Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It think its time to stop pretending

Everyday im on here, because i want to see progress. I want to see some validation the the human race is not heading for extinction due to stupidity. But you know what i see everyday here. I see Channelers, Telling us soon peace will come. I see media about all of the negative that happens on this earth.
On the very rare occation do i actually see progress. The love police is progress. Ron Paul is progress. The advancement of our technologies that are not intended for war is progress.

Let me tell you what is not in no way shape or form progress and is actually the reason for this blog post. Channelers! Mediums! Whatever you call them they all spout the same stuff that mostly revolves around the word soon. Now that is not to say there isn't wisdom to come from them. But in terms of predictions of what will happen and why we should remain calm, we just are not seeing any real results in the world.

So this is my choice. And i hope others will follow, because all i want to do is lead you away from the things that keep you content with living in the broken world. All i want to do is ignite the flame of passion inside of you to take action.
All channelers who predict anything, I will render your speech null and void of any truth what so ever, Until the time comes when it is fulfilled. In which case i will apologies, But i highly doubt i will need to. I will make it my will to go out of my way NOT to read your drivel AND to warn others against it. for it is highly damaging.

This is MY MESSAGE to the Galactic Federation of Light, to White Cloud and Metatron, Hillairon and Saint Germain, and the Ascended Masters. If there are any names here i have forgotten, I MEAN YOU TOO.
ITS TIME TO STOP PRETENDING. Its time to nut up or shut up! Stop Promising and start DOING. You are worse that our Goddamn presidential elections, And you lull people into a false sense of security, taking the responsibility of protecting our own planet out of our hands because we feel we don't need to do anything. Your predictions cause more harm to this world than good.The Whole world has been collectively screaming for relief since before our history's can remember. And your excuse is that we are not wanting your help? Bullshit. Why not take a page from one of our scriptures." Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" Give us the means to break our cycle of fear. Because saving this world calls for nothing short of a miracle. One we can pull off ourselves, but we need to inspiration to do so. We need to know we are part of something bigger. And right now the average human believe they are a tiny self contained shell. The ball needs to start rolling cause as of now its unmoving, devoid of life. Its a spherical dead weight.

Fellow lightworkers use your voice to demand these beings come out of our skies, and stop hiding.


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Comment by Golden_Angel_K on July 16, 2010 at 7:12pm
Hi all,

I want to suggest a possible idea of how to make the change, but is only in theory, i have read from the kabbalah blog, that we have to connect all in intention truly from our hearts, because our perceptions are totally differents.

If we can connect in intention from our hearts, lets say 4 days per week, 30 minutes at least. we will be creating this new earth, that we want. We are creators all, sons of god and god itself. At same time we are creating a kind of prayer to the creator, to make our creation appear in physicality.

It would be good idea to say: to have a kind of image in motion or static that we want about our new earth be born...Any ideas, suggestions???...Thank you
Comment by nonya on July 16, 2010 at 5:45pm
I agree with you PT. Although I dont think this is going to cause a rift in unity, but I am curious as to why the believers in this stuff are not digging deeper, instead the blind faith is just accepted. Blind faith in God is our only recourse in faith but individuals claiming they are speaking to entities should be looked at closer. That is as bad as people here in the US still believing what the government says without doing research or asking questions. This is a dangerous blind faith, but at least we have on the ground humans (govt) to ask questions. These invisible entities are no where to be found.
Comment by Vaddix on July 16, 2010 at 5:44pm
I think we can all agree that something needs to change, But i believe the biggest problem is how to start change. We spread the peace in our own way everyday, But its not enough, we preach we yell we scream at the ignorant mass's but they they don't want to be awoken. we can try legal battles but then we will be stuck in court forever.
HOW the fuck do we beat them? cause our current approach aint working, We use love, and they just kill us.
Comment by nonya on July 16, 2010 at 3:10pm
I think these channelers should be questioned further and asked to produce some sort of proof of what they are saying. These messages to weaker minds are causing suicides bcuz nothing is changing. These are becoming dangerous messages even though the intent behind them might be good. Example Blossom Goodchild, everyone went ballistic and if you watched that site whenthe event didnt happen, people were ready to kill her. So, all I am saying is that our governments are all lying to us and these channelers need to be taken to task on their agenda as well. God Visits the Virtual Light Broadcast is another blog here on SOE today and a perfect example of WTF!!! Who is this channeler to be talking to God and no one else has access???? CMON!!! People saying that it helps them to be better people....really??? We should have been learning to be better people as we grew up. And what about the big promises of ascension and all the wonderful things that will happen to you??? How do you think people who are at the end of their rope feel when this doesn't transpire or the people who are out there telling people this will soon be over AND ITS NOT!!! Address this for me.
Comment by ian on July 16, 2010 at 2:49pm
I too get frustrated myself. I question myself and my beliefs quite frequently, sometimes thinking we are all crazy and this is all bull shit.

I know a few things though. I know we are life that exists on a tiny planet in the universe. And because of that axiom the probability that we are not alone in the universe is very very high. I can logically say it is impossible that we are alone out there.

With that being said, the way life is right now makes no sense to me. So much hate, war and poverty. Many people can not get food and walk a half day to get a pitcher of bacteria water. The rest of the world just let these things happen. There is no need for this. It just shouldn't happen. In fact i can not understand why governing bodies just let this happen and don't give a crap. It makes no sense in my mind why we are worried about china, iraq or anything else. Why not just help china and have china and iraq and us help 3rd world countries and forget about war? I mean seriously it is that easy.

i find it hard to believe that this is the way life has to be. No other friendly life forms out there would live this way. Because of this I have to believe there is more to life and we have been missing something. So in conclusion I will not believe that all channels are bullshit. I simply can't because this is not the way life should be. Until the day comes where there is enough proof for the world to wake up and gives us our time to shine, the only thing to do is just enjoy each and every day no matter what it is you are doing, because doing that makes the smallest difference which affects the world.

much love
Comment by Gerd Ambranovic on July 16, 2010 at 1:58pm
I also think that the channelings are repeating again and again. But this is not a reasonto get upset about it. Then you only shootout negative energy into the atmosphere, and this helps no one.
Maybe we should drop our expectaations (like the buddhists say) and think positive and hope for the better.
I too feel that as i'm more conscious in my everyday life and more loving, things have changedfor the better.
And i got that from the channelings, so it helps.
Of course its annoying to read soon, soon, soon. So just pick up the interesting channelings and leave the repeating ones unread.
I think there are more important things to get upset about :-)
Comment by nonya on July 16, 2010 at 11:31am
PA...."or the Spaghetti monster's".. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Simmy on July 16, 2010 at 11:25am
What a great "2 cents" you just put here PA! Ditto to you!

Alex Rodri:
You said: "Some things that i really tried from reading these channels was to become a better/loving person and try to lift more people's hearts."
I have to say that this is the one good thing I took from reading those messages.
Comment by Alex Rodri on July 16, 2010 at 3:01am
great conversation/ post from the members here in SOE. I agree with most of you guys about less talk and more action. This puts the channelers in question but I think this is normal. I even question my own religion because i cant believe we dont know who we really are other than the creation of some one or something. I feel like we are ants working to survive not knowing whats going to happen next and channels like the ones from Salusa dont really help as most of the info is the same and there is no validation to prove the info. Some things that i really tried from reading these channels was to become a better/loving person and try to lift more people's hearts and I can say that this really does work as people are nicer to me and it makes people want to be around you as well as making you feel good too. But other things like "we will be here soon" are hard to believe.
Comment by nonya on July 16, 2010 at 1:30am
If any of you have listened to the latest Stephen Greer takes on the oil spill, you will hear in his voice that there is no end in sight. He himself can see we will be getting no help from space people, nor will they be showing up any time soon. This man I believe is an ET or at least he looks like one, but I do think he would know whether our future is worrisome or if we have reason to believe in this Ascension bs. My take is there is no ascension anytime soon. Yet one more reason for these channelers to cease and desist.

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