Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It think its time to stop pretending

Everyday im on here, because i want to see progress. I want to see some validation the the human race is not heading for extinction due to stupidity. But you know what i see everyday here. I see Channelers, Telling us soon peace will come. I see media about all of the negative that happens on this earth.
On the very rare occation do i actually see progress. The love police is progress. Ron Paul is progress. The advancement of our technologies that are not intended for war is progress.

Let me tell you what is not in no way shape or form progress and is actually the reason for this blog post. Channelers! Mediums! Whatever you call them they all spout the same stuff that mostly revolves around the word soon. Now that is not to say there isn't wisdom to come from them. But in terms of predictions of what will happen and why we should remain calm, we just are not seeing any real results in the world.

So this is my choice. And i hope others will follow, because all i want to do is lead you away from the things that keep you content with living in the broken world. All i want to do is ignite the flame of passion inside of you to take action.
All channelers who predict anything, I will render your speech null and void of any truth what so ever, Until the time comes when it is fulfilled. In which case i will apologies, But i highly doubt i will need to. I will make it my will to go out of my way NOT to read your drivel AND to warn others against it. for it is highly damaging.

This is MY MESSAGE to the Galactic Federation of Light, to White Cloud and Metatron, Hillairon and Saint Germain, and the Ascended Masters. If there are any names here i have forgotten, I MEAN YOU TOO.
ITS TIME TO STOP PRETENDING. Its time to nut up or shut up! Stop Promising and start DOING. You are worse that our Goddamn presidential elections, And you lull people into a false sense of security, taking the responsibility of protecting our own planet out of our hands because we feel we don't need to do anything. Your predictions cause more harm to this world than good.The Whole world has been collectively screaming for relief since before our history's can remember. And your excuse is that we are not wanting your help? Bullshit. Why not take a page from one of our scriptures." Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" Give us the means to break our cycle of fear. Because saving this world calls for nothing short of a miracle. One we can pull off ourselves, but we need to inspiration to do so. We need to know we are part of something bigger. And right now the average human believe they are a tiny self contained shell. The ball needs to start rolling cause as of now its unmoving, devoid of life. Its a spherical dead weight.

Fellow lightworkers use your voice to demand these beings come out of our skies, and stop hiding.


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Comment by nonya on July 15, 2010 at 10:28pm
PT, you know what it is.....People for the past couple of years having been on a long rope of hope for all of these promises of ascension. There are many who dont fit in on this planet right now. There are people who feel helpless for the lack of knowing where to grab on to the reigns of this outta control beast. People are suffering world wide from hunger, torture, homelessness, unemployment. Then there are those of us trying REALLY hard to keep everyone afloat and above their problems by trying to convince them that this will be over soon. When we say soon, we meant since 2000.....2005......oooh great hope with Blossom Goodchild in 2008.....nothing....and here we are 6+ months of rounding the corner of 2011 and no end in sight. So the unimaginable impotence of some of us backed by empty promises that entities are making in addition to our own governmental lies = a very large group of us that cant stand all of these stupid empty predictions. And even though we know they are a load of shit, the people that are waking up do not know and Vaddix and myself do not want others to fall victim to these lofty speaking entities. Either PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!!
Comment by nonya on July 15, 2010 at 12:29pm
I think someone or some people need to get together and start knocking on the doors (metaphorically speaking) of all of the aforementioned channelers and get some concrete answers. I want Mike Quincy to produce Salusa. I want St.Germaine to stop talking to the breathy guy with the toga and come talk to us. These channelers need to be in some way asked to produce their friends in the ethers. Alll of their messages are becoming vacant. My favorite is we are all getting our powers back....really?!?! I look around me at all the good people I know and NOBODY is levitating or reading minds yet.
Comment by Simmy on July 15, 2010 at 11:47am
I think it is important to add that I (and I'm sure everybody else here does) have all the respect in the world for our SoE friends that post the channelers messages here. They are only putting the info out there for each one of us decide what to do with it. The issue is with the channelers, although sometimes even they are being manipulated, I think.
Comment by Bishop on July 15, 2010 at 11:32am
Agree with you too Vadix. I believe its going to take nothing less than them showing up on mass in order to create the shift in people that we need. And soon should have been and gone, i feel that they are well over due for showing up. And if they don't at all, then i guess we will stay fucked. But alot can happen and alot can change in 2 years. And yeah, ive had enough of channels giving seemingly false hope. prove to us already!!
Comment by nonya on July 15, 2010 at 11:05am
VADDIX, I am BEYOND sick of hearing the same shit over and over. They are coming soon has been a broken record for a few years. I would be embarrassed to keep posting blogs/videos of the same shit. Salusa is a prime example. Mike Quincy has no email address (so nobody can contact him) (strange he can post online) and the story has been the same since 2005. This channeler shit is getting old and I wish they would either validate themselves in a way that we can all see or go the fuck away.
Comment by MysticalEnigma on July 15, 2010 at 10:20am
I Wonder exactly what they mean by "soon". what's they timescale in "soon". if they could elaborate that, it would already be a good indication. :)

I guess here, it's important to draw a line between how far we need to go, as individuals or as a collective, and where they need to meet us 1/2 way if you know what I mean. Where is the balance between those two? And when can we say that they are pretending? After we tried what exactly? You know where I'm heading with this?

if we are really in this much need of help, well that's one thing. But my first question then is when can we really say that we are in such a need of help? And when does it become obvious that we individuals or we humanity, are truely heading in the wrong direction? Since I joined SOE, I've been researching a lot, trying things, whatever came to mind at the time, whatever "resonated" with me shall we say. And since then, I believe I've learned a lot. Today, reading your post, part of me agrees, IE, the points you make here, seem valid to me, as in perhaps there really should be a 1/2 way point where our efforts are noticed and answered shall we say. However, another part of me, even if I can genuinely say I've been very busy trying to grow, and did a lot of things in that sense, part of me wonders if I have done enough yet. And that's where the line between "I tried all I could, but couldn't". becomes important. because far enough down the line of trying, even if you stop, doesn't mean you gave up, it means you realized that there's nothing else, you can conceive, that is working in the growth you want to achieve. And at that point, as you say here, a little inspiration might be all you need. :).

And of course, we're all human, each of us, will define that line of when we need inspiration ourselves, based on what we experienced, are experiencing, and will experience in the future. :)

But yes, I'd lie to say I don't agree with you. :) But the other part of me, doesn't want to go around what I was supposed to do either. :)

All this will probably be very different for each person. :) No matter how hard we're all trying to get to the same point :).

My humble Opinion :)
Comment by Simmy on July 15, 2010 at 6:48am
I agree.
Just for the record, channelers and I never "seen eye to eye". I always take everything they say with a pinch of salt and even if the message resonates with me, that never stops me thinking and acting as I see fit.
As you said, it is time for action. We ( I ) just need a bit of direction, that's all.
Comment by Rachel on July 15, 2010 at 6:03am
yesssssss oh yes im with u im sick of the falseness of this truths that keeps uttering to nothing thanks i am with you on this matter there needs to be a change and soon or this will get everyones hopes for enlightenment dashed. Change needs to occur or happen really fast, humanity needs the spark to egnite, not being let down again, and again,and again.
Comment by patrick on July 15, 2010 at 5:18am
Well said Vaddix. If the result is inaction it is the wrong path, in these days, that is all I truly know.

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