Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is one of the more interesting dreams I've had recently. Sometime last week, before I fell asleep, I called upon my spirit guides (I don't know who they are, as I've yet to meet them), and asked them to introduce themselves to me in my dreams. Then that night, I dreamt that I was looking at pictures of people who had orbs floating about their heads. I asked someone in the dream (I couldn't see this person's face) what those were and I was given to understand (by this I mean there was no talking, but just a spontaneous knowing, presumably from this faceless person) that they were spirit guides.

Then when I looked away from the photographs, I saw several small orbs surrounding me and I knew these to be my spirit guides. So, although I didn't see them face to face, I guess there was an introduction, in spirit form. This is definitely one of the more interesting and beautiful introductions I've ever experienced!

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Comment by Brenda Watts on June 18, 2009 at 3:37am
Ask for protection, State the intent to contact your spirit guides. meditate and if you feel a kind of Tilt... go with it.. Grab a pen and paper or the computer! you do have to get into a altered state. You will be able to get there faster and faster the more you do it. Try the meet your guide meditation. Try using a finger Finger Labyrinth. Fo over it and over it. Eat some chocolate for energy, hold a crystal. oh if you know how to expand your aura that might help too. Thats a long lesson. I typped it up for Tony perhaps he saved it... here is the Finger Labyrinth you can print it out. Good luck. If you need more help I am around just ask.
Comment by jo miyashita on June 18, 2009 at 3:24am
thanks for the encouragement. When you say you speak regularly to your guides, is it in dream state or meditative state? Or can you just connect in waking consciousness? Hope you don't mind the questions...I'm a real novice here.
Comment by Alex on June 17, 2009 at 1:40am
cool, I too was introduced to my spirit guide in a dream, however we talk regularly now I would encourage you to try and make contact.

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