Cilantro Pesto Said to Remove Heavy Metals

In Today's Health Issues:
1) Cilantro
2) Cilantro Chelation Pesto
3) Eat While Detoxing Your Body!
4) Cilantro Blend -- Coriander/Yellow Dock Tincture
1) Cilantro
Dr. David G. Williams
There's nothing I like more than learning about inexpensive, common herbs or spices that exhibit unusual healing properties. Historically, the use of herbs and spices in cooking evolved as a method to preserve foods and make them safer to store and eat. We've grown accustomed to using these items to enhance or accentuate the flavors of food, but researchers continue to discover herbs have much more to offer than just good taste. Cilantro is such an herb and one of its medicinal benefits was uncovered through the work of Dr. Yoshiaki Omura.
Dr. Omura treated several patients for an eye infection called trachoma (granular conjunctivitis), which is caused by the micro-organism Chlamydia trachomatis. Following the standard treatment, Dr. Omura found that the patients' symptoms would initially clear up, only to recur within a few months. He experienced similar difficulties in treating viral-related problems like herpes simplex types I & II and cytomegalovirus infections.
After taking a closer look, Dr. Omura found these organisms seemed to hide and flourish in areas of the body where there were concentrations of heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum. Somehow the organisms were able to use the toxic metals to protect themselves from the medicine. While he was testing for these toxic metals, Dr. Omura discovered that the leaves of the coriander plant (cilantro) could accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum from the body.
This came about accidentally when he noticed that mercury levels in urine increased after an individual consumed Vietnamese soup. The healthy soup contained coriander, or, as it is better known in this country, cilantro. And when cilantro was used concurrently with natural antiviral or antibiotic agents and/or omega-3 fatty acids, the infections could be eliminated for good.
Dr. Omura's discovery resulted in a novel technique, which greatly increased the body's ability to clear up recurring infections, both viral and bacterial. By chance, he also discovered an inexpensive, easy way to remove -- or chelate -- toxic metals from the nervous system and body tissues. Chelation therapy using chemical agents like EDTA has long been used to help remove heavy metals, but cilantro is the only natural substance I'm aware of that has demonstrated this ability.
I highly recommend you take advantage of this "poor man's chelation treatment." All it takes is adding a quantity of cilantro to your diet daily, for two or three weeks. You can add a handful of fresh cilantro to a salad, mix a couple of teaspoons of cilantro pesto with whole wheat pasta, spread the pesto on toasted Italian bread, or have it with your favorite fish (good in soups). Any of these dishes will give you the dosages Dr. Omura used in his research.
Courtesy of Sue
2) Cilantro Chelation Pesto
Heavy metal poisoning is rampant. It is a major cause of hormonal imbalances, cancer, thyroid problems, neurological disturbances, learning problems, depression, food allergies, parasites, etc. etc. This is a great recipe that is not only easy to make but also really yummy, and it tells you how to remove heavy metals from the body!
Cilantro is truly a healing food. One friend suffering from high blood pressure due to mercury poisoning had her blood pressure return to normal after eating two teaspoons of this pesto daily for only a week. So whether you need to detoxify heavy metals from your body or just wish to use it as a preventative measure, 2 teaspoons a day is all you need to take. This pesto has now become a regular in my diet. Enjoy!
Cilantro Chelation Pesto
4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium)
1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium)
2 cups packed fresh cilantro (coriander, Chinese parsley) (vitamin A)
2/3 cup flaxseed oil
4 tablespoons lemon juice (vitamin C)
2 tsp dulse powder
Sea salt to taste
Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a pinch to sea salt to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase cilantro in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.
Cilantro has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser.
Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks is purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum, thus effectively removing these toxic metals from our bodies. We can consider doing this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year. The pesto is delicious on toast, baked potatoes, and pasta.
Courtesy of Nance / PLANETNEWS
3) Eat While Detoxing Your Body!
© By Lena Sanchez
A delightful healthy and tasty remedy to our environmental polluted bodies. I didn't discover it but I strongly approve of Dr. Omura's findings. How great is it that you can eat and detox at the same time?
Dr. Omura said he discovered, almost by accident, that the leaves of the coriander plant can accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead and aluminum from the body. He had been treating several patients for an eye infection called trachoma (granular conjunctivitis), which is caused by the micro-organism Chlamydia trachomatis. Following the standard treatment with antibiotics, Dr. Omura found that the patients' symptoms would clear up initially, then recur within a few months. He experienced similar difficulties in treating viral-related problems like Herpes Simplex types I & II and Cytomegalovirus infections.
After taking a closer look, Dr. Omura found these organisms seemed to hide and flourish in areas of the body where there were concentrations of heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminium. Somehow the organisms were able to use the toxic metals to protect themselves from the antibiotics.
It just so happens that while he was testing for these toxic metals, Dr. Omura noticed that mercury levels in the urine increased after one consumed a healthy serving of Vietnamese soup. The soup contained Chinese parsley, or as it is better known in this country, cilantro. (Some of you may also know it as coriander, since it comes from the leaves of the coriander plant.)
Further testing revealed that eating cilantro also increased the urinary excretion of lead and aluminum. And when cilantro was used concurrently with the antibiotics or natural antiviral agents and/or fatty acids like EPA with DHA, the above infections could be eliminated for good. ...
Dr. Omura has made a remarkable discovery. He's found a novel technique, which greatly increases our ability to clear up recurring infections, both viral and bacterial. And, perhaps more exciting, he's discovered an inexpensive, easy way to remove (or "chelate") toxic metals from the nervous system and body tissues-one that anyone can use.
Great News for Amalgam Sufferers
Cilantro Pesto
1 clove garlic
cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons olive oil
Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process until the cilantro is chopped. Add the rest of the ingredients and process to a lumpy paste. (You may need to add a touch of hot water and scrape the sides of the blender.) You can change the consistency by altering the amount of olive oil and lemon juice, but keep the 3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (It freezes well, so you can make several batches at once.)
Can you imagine eating and detoxing? Yes by adding cilantro to your foods that's exactly what happens!
Go in health!
Lena Sanchez a retired Medical office nurse/administrator & a health and business consultant
Editor of "Natural Environmental Health & Business Facts"
Courtesy of C Schutz via Mahara Renay
4) Cilantro Blend -- Coriander/Yellow Dock Tincture
Detoxifies Heavy Metal (mercury from amalgamated fillings)
By Klaus Ferlow
Excerpt from The Botanical Review -- a technical bulletin published by:
The Institute of Quantum & Molecular Medicine:
Since Roman times cilantro has been used as food and medicine. A recent study by Dr. Yoshiaki Omura from the Heart Disease Research Foundation, New York, NY, USA (Acupuncture Electrotherapy Res. 96; 21 (2) 133-60 and Acupunct Eletrother Res. 1995 Aug-Dec. 20 (3-4) : 195-229 has discovered that the herb cilantro will detoxify mercury from neural tissue*., is used to help stimulate the appetite and relieves minor digestive irritation.This is a remarkable discovery. It is a novel technique, which greatly increased our ability to clear up recurring infections, both viral and bacterial. Bioactive Cilantro blend is an inexpensive, easy way to remove (or chelate) toxic metals from the nervous system and body tissues. Cilantro blend contains yellow dock to help drain the mercury from the connective tissues. It is an excellent blood cleanser, tonic, and builder, working through increasing the ability of the liver and related organs to strain and purify the blood and lymph system. Achieves it’s tonic properties through the astringent purification of the blood supply to the glands and acts as a cleansing herb for the lymphatic system.
Do dental amalgam fillings contain toxic material?
Silver fillings are made up of five different metals, amalgamated together to form a solid mass which hardens in the mouth. The main ingredient in amalgam is mercury, which accounts for about 50 percent of the completed filling. The other ingredients are silver, copper, tin, zinc and occasionally nickel. Mercury vapors are released in the mouth in low level concentrations when fillings are subjected to the pressure and abrasion of chewing.
Actually, all of the elements comprising dental amalgam are toxic metals, but mercury is by far the most toxic. Sharma & Obersteiner established that mercury is more toxic than lead, cadmium, and even arsenic. Mercury has a very high absorption rate and is capable of entering the human body very rapidly and completely. Mercury vapor is fat soluble and neutral electrically. It has the ability to easily penetrate cell membranes and pass rapidly into the body from the blood into the body cells.
Systemic Effects:
Neurological: Frequent or chronic headaches, dizziness, ringing or noises in the ears, fine tremors (hands, feet, lips, eyelids, and tongue).
Immunological: Allergies, rhinitis (inflammation of the nose), sinusitis, asthma, lymphaddenopathy (especially cervical or neck).
Endocrine: Subnormal temperatures, cold, clammy skin, especially hands and feet, excessive perspiration.
Other: Muscle weakness, fatigue, hypoxia (lack of oxygen), anorexia, joint pains, anemia, Edema (swelling), loss of weight.
Severe Cases: Hallucinations, manic depression.
Cilantro’s postulated mechanism of action is to act as a reducing agent changing the charge on the intracellular mercury to a neutral state allowing mercury to diffuse down it’s concentration gradient into connective tissue. This is called connective tissue mercury toxicity. The next step is to remove the mercury from the connective tissue. Mercury is preferentially attracted to the cell wall of the unicellular organism chorella. It can also be bound to sulfhydryl groups in garlic or to sulfur in the form of MSM. To get the mercury out, a cleansing of the liver, intestines, kidneys and lymph should be done. The clinical goal is to convert mercury into a state enabling it to be removed from the cells and be eliminated from the brain, connective tissues, lymph system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys.
Good News For Amalgam Sufferers:
Chelation therapy using chemicals like EDTA has long been used to help remove these heavy metals, but cilantro is a natural substance that is good news for people suffering from the ill effects of amalgam dental fillings.
Dr. Omura recently performed another study in which three amalgams were removed from an individual using all of the precautions available to prevent absorption of the mercury from the amalgam. Even with strong air and water suctioning, water rinses, and a rubber dental dam, significant amounts of mercury were later found in the individual’s lungs, kidneys, endocrine organs, liver and heart. No mercury was detected in these tissues prior to the date of removal.
The active components in cilantro are fragile, and processing by heat will destroy the chelating agents. It is therefore recommended that it be taken in a liquid botanical preparation or raw, to get the most out of this remarkable herb.
Indications and Usage:
Metal toxicity, mercury amalgam toxicity, immune disorders, premature aging, cardiovascular disease, allergies, Alzheimer’s, gastrointestinal disorders, psychological disorders, asthma, cancer, chronic fatigue, endocrine disorders and gingivitis.
*The food and drug administration have not evaluated this statement. It
is not our intension to prescribe or make any specific health claims
for this product. Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come
under the direction of a health care practitioner.
Alternatives, Dr. David G. Williams, Vol.7, No.12, June, 1998, p91-92.
Sharma, R.P. & Obersteiner, E.J. Metals and Neurotoxic Effects:
Cytotoxicity of Selected Metallic Compounds of Chick Ganglia Cultures.
J Comp Path 91:235-44 1981.
Haltiwanger, Steven MD “Clinical Use of Mineral Transporters and their
Effects on Cell Membrane Capacitance”, Lecture, Second International
Congress of BioEnergetic Medicine, Institure of Quantum and Molecular
Medicine, Daniel g. Clark, President, February 20-22, 1998.
Magos, L. Mercury-Blood Interaction and Mercury Uptake by the Brain
After Vapor Exposure. Environ. Res 1:323-37,1967.
Clarkson, T.W.; Friberg, L; Hursh, J.; Nylander, M. The Prediction of
Intake of Mercury Vapor from Amalgams in Biological Monitoring of Toxic
Metals. Eds: Clarkson, Fribert, Nordberg, Sager, Plenium Press, New
York, February, 1988.
Bioprobe Newsletter 6(5) September 1990.
Please Note: It is not our intention to prescribe or make specific
health claims for any of our products. Any attempt to diagnose and
treat illness should come under the direction of your health care
Larry Morningstar
Health Issues
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