Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Finally met my spirit guide...I think...

Last night, before I fell asleep, I verbalised my intention to meet my spirit guide(s) in a dream again. I woke up the next morning and barely remembered this one dream...

I was in an empty room, except for a long table. I was there with someone, female. I am always with someone and sometimes I don't see his / her face, but this time I saw her. She seemed familiar, like an old friend. Anyway, we decided to make a phone call to arrange for a psychic to come visit us in the room (I don't know why). My friend made the call. After a while, a young man (the so-called psychic) arrived (my friend had disappeared by then) and we started talking. But, I cannot remember anything we talked about. I just remember playing with him. We played like little kids. He lifted me effortlessly and twirled and circled the room with me. It was sooo exhilarating and fun! We talked again and I asked him when he had to leave. He told me at about 7. And advised me to call for another psychic. I rang for one and was told that the next one would come at 7.28. So, we just hung out, happy in each other's company.

When I woke up (my alarm clock rings at 7am every morning), with my eyes still closed, I caught a quick glimpse of a piece of paper with many rectangles lined up in rows and columns. They each had some kind of geometric patterns on them. Curly, wavy and straight lines. Then I opened my eyes and sat up. I got a feeling or a knowing that the young man was my spirit guide and his name is Ion or Ian. There was at least one more to meet, but I had woken up already. Maybe I'll meet the second guide tonight.

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Comment by jo miyashita on June 20, 2009 at 10:43am
Thanks, Simone.

Thank you too, Crystal Clear...I just wrote about my next dream...I met the second one alright! I've been trying for a long time, and suddenly, it'S all happening! Too happy!
Comment by CrystalClear2313 on June 20, 2009 at 10:16am
Great Dream...Hope your second will come on your next dream.

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