Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Go Eco - not Ego: support Russian family homesteads!

Hello my friends,
Greeting you in the year 2018, which I hope will bring you love, joy and happiness! :)

And here, at Eco-Minded Club we have just celebrated the beginning of our 3rd year of sharing eco-minded news and articles as well as the best organic products from Russian Family Homesteads (Kins domains).

To date, we have 563 different units of the goods classified in 12 categories - for better consideration.

Please click on the links below to learn more about Eco-Minded goods varieties:

* Holistic healing kits for alternative medicine. (19 units)

* Meaningful and inspirational books, magazines and DVD's of the Kin's domains of the Earth series. (32 units)

* Natural cedar (Siberian pine) products from ecovillages and Kins domains. (58 units)

* Bio cosmetics - 100% natural, organic, handmade. (31 units)

* Eco-detergents - natural replacement of regular washing podwer, and soaps. (7 units)

* Beautiful works of art, handcrafts created with love in Russian family homesteads (Kins domains). (128 units)

* Heirloom organic seeds from Russian Family Homesteads (222 seed units).

* Natural herbs and mixes for tea and health care. (15 units)

* Raw organic honey and honey bee products from Russian hamily homesteads. (15 units)

* Natural pharmacy (42 units)

* Organic virgin cold-pressed oils from ecovillages and Kins domains. (29 units)

* Organic whole grains, seeds and flours. (16 units)

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