The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Sunday, 23-Nov-2014 03:51:29
Please note
What is shown in the video is Sigil Magic.
Making Sigils for sigil magic is different from shortened word structures.
The Program incorporates a mixture of shortened word structures (Anycroms) and sigils.
Letters in the Alphabet are a type of alphabet sigil.
Shortened word structures works on the subconscious mind because the mind loves filling in the blanks to word suggestions and abbreviations.
Shortened word structures can keep the vowels whilst sigil the vowels are removed.
Whereas sigil magic the vowels are crossed out and all double lettering's are taken out.
The great advantage with sigil magic is that no particular belief system is needed to work with here. There are no entities to summon or deities to please. It works with your own thoughts. The ritual of manipulating matter, or manipulating energy with sigil magic symbolism and incantation, (or verbal mantras), has certain rules to follow.
1.To make the most powerful Sigil write or draw the desired wish in a sigil magic symbolic form. This is done by writing the wish or power phrase, then removing all the double lettering and all the vowels. The sentence must be expressed in a positive intent and in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. The more elaborate the symbolism which must be contained in overall simple shapes, and the more energy expended, the more powerful the sigil magic form becomes.
2. Now to make the sigil even more powerful is to use them upright, then mirror the letters on the same side. This is not easy but with practice it will become easy. Make sure the reverse lettering is always done in red, there is a reason for this, but I won’t get into this right now, it’s a little long to explain. Make as many wishes and desires going down both sides of the page. In the middle of the page for conscious viewing write all the goals you wish to achieve within a year. Use 1 page ,2 pages or 3 ,it’s not an issue, include a few cut out pictures as well.
3.The next thing required is to frame the desired sigil magic wish in a box, not necessarily a square cornered box. A box would be any controlled border that implies control and balance. Again, the more elaborate the frame, the more powerful the magic form becomes. The frame on the American money is littered with Sacred Geometric design. For example, the front of the $1 bill took over 2 years to design.
4.The next step is to expend energy and to focus on the wish framed within the sigil form. In other words, create a mantra, an incantation, a meditation or a prayer, which are all forms of hypnotic trance inducement. The greater the number of participants willing to participate, or unwittingly manipulated to participate in this magic ritual, then the greater the power and effectiveness of the sigil magic ritual. Incantations projects the INTENT THOUGHT WITHIN A SYMBOL, A SIGIL , NUMBERS ,ALPHABET and any object they desire to charge .
5.Now that the sigils are charged and running down the page you will view these on a daily basis.I have been using this method for years with 100% success rate. I program the 12 months desires and goals , sometimes a few things don’t happen and falls in the following year. But it works, trust me. I have won 2nd prize Powerball of $58,000 AND NUMEROUS SMALLER PRIZES OF 2-4 THOUSAND DOLLARS. In 2008 $100,000 dollars came my way from a family member gift who was selling out and moving overseas unexpected.
These days I program spiritual goals and traveling desires and work on positive desires and achievements. I will let you in on another secret, the intelligence agencies in specialized fields use sigils to learn quickly, except they use it without the magic incantations.They use it in a straight line with all the vowels taken out. why? Because it works , Sigils are all around us in advertising and logos..why? Because it works, if it didn’t work they would stop using them.Now let’s super charge the process even further by incorporating sigils in subliminals.This form is most powerful if it plays to the subconscious mind, rather than to the conscious mind. This is achieved through subliminal messaging. The subconscious processes far greater and deeper, all the information it gathers. The more elaborate the symbolism which must be contained in overall simple shapes, and the more energy expended, the more powerful the sigil magic form becomes.Now to create these sigils in a subliminal form is easy but you need a subliminal software program, The best one on the market is Powermind subliminal it’s the first one in the world to use sigils and powerful archetype sigils in the program.
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thanks besimi.
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