Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Whereas some Russians still choose to move abroad, in recent times more foreigners from the USA, UK, Europe and Asia are deciding to relocate to Russia. Please watch this video to find out WHY people are moving to Russia.
And this video will help you to discover what is Life in Russia compared to Life in US.
For those who think about relocation to Russia I wrote an article where you will find some answers to most frequently asked questions, like:
* How to obtain Russian visa?
* How can I move to Russia?
* How can I get a temporary residence permit in Russia?
* How much does it cost to live in Russia?
* How much does it cost to rent a home in Russia?
* Can a foreigner buy a real estate in Russia?
and much more...

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Comment by The Spiral on June 19, 2020 at 11:35pm

Dear God, Yumi, with the way things have been going in the good Ol' USA, I might actually consider relocating to Russia.

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