Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I have urge to post this blog for the well being of JIM4HOPE.  He has been inactive for 2 weeks now. The last time  I heard from him, 2 weeks ago, he was having issues with his heart.  

I hope he doesnt mind, but here is a quote from one of his last messages on  March 3.

"My health (Heart problems)has been keeping me down it kind of took me by surprise went out to my shop a couple weeks ago and I completely lost my breath and was fighting for every breath it was a bit scary and am probaly going to have to go under the knife (surgery)as it is now I can only walk 20 to 30 ft max and I am completely out of breath and exhausted someting I am never going to get use to.And I hate all these people pushing these medical quack doctors dow my throat ,and you already know how I feel about our corrupt medicine corporations and there is nothing they can say or do to convince me that these corporate medicine outfits want a population thats healthy quite the contrary there is no money to be made from healthy and these psycopaths are responsible for a lot of diseases and they will not alow medicine that cures exist just the ones that will treat ,Hey I have to go get ready to go to the doctors and see what he says is wrong with my ticker talk to you later brother tell your family hi for me."

  I dont know what exactly is going on or what condition he is in or if he is just taking a break,  but I do feel that he needs our blessings right now. So everyone send love, healing, prayers, and blessings for Jim.


thank you


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Comment by nonya on March 20, 2012 at 11:29am

Count me thoughts are with him. xo

Comment by CHRISTINA on March 20, 2012 at 5:24am

thanks simpleman. it hasn't gone unnoticed, i've been thinking of JIM4HOPE lately before knowing about his condition.

hey JIM4HOPE, light, healing, blessings your way and i love you!

Comment by Rocanon on March 20, 2012 at 4:23am

light is on the way

thanks simpleman

Comment by Trudy on March 20, 2012 at 3:59am

We are massively poisoned, our airways are filled with the garbage coming from the chemtrails. Wherever you go people cough and have trouble breathing!
My prayers are for JIM4HOPE I will send him healing energy and strenght

with all the Love I have within ~*L*~ Thnx for the message Simpleman good job brother I Love You

Comment by Lydia on March 20, 2012 at 12:51am

Sending Him Love and Thanks for letting Us Know simpleman !

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