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J.P. Morgan 'Literally Goes Up In Flames! And Just After they lose all there physical gold. Hmmmm..

‘Basement Fire’ At JP Morgan’s Headquarters
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New York – There has been a fire in the basement of the JP Morgan headquarters in New York. Independent Journalist StopMotionsolo was on scene to film the action from outside.

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J.P. Morgan 'Literally Goes Up In Flames! And Just After they lose all there physical gold. Hmmmm..

BREAKING: Massive Fire Reported In The Basement At The JP Morgan Gold Warehouse On Wall Street, 20 Firetrucks Showed Up!

20 Firetrucks, 4+ ambulance and police showed up

There is zero media coverage about this beside Stopmotions stream of the event and a few locals tweeting about it

This is supposedly where JP Morgan keeps their gold. The very same gold that has been dwindling down at astonishing rates lately. JP Morgan warehouse 100 feet below CMP 1 on Wall Street.

Tons of Fire Trucks and even Ambulances on the scene.

Learn about the New AMEX Everyday Card

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FDNY Confirms Fire in JPMorgan/Chase Vault
See this link from FDNY on Twitter:

New York – There has been a fire in the basement of the JP Morgan headquarters in New York. Independent Journalist StopMotionsolo was on scene to film the action from outside.


*UPDATE: FDNY tweet confirms fire is in a commercial vault!
A journalist on scene on Wall Street this evening has just sent us footage of a massive fleet of Firetrucks and ambulances in front of JP Morgan’s headquarters at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, with fire-fighters stating they are responding to a COMMERCIAL VAULT FIRE IN THE BASEMENT!

With JPM’s gold inventory plunging 66% Friday to an all-time low of 46,000 ounces, and with reportedly over 502,000 ounces still standing against JPM for the JUNE gold contract, is the long anticipated force-majeure event in progress?

Did A Raging Fire Burn Down JPMorgan’s Gold Vault?

7-19-2013 JPM Eligible Gold Plummets By 66% In One Day To Just Over 1 Tonne, Total Gold At Fresh All Time Low.

For over a month, JPMorgan managed to mysteriously avoid matching up the gold held in its (world’s largest) vault with the Comex delivery notice update. However, as of today, that particular can will be kicked no more. Starting yesterday, JPM reported that just under 12,000 ounces of Eligible gold (the same Registered gold that two days earlier saw its warrants detached and convert to eligible) were withdrawn from its warehouse 100 feet below CMP 1. But it was today’s move that was the kicker, as a whopping 90,311 ounces of eligible gold were withdrawn, accounting for a massive 66% of the firm’s entire inventory of non-Registered gold, and leaving a token 46K ounces, or a little over 1 tonne in JPM’s possession.

JP Morgan has record modern-era lows in gold inventory against massive paper claims. Similarly, the COMEX is running close to empty as well against massive outstanding paper claims.



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Comment by Besimi on October 26, 2014 at 10:31pm

The UN Has Laid the Foundation and Location For World War III

Dave Hodges | thecommonsenseshow

Dating back over a 100 years, the United States laid claim to much of the Arctic region.The Arctic region is known to hold large amounts of untapped oil and gas reserves. The United Nations previously canceled all land claims in the Arctic region. This is in response to these territories being at the center of several disputes between the United States, Russia, Canada, to a large degree, and it also includes Norway and Denmark, to a smaller degree.

The UN Has Laid the Foundation and Location For World War III

Under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which was finalized in 1982, countries can lay claim to the ocean floor well beyond their borders so long as they can provide convincing scientific evidence to prove that a particular seabed is an extension of their continental shelf. Already, countries have sovereign rights to resources within 200 nautical miles of their territorial waterways. For a country to determine whether they have economic sovereignty beyond that distance, the UN agreement requires comprehensive mapping that establishes some sort of geologic justification for the claim. And where the Arctic is concerned, Canada, the US, Norway, Russia, and Denmark have been amassing scientific evidence for more than a decade in an effort to increase their piece of this resource-rich pie.

The process of determining the national origins of several sea shelves is a multi-generational endeavor. The United Nations is dragging its feet on making any determination as to the validity of claims upon the Arctic region. It appears that the failing world’s national economies cannot afford to wait 20, 30, 40 years before laying claim to such a vast amount of wealth. This is a prescription for war and I submit that this is being done deliberately by the globalists controlling the UN.

The UN’s Motivation to Start WW III

The United Nations is ultimately controlled by the global elite. In fact, the origins of the modern UN owes it location and prominence to David Rockefeller who provided both the seed money and the land in New York City for its present location.

The ubiquitous purpose underlying the shenanigans of the global elite is to establish order out of chaos, or more accurately, the New World Order out of manufactured chaos. The best way to build the New World Order is to destroy the old one and the most efficient method of doing that is creating the conditions that will lead to World War III.

While all eyes are on Ukraine, Syria and Iran, we should be focused on the North Pole. For it is in the Arctic that war drums are beating. By purposely delaying the determination of rights of claim to Arctic land containing vast amounts of mineral resources, the United Nations has all but guaranteed that a war will be fought to determine control over the region and its resources. The remaining part of this article will describe the arms race and secret war games being conducted in preparation for World War III in the Arctic.

A Telling Interview with Sweden’s Agneta Nordberg

Agneta Nordberg is the Vice Chair of the Swedish Peace Council,  a member of the Steering Committee in The International Peace Bureau (IPB) and she is highly concerned that Sweden is being used by the United States and its NATO allies to conduct their war games on Swedish soil. Sweden is a supposed neutral country and has signed agreements in opposition to exactly what is going on which are secret war games on its soil. And if it were not for a Norwegian military plane crash into MountKebnekaise, the world would never have discovered these secret war games taking place in northern Sweden and Norway. Nordberg stated that the reason for the war games is because of the melting ice which has exposed the vast amounts of mineral resources, the largest in the world. It is not an overstatement to proclaim that whoever controls the Arctic, will someday control the world’s economy.

Whoever controls this region, will ultimately control the world's economy.

A clear picture is emerging on the corporate influences which will culminate in World War III in the Arctic.

Seven Years of Secret Arctic U.S. War Games

Since 2007, there have  been massive NATO Arctic war maneuvers in both Sweden and Norway with all of NATO, and specifically, the United States. One of the war games was dubbed the Nordic Air Meet, in 2007, where most of NATO took part in massive war games designed to protect interests in the Arctic from Russian incursion. Again, in 2009, operation  Loyal Arrow, was held which was the largest air war game in history involving the northern part of Sweden, Norway, and also in Finland. These Arctic war games have continued with the Cold Response №1, a winter maneuver in the northern part of Sweden and northern Norway. And another war game took place in March of 2012, known as the Cold Response №2.

In a very provocative move, both NATO and the U.S. have installed an advanced radar system only a few kilometers from the Russian border known as the Vardo radar system. Vardo  is  dangerous because it is embedded within amissile defense system. This system is a checkmate against Russian offensive missile weapons systems located near the Arctic. The installation of Vardo is an act of aggression and, in some circles, is considered an act of war.

Russia’s Military Objectives

Follow the money and all questions will be answered with regard to America’s enemies and their designs on control of the Arctic, most notably, the Russian government and its military. A clear picture on why Russian soldiers are being spotted in many locations in Alaska is also becoming transparent. This story starts with the giveaway of seven oil rich Islands which should be a part of Alaska but was given away to Russia when Obama was elected President. The giveaway of these Islands constitutes treason by Obama.

Senator Begich from Alaska wrote a letter in response to my previous claims of treason with regard to the giveaway of these Islands and said that these Islands always belonged to Russia and the proof for this dates back to 1867. Then this should have never been a point of contention in the Alaska media, and it was, when the transfer was made (See the map featured below of the disputed Islands that appeared repeatedly in the Alaskan media at the time of the transfer). My military sources should not be concerned with this giveaway if this was only a benign giveaway, but they are highly concerned as they have pointed out to me that three of the Islands could be ideal origination points for a Russian invasion of Alaska. The other four Islands serve to support Russian military forays into the mineral rich Arctic region. The duplicitous nature of the Begich letter, published by a reader, in the comment section of my website, should be cause for concern because the emerging facts suggest that Russia is preparing to conquer and possess the mineral rich resources of the Arctic.

Operating under the notion that a picture is worth a thousand words, let’s take a look at the seven disputed Islands and Russian mineral retrieval activities in the Arctic.

alaska 2

Now compare the Russian Arctic mineral retrieval activities and the military significance should jump off the page at the reader. There are additional Russian Arctic territorial claims which conflict with US territorial claims. Russia is making several territorial claims in relation to several Arctic shelf areas and is planning to defend their claims to the United Nations. After reading the final section of this article, I believe the Russian intention of obtaining UN approval is merely window dressing. They are preparing to take what they want by whatever means necessary.

russian arctic oil and gas fields

For the Russians to realize their Arctic goals, Alaska would have to be neutralized and the groundwork has been laid for this eventuality. Additionally, a successful Russian takeover of the Arctic would depend on the neutralization of America’s nuclear capabilities. This objective is being carried out by Obama as I write these words.

To Obama and Begich,  I would ask both of you if this is just a misunderstanding which can be explained away by using the word, COINCIDENCE, because we know that in the shadowy world of Washington DC and the corporate controlled media, there is no such thing as a conspiracy. Conspiracies aside, Obama and Begich will have fun explaining the following publicized military activities of the Russians which never really died.

Judge By Their Actions, Not By Their Words

north pole russian soldiersAll five of the previously mentioned nations, along with China, have territorial and mineral claims with regard to the Arctic and these claims conflict with each other and form the breeding ground for WW III.

The Russians are in war mode, Arctic war mode. I do not see how any reasonable person could read the following accounts of Russian military buildup in the Arctic and not conclude that the spark for WW III will not begin here.

Russia is adding 40 new naval ships to its nuclear arsenal in 2014. By the end of 2015, Russia will have nearly as many naval ships as the United States.

Retrofitted combat aircraft from Russia’s Northern Fleet will extend the ranges of their patrol flights over the Arctic in 2014 using a network of revamped Soviet-era airfields.

The Russian fleet’s Tu-142 and Il-38 reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare aircraft carried out over 30 patrol missions in the Arctic last year. The Russians have announced their intentions to carry out many more such missions.

Ballistic missile submarines make up one part of Russia’s strategic nuclear triad along with land-based ICBMs and the Russian bomber force. The Borey submarine is Russia’s first post-Soviet ballistic missile submarine class and will form the mainstay of the strategic submarine fleet, replacing aging Typhoon, Delta-3 and Delta-4 class boats. The creation of the Borey signals that the Russian economy is in war mode.

Russia ultimately expects to manufacture eight Borey-class submarines by the year 2020. People constantly are asking me for time frames connected to these events and I dismiss such questions as a fool’s errand. However, the deployment of these submarines by 2020 may provide a clue as to the timetable that the globalists are operating under. Oh yes, make no mistake about it, this coming war will not happen without the blessings of the Bastards from Basel.

Additionally, the Russians are commissioning other submarines as well. Russia’s first Project 885M Yasen-class attack submarine, the Severodvinsk, was handed over to the navy at end of 2013. This submarine has been under construction since 1993. This fact goes a long way to justify the claims made by several Russian defectors that the Soviet Union never really fell and always planned to attack the United States at some future date.


If enough people were to hold Begich’s and Obama’s feet to the fire, they would have some very difficult explaining to do. I think it is little wonder that Congress is in the process of taking capital punishment off of the books for a conviction of treason.

Many are probably wondering about the presence of Russian troops in the lower 48 states. And what about that bilateral agreement between FEMA and the Russian military to bring thousands of soldiers to US soil.

Comment by Besimi on October 26, 2014 at 10:15pm

U.S. Surrenders Control of the Internet in 2015 The State Column

U.S. government to surrender control of the Internet in 2015 The State Column, | March 15, 2014 The decision for ICANN and the government to part ways comes after years of mounting concern from the Internet community that ICANN was being negatively influenced due to government interference. The United States government is finally ready to let go of its last vestiges of control over the administration of the internet. According to an article published on Friday by Computer World, the United States National Telecommunications and Information Administration has announced plans to cut all remaining ties with ICANN ( the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the California-based nonprofit in charge of coordinating Internet domain names and other key web identifying information on a global scale. A contract between ICANN and the U.S. government has existed in some form since the former entity came to be in 1998. Back then, the government handed over to ICANN the Internet-related responsibilities that it had previously overseen itself. Now, the NTIA has stated that the government will end all affiliation with ICANN by the fall of 2015. ICANN has been tasked with developing a new global Internet governance model that it will use once separated from the government. If the NTIA feels that the model is sufficient for keeping the Internet running smoothly, it will step aside and opt to not renew its contract with ICANN when the current one expires in September of next year. The decision for ICANN and the government to part ways comes after years of mounting concern from the Internet community that ICANN was being negatively influenced due to government interference. After last year’s controversy surrounding the NSA’s Internet spying programs, the noise calling for a separation of ICANN and the NTIA became even louder. However, according to Lawrence Strickling, the administrator for the NTIA, the government administration’s choice to distance itself from ICANN has nothing to do with the NSA, but instead with the fact that the government had always intended to let go of ICANN eventually. Strickling also said that he and the rest of the NTIA want to see the Internet entirely separated from government interests – a desire that matches with what most of the web community wants. Strickling claimed that the NTIA would “not accept a proposal that replaces the NTIA with a government-led or intergovernmental solution.” Instead, the government agency wants the Internet fully privatized, so long as ICANN develop a governance model that has support from the Internet community and “maintain(s) the security, stability, and resiliency of the Internet Domain Name System.”

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Comment by Besimi on October 26, 2014 at 11:30am

JP MORGAN GOLD INVENTORIES: Fall A Stunning 33% In One Day

Filed in Precious Metals by SRSrocco on October 23, 2014 • 15 Comments

As the increasingly volatile stock markets bounced back higher today,  JP Morgan experienced one of the largest withdrawals of gold from its inventories this year.  In just one day, a stunning 321,500 oz of gold (10 metric tons) were removed from JP Morgan’s Eligible inventories.


Total gold inventories at JP Morgan fell 33% from 983,693 oz yesterday, to 662,193 today.  Of course, this had to come from JP Morgan’s Eligible inventories, because there are only 176,436 oz of gold in their Registered inventories.

You will notice, that the amount is exactly 321,500 oz (10 metric tons) to the TEE… and as Harvey Organ and Bill Holter have commented, it’s extremely rare for a gold bar or series of gold bars to equal exactly 10 metric tons.  Instead, we should see a fraction of an amount shown as an example in the MANFRA, TORDELLA & BROOKES gold transfer of 29,752.630 oz from the Registered category to Eligible.

Looks like this transfer was LEGIT as we can see the fraction of 0.630 oz shown in the transfer.  I gather JP MORGAN feels that it doesn’t need to be bothered with accounting for these silly fractions, when they have to deal with much larger numbers such as the $70 trillion of Derivatives on their balance sheet.

It will be interesting to see if this 10 metric ton gold withdrawal from JP Morgan becomes an entry in one of the other Bank’s vaults in the next day or so.  Or maybe, it’s on its way to CHINA or INDIA. Either way… just another interesting data point taking place as the broader stock markets continue to CONVULSE up and down like someone suffering from a HEART-ATTACK.

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