Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

God's Good Friday Tornado Smashes Satanic Sacrifice

God's Good Friday Tornado Smashes Satanic Sacrifice

By divine design, I happened to be watching The Weather Channel late Thursday evening, when Julie Martin reported from directly on top of the scene of what I instantly realized in my heart to have been God's wrathful uprooting of a sacrifice to Satan. These satanic Good Friday black masses typically enact a gruesome ritual wherein Satan-worshippers sacrifice a sow, in a mockingly blasphemous burlesque of the crucifixion of God the Son, Jesus. I watched The Weather Channel's Julie Martin standing on the cinder block floor of the Masonic lodge, as she stated that the cinder block walls were blown away, and you could plainly see that nothing but the night surrounded her. The local television station's report, at the link below, stated that one person was killed, yet, they mentioned that they would not identify the dead, and so, it could be that more people were killed and their deaths will be kept secret from the public. The Satan-worshippers' shoes were blown off, their records, dating back to the early 1800s, were blown away, and fallen trees blocked the roads so that incoming rescuers and outgoing ambulances were not able to take the injured to the hospital.
Now, I will show you why I believe that these Satan-worshippers were conducting the traditional ritual of sacrificing a sow to Satan, in a mockingly, shockingly blasphemous burlesque of the crucifixion of God the Son, Jesus.

From the book, "Life's Ultimate Privilege," by DeVern Fromke, page 81:
"It was Easter season, 1902. Martinique is a French Island in the Caribbean Sea, a few miles south of Puerto Rico. With a beautiful large bay where the waters are almost perfect, and the tropical vegetation creates a paradise, it had become the playground for the rich of Europe, who often came to spend their holidays in revelry.

This season found twelve big ships from Europe, while the passengers were on shore celebrating Lent season with all the wickedness that often accompanies Mardi Gras.
Because "God is not willing that any should perish" {II Peter 3:9}, He sent two young men from Canada. When their boat arrived in Martinique, the immigration officer asked them what they intended to do while in Martinique. "Preach God's Word," they answered.

But such preaching the islanders did not want, because it would interfere with their revellings and make them uncomfortable in their sins. The officer told them, "You will not soil our land by even stepping on it. You stay on your boat, and when it pulls out of harbor, you pull out with it." {JD: You see, this barring of God's children is ritualistically a satanic imitation and inversion of God's command that His children, spiritual Israel, remain uncontaminated from heathen ways}.

Meanwhile, on land the people were given to drunkenness and gross immorality, with open scoffing and blasphemy against anything religious. It was discovered later that a sow had been sacrificed on Good Friday in the cathedral as a burlesque of the crucifixion of Jesus {JD: just like the two-hours-from-Good-Friday sacrifice to Satan that was just conducted at the Masonic Lodge in infamous, Mena, Akansas}.
This was more than God would take!!

Almost *immediately* the tall mountain, Pelee, overlooking the bay, started to smoke, as though a volcano was going to erupt. It had been inactive during historic times, except for two minor eruptions in 1762 and 1851. Now the people were frightened, and sent scientists up to investigate the possibility of an eruption. They were unanimous, `It was cool as ever -- there was no danger.' They returned, saying, `Go on in your dancing and pleasures -- everything is safe.' Once again, the music and revelry broke loose, in full swing.

Three days later, the Canadian boat pulled out of harbor with the two evangelists on board. They had just passed the three-mile limit when GOD ANSWERED IN JUDGMENT. The whole side of that huge mountain blew out, and in 60 seconds time, covered the entire city like a fog with glowing, incandescent particles. So extraordinary was the intensity of the *electrical* manifestations associated with the violence of the blast that magnetic disturbances were transmitted as far as the North and South Poles within two minutes.

Only two people survived the catastrophe, which wiped out the entire capitol city. Those were prisoners in solitary confinement, held in the deepest dungeon of the city jail. One of these was a preacher who was discovered when they cleared away the rocks and debris.
Fire from the volcano fell on islands 125 miles away, where the natives had to stand in their fields and beat out the fires set by flying cinders that fell. The boat carrying the two young men was burning from stem to stern when it reached the next island of St. Lucia. What a solemn warning to our generation that God will not stand mocking the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END OF EXCERPT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This explains why I believe that the Satan-worshippers within Mena's Masonic Lodge were sacrificing a sow to Satan in blasphemous mockery of the crucifixion of God the Son, Jesus.

John DiNardo
Below is the link to the local television report of what I know to have been God's tornadic strike on a bunch of Christ-mocking Satan-worshippers.

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