Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

is the 2012 galactic alignment is a hoax???????

I just read many sites and there is alot of them who said that this 2012 galactic alligment is just goddamn hoax what do you think about this?????

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Comment by jose v on April 30, 2009 at 2:45am
For those of you who are waiting for 2012, you're going to miss the fun. You're going to miss the party, because it is happening right now. It started – the true deep changes started – a year ago. Oh, they've been building up for a long time, but the real shift in consciousness from Old Energy vibrations to New Energy expansion started a year ago, and look what has transpired since then. If you're waiting for 2012 for some grand change, you will have missed the whole thing.

Over the next four years in particular you're going to see some very difficult things, challenging things. You're going to see an old consciousness on Earth unravel, come apart. And yes, there will be those who panic. There will be those who are in fear, and there will be many, many who resort to stealing, whether it is stealing money, whether it is stealing other people's energy and consciousness, whether it is stealing their property. You're going to see a lot of this taking place.

The next four years are going to be a time for you to be in balance, to bring up within yourself everything that you've learned, everything that you've gained in wisdom, everything that you already know within yourself. The next four years are going to be a time to stop hiding and stop pretending that you're a victim, stop pretending that you're waiting for something else. Stop pretending that you have to learn more, you have to go through all of these rituals and ceremonies to become a New Energy human. You are it right here, right now, today. There is not one thing that you are missing other than the true trust in yourself.

What you're seeing happening all across the world right now, all around you, is a profound loss of trust – loss of trust in old systems, old organizations, lost of trust in government and it is falling apart. What you have, dear Shaumbra, one of the most important tools is the true trust in yourself. And ultimately, for the rest of the world, it is the same thing. It is about them learning to trust that they have the answers. But right now in these most shifting, in these most collapsing of times, it is time to remember, it is time to bring up the trust in yourself.

You will be able to get through every part of this nearly unscratched if you remember to trust who you are. And I'm not talking about trusting some unknown god. I'm not talking about trusting a guru. I'm not talking about trusting who you think you're going to be five or ten years from now. I'm talking about trusting you right now. You have every tool. You have every resource. You have everything you need right now, because, as a messenger, as one who can go across time and space, you put it there for yourself. Trust that you knew enough to put that tool in the path to be utilized in the Now moment. Trust that you already put it there and it will then be.

Take a deep breath. Wait not for 2012, because by then this shift in consciousness will have gone through its most difficult cycle. By 2012 you will see the beginnings, the manifested beginnings of the new Earth right here. The Loss of Power
Saint Germain Message Nov 22/08
Thursday, Nov. 20, 2008
Comment by LilBunnyFufu on April 29, 2009 at 9:19pm
Hello Dear Friends. Thank you for explaining now I understand what you mean by this. My people do not see special event from this as this is natural process of universe that is why ancient peoples create calendar from it. We have long way to go for evolution still. Much love to you.
Comment by Aaron on April 29, 2009 at 7:47pm
Galactic Alignment to The galactic Core of the universe, With many stars ligning up, It's happened before every 26,000 years, The mayans knew about this alignment, it will completely wipe out all ac dc power, it will all not work, unless we are on a totally new technology that is aligned with the new physics that is coming. Along with our advance evolution in Consciousness. Major solar activity will take place which will really effect our planet but not destroy it, just cause some damage, and then total Repair of our entire planet, but we can help eliminate some of the damages, pain and suffering with our own thoughts to ease in to this grand Transformation, And it's not just a Global Transformation it's a Universal Transformation. So they're is your answer in a simplest way of Explaining it. If you want to learn more Check out my Blog at which says the 21 prophecies of the mayan Calender. Also is my main blog i use.

So there is something going to happen in 2012 but really it's going on right now and it's under the radar right now, By 2011 everyone on the planet will definitely know that 2012 is a Universal Transformation in our PHysics, in our minds, in our bodies, in our spirit, in our planet, and in the solar system.

2013 is the beginning of a new Cycle, before saying it is a Hoax do some research before you make an opinion, Becareful what you read as well, they're is alot of Disinfo out there. Research scientific evidence of what is happening with our sun and the other planets to get some of your answers.

Our planet isn't the only planet going through these changes.
Comment by patrick on April 29, 2009 at 7:33pm
Dear friend LiBunnyFufu, it's very simple really, first knit eight miles of moonlight in a bladder, take eight Welshmen's songs and hang them on a ladder. You must mingle the left foot foot of an eel with the creaking of a cart wheel, then will your eyes see the great galactic alignment.
Comment by Andy (UK) on April 29, 2009 at 6:21pm
I believe something big is going to happen 2012, exactly what I don't know, but whatever it is, will they blame the alignment?
Comment by LilBunnyFufu on April 29, 2009 at 6:20pm
Hello Dear Friend. What do you mean galactic alignment? We have not heard of this before. Much love to you.

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