Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A long-time friend of PAO, Jo Dunning, had an idea on how to create a wave of energy to increase the abundance here on Earth for all people. I applaud her following through with Spirit's inspiration to unite all in a world wide Abundance Breakthrough Project. It only takes a second to add your name. Wednesday, April 15 is the date for the wave—So we don't have much time to add our energies to the project. If you need more abundance in your life or want to help others realize their true prosperity heritage, please take a moment and visit Jo's website. Also, there is a one minute u-tube. The more people who watch and rate this u-tube, the more exposure this worthwhile project will get. Hope to "ride the wave of Abundance" with you on Wednesday, April 15!

Selamat ja!

Dear Abundance Friend,

I would like to offer you a gift as a thank you for joining the free Abundance Breakthrough Project which will soon be helping people all over the world become more prosperous and abundant.

The gift is contained in the energy work which is offered in the included video. By watching this video you will receive the energy connection with the flow of Abundance so you can begin to enjoy a more Prosperous and Abundant life right now.

The more people already linked with Abundance by April 15th the more Abundance will circle the globe on April 15th.

When you click on the You Tube link below please also click to indicate this video as a favorite and give it a rating. This will help more people to see the video and be linked with the flow of Abundance right now.

Please pass this email to as many people as possible. There is still time for them to be linked and to add their name to the Abundance Project list.

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