Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It think its time to stop pretending

Everyday im on here, because i want to see progress. I want to see some validation the the human race is not heading for extinction due to stupidity. But you know what i see everyday here. I see Channelers, Telling us soon peace will come. I see media about all of the negative that happens on this earth.
On the very rare occation do i actually see progress. The love police is progress. Ron Paul is progress. The advancement of our technologies that are not intended for war is progress.

Let me tell you what is not in no way shape or form progress and is actually the reason for this blog post. Channelers! Mediums! Whatever you call them they all spout the same stuff that mostly revolves around the word soon. Now that is not to say there isn't wisdom to come from them. But in terms of predictions of what will happen and why we should remain calm, we just are not seeing any real results in the world.

So this is my choice. And i hope others will follow, because all i want to do is lead you away from the things that keep you content with living in the broken world. All i want to do is ignite the flame of passion inside of you to take action.
All channelers who predict anything, I will render your speech null and void of any truth what so ever, Until the time comes when it is fulfilled. In which case i will apologies, But i highly doubt i will need to. I will make it my will to go out of my way NOT to read your drivel AND to warn others against it. for it is highly damaging.

This is MY MESSAGE to the Galactic Federation of Light, to White Cloud and Metatron, Hillairon and Saint Germain, and the Ascended Masters. If there are any names here i have forgotten, I MEAN YOU TOO.
ITS TIME TO STOP PRETENDING. Its time to nut up or shut up! Stop Promising and start DOING. You are worse that our Goddamn presidential elections, And you lull people into a false sense of security, taking the responsibility of protecting our own planet out of our hands because we feel we don't need to do anything. Your predictions cause more harm to this world than good.The Whole world has been collectively screaming for relief since before our history's can remember. And your excuse is that we are not wanting your help? Bullshit. Why not take a page from one of our scriptures." Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" Give us the means to break our cycle of fear. Because saving this world calls for nothing short of a miracle. One we can pull off ourselves, but we need to inspiration to do so. We need to know we are part of something bigger. And right now the average human believe they are a tiny self contained shell. The ball needs to start rolling cause as of now its unmoving, devoid of life. Its a spherical dead weight.

Fellow lightworkers use your voice to demand these beings come out of our skies, and stop hiding.


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Comment by simpleman on July 17, 2010 at 1:16am
As I have said before, I think all this channellings are here for inspiration and hope for ones who have nothing else. You never know, one of those messages of hope, be it come true or not, keeps some one going and not falling threw the cracks or inspire some one to make a change in their life or get off their ass when nothing else would. What I'm getting at is channeled information has its place, just like every thing else. I am septic of channellings. The information can be intercepted by the channelers ego and or by mischievous entities before it gets out to the public. In other words it gets tainted by ego or dark beings. One has to look as to the beneficiary or the information. A channeler who wants to channel pure messages must not be subject to temptation of self aggrandizement. I personally dont take channeled information literally, I look for the deeper meaning of the message and see if it make sense. I too am tired of hearing soon soon soon. I feel like saying "what ate you waiting for, so put up or shut up". So what are their purpose? To lead us astray or encourage us to think for our selves? Whether they come in and show their faces or not, it doesn't matter, because we know that it is still up to us to make the change in our world. And how doe we do that? One way is simple, we raise our vibrations, our vibrational frequency by the feelings we have in our hearts. Our feelings are very powerful. They affect others while we are not aware of it. It can go both ways, love or fear. Our perception of things sometimes governs or feelings. Our belief system has much to to do with how we feel to wards something. Belief has great power because it generates feeling, and those feelings are the building blocks of our futures. We must take channeled information with discernment. Take what you need, leave the rest. Trust your intuition and inner or higher wisdom, its a gift from God, use it or loose it. Our world will be handed back to us in dew time, but there is more cleansing to be done. On an individual level for some it may be that all you need to do is change your frequency from fear and doubt to love and gratitude. Those feelings will affect others around you. It does happen. I have seen For others it may be going out and doing physical things to make change to better our world. Everyones way of helping may be different but the main thing is that we are all on the same team. We help each other and no one gets left behind.
Comment by nonya on July 16, 2010 at 9:35pm
This is a PRIME example of what is going on out there and the toll it is taking
A bit of a long story, worth the read and in todays news
Comment by Golden_Angel_K on July 16, 2010 at 9:15pm
Thanks nonya, for telling us that.We have much power indeed, is just our beliefs make it weak or strong.. the power of love is such an amazing thing, is very powerful, more than a nuclear explosion.

The entire universe is within you, you just have to ¨¨use it¨ appropiately.
Comment by nonya on July 16, 2010 at 9:07pm
GOLDEN, I dont like to speak of myself but if someone were to look into my school records, you would see that I won plenty of awards for service to others, but not much else. I am the older version today. Nothing else matters but the safety and well being of my surroundings (pretty much the globe) So, if my intentions actually manifested you and I would not be talking about this, it would already be. I am safe in saying that the majority of people here are made of the same material. It is just a shame that our collective power is not enough and it seems like it will never end. Its like watching someone pour garbage in your back yard everyday and never know who is responsible so you can fix the problem.
Comment by Golden_Angel_K on July 16, 2010 at 9:06pm
hahahahaha, naahhhh, it was flowing ¨normally¨¨
Comment by nonya on July 16, 2010 at 9:03pm
GOLDEN, " i felt energy in my third chakra "

soooooo is this a good thing or did i just inadvertantly and unintentionally sucker punch you :-)
If it is the latter, please accept my apologies.
Comment by Golden_Angel_K on July 16, 2010 at 8:48pm
Yeah, i do understand you. there is not conciousness of what ¨to do¨..according to the kabbalistics, we dont have souls. we are entities that are here to receive from others everything we do. Imagine this scenario : We are like in a state of creating our new creature, our new connections. It is all working, there is not coincidence in all, these are actions that are ¨pre- stablished¨ in the Divine Plan.

The only thing we can do is accelerate the ¨process¨ with our intentions.
Comment by Golden_Angel_K on July 16, 2010 at 8:44pm
lol, i felt energy in my third chakra as i was reading your letters..maybe your transmited already the telepathic message.
Comment by nonya on July 16, 2010 at 8:35pm
GOLDEN its a dream like theory that if only.....we could get millions of people on the same page, the same hour, the same day, maybe that would work but it is a monumental task at best. The problem still is 2 things.
-we are the ones we have been waiting for
-and according to all these channelers, just be in love and light and it will all be over soon.

If we are the ones we have been waiting for then what is it that we cant seem to get going. None of us know what to do. We are all in love with our surroundings and the people in it but we are few on SOE.
If we listen to these channelers we are to all sit back and observe while people and the earth work out their karma with the promise of it will be over soon which is the broken record for so many years. There is also no visible sign that this ascension scenario is remotely on the horizon. If it were, according to what they are saying I would be able to get you a telepathic message instead of a blog post. These fantasies are what is being called into question.
Comment by Golden_Angel_K on July 16, 2010 at 8:08pm
The really matter we have to ¨build¨ this new desire or request from our hearts. In certainty, is not about the Earth itself, the Earth right now is in the ¨world of infinite¨, surround us is right now by the force of love, but the real thing we dont want to this occur. Everyone has another more important ¨issues¨ or ¨matters¨, and this is not really important to those, you have to truly be sincere with your person, do you want harmonious relationships among all the people, do you want love?, ask really to yourself, what is really important to you?, is all about you at the end.

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