areas of Israel, Palestinian casualties are much higher than announced. As in any conflict, there are outspoken proponents and opponents of both sides: Israel’s right to defend its borders from the declared aim of Hamas to destroy its neighbor, and the Palestinians’ right to end the oppression that began with the formation of Israel.

It is not publicized that behind this conflict are the Zionists, one of many groups and organizations operating within the Illuminati forces, and their intention is to keep bloodshed, fear, hatred, retaliation, destruction and oppression active in that part of the Middle East. Zionists, who may be of Jewish or any other ethnicity, hold powerful government, military, banking, corporate, religious, media and educational positions around the world; and through coercion, bribery or blackmail get underlings to carry out their despicable schemes. The Zionist movement does not represent the Israeli peoples or Jews anywhere in the world, nevertheless it hides behind the façade of anti-Semitism. The same kinds of dark minds that initiated World War II and funded both the Allies and the Axis also formed the plan to create a new homeland for Jews liberated from Nazi concentration camps by displacing the established Palestinian population. And for the past sixty years, those kinds of minds have created foment through well-placed agitators and strategic incidents to create radical elements on both sides that are more willing to fight to the death than to seek the peace and harmony deeply desired by both peoples.

Not all who have been killed or wounded in the savage assault in Gaza agreed to experience everything that has been transpiring throughout the past years. For many, the trauma far exceeded their contracts, and in those cases, by divine grace they transitioned from physical to spirit life much sooner than their contracts’ longevity clauses, yet with credits for contract mission fulfillment. In this unique era on Earth, divine grace is working two ways—it is ending unchosen suffering of individuals and transmuting the negativity of their pain and torment into light instead of what happened for eons, adding more negativity for Earth to absorb.

Still another facet of the carnage in Gaza is the effect of the higher frequencies that magnifies all human characteristics, and the capacity for hatred, belligerence and desire for revenge has reached its peak. The balance to that intensity is the surge in light-filled characteristics such as empathy, compassion and determined efforts toward peace.

Underlying all of the death, destruction and tyranny in the Middle East is the extremely heavy karma being played out. Long before your recorded history, the inhabitants of those lands battled savagely for supremacy, and ancient blood permeated the earth. The resultant negativity had to be released in massive degree so Earth could move out of deep third density, and souls who lived in those early civilizations have returned time and again with the chosen mission to reduce the accumulated negativity. The inhabitants of those lands today came in for the same purpose, but this time, they are here to complete the release and achieve karmic balance as individuals and for Earth.
We know that overview seems dispassionate in light of the extensive pain in Gaza, just as in Iraq and Darfur and all other places on Earth where darkness still has a toehold. Even though we know that the individual and area-wide karmic balancing taking place is essential and we know that the souls who participated in accordance with original or amended contracts have achieved leaps in spiritual growth, we weep for those who are living in the midst of trauma because they are not aware of their loved ones’ magnificent accomplishments or their very own. The balance to our deep sadness for them is our joy in the assurance that one day they will know what we do, whether they are in spirit lifetimes or in Earth’s Golden Age that they helped to manifest.

This is an appropriate place to answer the reader who asked, “When will nations’ full karmic debt be repaid?” Only souls incur karma. Souls often choose to incarnate in areas where they spent other lifetimes and made choices that were destructive to themselves and others, and due to the eons of influence by the dark forces, souls may have embodied in the same general area hundreds or more times to balance previous experiencing, but instead only repeated it. So in that respect, it can be considered that the “nation” incurs karma even though today’s national boundaries are so very different from the empires in ancient times, when souls’ choices began piling up “negative” karma. Nations in the area now called the Middle East and in Africa are areas heavily affected by souls’ repetition, thus it takes longer to release the negativity from those lands and transmute it into light. Earth’s karma is comprised of the countless souls that have inhabited the planet since the first civilizations in antiquity, and her balance is being restored by increasing numbers of souls becoming enlightened throughout your world.

Another reader asked if the same two souls always work out their karmic connections as long as it takes to attain balance. While souls may choose to do that, it is not necessary, especially not during this period where every aspect of life in your world is in acceleration; and because unconditional love is the basis of all pre-birth agreements, souls are eagerly helping the souls who most need a lift to evolve. My family is an example. My mother and father had experienced many very satisfying lifetimes in a number of relationship roles that strengthened them spiritually, and in an agreement with many other souls, they took on the heavier karmic experiences needed by the weaker ones in a soul cluster. Thus my parents’ union was marked by unresolved conflict and trauma that they could handle but the weaker souls could not; that enabled the weaker ones to choose less difficult emotional karmic connections that they could bring into balance and strengthen the soul cluster. Although my three siblings and I were not part of that agreement, the dissension between our parents provided the ideal environment each of us needed to flourish in ways we required for balance.

A large scale example of souls helping souls is what you call “walk-ins,” which are far more prevalent than at any other period on the planet. The original souls that inhabit the bodies fulfill their contracts that call for turmoil or illness or severe deprivation, and the souls who agree to enter the bodies infuse them with light and the will to overcome the difficult conditions and proceed to accomplish their reasons for wanting to embody. The advantage to the latter souls is that in many cases, they enter adult bodies with academic and experiential learning, a running start so to say for succeeding in their chosen ways to help manifest the Golden Age.

“What is the risk of being a ‘Wanderer/Star Seed’ incarnating here at this time? What is the worst that can happen if the Wanderer from higher density fails to ‘wake up’ before 2012? Will such a being be trapped in 3rd density because of this?” First, there does not appear to be a consensus on Earth as to what constitutes a “starseed.” From our perspective, every soul in this universe is a “starseed,” but I shall reply to the questions as if these are exceptional beings who came from advanced civilizations to take on a more complex or more arduous mission than the majority of the populace. Because the planet has greatly more light than say, ten years ago or even five, there is much less risk now than previously of such beings becoming trapped in third density. The worst that can happen is that “trapped” individuals succumb to the frailties of unfamiliarly dense bodies; they may retain inklings of some special purpose for the lifetime, resonate with truthful information and feel attuned to universal laws, but due to dense bodies’ limited brain functioning, the rest is forgotten or distorted and the lifetime may be a series of frustrations instead of achievements that lighten hearts and minds. There is no penalty—that is, no incurrence of karma to balance—but at soul level there is disappointment along with understanding and compassion for the personage whose experience on Earth does not happen as intended.

The question, “Does each planet have its own station?” prompts me to be more mindful about terms that may need to be more clearly defined. “Station” as we use it is not related to any specific “place” or civilization, but rather is the level of spiritual growth a soul has attained regardless of its universal origin and number of experiencing lifetimes. When I speak of “souls at this station,” I refer to a peer group whose spiritual clarity has evolved into attunement with the unconditional love and awareness of the Oneness of All. This could be called “group mind” or “collective souls” because of the shared enlightenment, but in a larger sense, it is a melding of innumerable personage soul-selves into one “higher soul.” I hope that gives a clearer understanding of “station,” but I need to say as well that there is no way to accurately describe a state of being that only life in form or in spirit in higher densities has the capacity for comprehension.

Moving on to diverse topics of interest, the plane that made a forced landing in New York’s Hudson River was much more than the capability of the captain—with all due respect for his capability, he had a host of heavenly helpers because no person in that plane had a contract that “was up.” The plane was sabotaged, and those responsible cannot understand why their diabolical plan failed just as it did when the intent was to assassinate Obama in a plane crash. They cannot even imagine his protection within the impermeable grid of the light of Christ consciousness just as they cannot accept that the long reign of darkness is over.

This time the sabotage was multi-purposed: kill the passengers they wanted to eliminate; cause many deaths and great property destruction when the plane crashed as anticipated on terra firma in the same city where two planes destroyed the twin towers; create a logical atmosphere for refreshing the fear after “9/11”; claim a terrorist caused the crash and cast doubts on Obama’s ability to protect the United States from terrorism and thereby turn optimism to negativity. What the Illuminati lack in conscience, they make up for in intelligence, however lacking in prudence and wisdom; and it is now strikingly clear to those who thought it was their efforts that took your new president from a junior senator to the White House, that he has a vision for the nation and world that is diametrically opposed to their own.

We cannot give a specific time when the truth about “9/11” will come forth publicly, but we assure you, it will. Part of Earth’s cleansing is truth replacing lies in every nook and cranny of the former strongholds of the darkness.

We understand that it is difficult to reconcile unusually low temperatures, heavy snowfalls, flooding, melting glaciers and wind storms with what we have told you, that eventually there will be a moderate climate globally and all lands will be habitable. The harsh conditions are part of Earth’s balancing through planetary cleansing and the restoration of her health as a body, a return to her original Eden self; and almost all who are dealing with weather-related destruction and other hardships chose these kinds of experiences to bring balance to other lifetimes.

The increasing sightings of spacecraft are a preface to the appearance of such a large fleet that their presence no longer can be denied by those governments that have long ignored, ridiculed via “entertainment” or concocted foolish stories to prove that UFOs and ETs don’t exist. The little grays living underground will not emerge en masse—the time has long since passed when the Illuminati could have managed that, and the same is so regarding a holographic representation of an invading force descending from the skies.

Now, in the same spirit of exultation and brilliant light of hope that is pervasive in your world, we bid you farewell even as we lovingly accompany you every moment along your pathway.
Suzanne Ward (English) (Portuguese, French, Italian)

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Comment by RL on January 23, 2009 at 3:51am
im all for erasing my educational debt via monetary terms. LOL

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