Saviors Of Earth

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Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 13 – Why the Globalists are Demolishing the EU (& What its Replacement Will Look Like)

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 13 – Why the Globalists are Dem...

Have you noticed how hard the controlled alternative press are working to convince you that the globalists / NWO / banksters are frightened by the BREXIT result?…
…From the Drudge Report, Breitbart, and Infowars

Well nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the collapse of the European Union is a necessary step in building the New World Order the Rockefellers and Kissinger outlined back in their late 1950’s NWO implementation plan…
…From Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports

Take special note of the first passage: “The hoped-for result is peace in a world divided into smaller units…” So is the EU a “smaller unit”? No, an EU superstate with its own army is a larger unit than its constituent nation-states, so it clearly wasn’t built to be part of the real New World Order. Rather, it was built as an expendable tool to help the globalists get to the New World Order.

So what was the EU’s raison d’etre, you ask? To tie as many European nations as possible into a political and currency union, then crash the union to create political and economic chaos. And on the currency side of it, they put the planned result of this crash right on the cover of The Economist back in 1988…
…From Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce

On the cover, you see national currencies burning in a bonfire (The Great Economic Crisis of 2016), as well as a phoenix arising from the flames (in 2018). This phoenix represents a new global currency, and this is what the article said about it…

>>> THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let’s say, the phoenix. The phoenix will be favoured by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today’s national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the last twentieth century…

The phoenix would probably start as a cocktail of national currencies, just as the Special Drawing Right is today. In time, though, its value against national currencies would cease to matter, because people would choose it for its convenience and the stability of its purchasing power…

…The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments. There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF

…Governments are far from ready to subordinate their domestic objectives to the goal of international stability. Several more big exchange-rate upsets, a few more stockmarket crashes and probably a slump or two will be needed before politicians are willing to face squarely up to that choice…

Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes. /strong>

As the article suggests, national currencies will not disappear after this year’s crisis (although the Euro will). But they will become increasingly disused as the banksters make it more attractive to use the new global currency. As for the euro, it is a component of the IMF’s SDR, so the IMF might make arrangements to allow its member nations to exchange their worthless euros for a special allotment of SDRs (the citizens would trade their euros for their new national currencies, then their governments would trade the amassed euros for IMF SDRs). This would turn the world’s existing euro reserves into SDR reserves in a single stroke, thus aiding the new global currency in its rise.

It is worth noting that the “evil Western globalists'” supposed opponents, the Chinese, are fully cooperating in this “SDR to phoenix” plot. Just have a look at a 2009 speech from China’s central banker, Zhou Xiaochuan, titled Reform the International Monetary System. Here are some key excerpts…

>>> The desirable goal of reforming the international monetary system, therefore, is to create an international reserve currency that is disconnected from individual nations and is able to remain stable in the long run, thus removing the inherent deficiencies caused by using credit-based national currencies

The scope of using the SDR should be broadened, so as to enable it to fully satisfy the member countries’ demand for a reserve currency.

> Set up a settlement system between the SDR and other currencies. Therefore, the SDR, which is now only used between governments and international institutions, could become a widely accepted means of payment in international trade and financial transactions.

> Actively promote the use of the SDR in international trade, commodities pricing, investment and corporate book-keeping. This will help enhance the role of the SDR, and will effectively reduce the fluctuation of prices of assets denominated in national currencies and related risks.

> Create financial assets denominated in the SDR to increase its appeal. The introduction of SDR-denominated securities, which is being studied by the IMF, will be a good start.

> Further improve the valuation and allocation of the SDR. The basket of currencies forming the basis for SDR valuation should be expanded to include currencies of all major economies, and the GDP may also be included as a weight. The allocation of the SDR can be shifted from a purely calculation-based system to a system backed by real assets, such as a reserve pool, to further boost market confidence in its value. /strong>

Isn’t it remarkable how the Chinese are calling for the very same role for the SDR that the “evil Western globalists” have been planning all along? Can you think any others who’ve been screaming about the need to move away from “credit-based national currencies” in favor of currencies “backed by real assets, such as a reserve pool” and gold? That would be practically all of the alternative media, right? This is because practically all of the alternative media either work for the globalists or parrot the globalist message out of lack of discernment.

Now if we look at the political side of the EU collapse, I wrote about what would happen last year during the globalists’ aborted attempt to start the collapse using the Greek debt crisis…

“…the globalists intend to take down the EU central government and break Europe into smaller units bound by a new regional multilateral framework.” – From The Greek “People’s Revolution” and the New European Renaissance, b...

And wouldn’t you know it, George Soros chimed in over the weekend to talk about “thoroughly reconstructing” the EU…
…From Fortune

So what form will the new “EU” take, you ask? It will no longer be a strong federalizing force for its member nations; most likely, it will be a relatively weak “multilateral framework for cooperation” that offers a-la-carte conventions onto which the nations of the region can sign (if they so wish). And getting them to wish to participate in the new framework is where the “smaller units” concept comes into play.

As we go forward, the globalists will go beyond merely breaking up the EU. They’ll also be breaking many EU nations into smaller units. This is what I wrote about it last year in The globalist plan to break up the great nations


The globalists want the NWO to consist of “smaller units” because smaller nations are less likely to be self-sufficient in maintaining their security and a modern standard of living. They want all the nations to be dependent on the multilateral framework for their security and economic wellbeing.

Besides the Rockefellers’ NWO architects, can you guess who else is talking about “smaller units”? Ron Paul (in this interview on RT)…

“I happen to believe in smaller units of government; the larger the unit of government, the worse things are…

So I think people should have the right to leave a larger unit of government.”

And what else is Ron Paul talking about? Secession in the US
Note that he gave this speech at a Mises Institute conference called Breaking Away: The Case for Secession

[Starting from the 1:20 mark] – “I would like to start off by talking about the subject, and the subject, of course, is secession and nullification — the breaking up of government. And the good news is it’s gonna happen. It’s happening. And it’s not gonna be because there will be enough people in the US Congress to legislate it — it won’t happen. It will be de facto.”

So we know the globalists are aiming to break up the EU (which is the Interim World Order in Europe), and Greece is where that will begin. But will they also break up the USA so it can never rise again as the power it once was? Will Russia and China meet the same fate at some point?

With that last question in mind, have a look at an Economist article I ran across today…
”UNDER Vladimir Putin’s presidency, Russia is seen in the outside world as an expansionist power trying to revise post-Soviet borders and rebuild an empire. But what if Russia itself—a country of nearly 200 nationalities that stretches across 11 time zones—is in danger of crumbling?”

It is quite interesting to see this coming out of the Economist. If we look back to the their infamous cover from early this year, we see Putin (and other major leaders including America’s Obama, China’s Xi, and India’s Modi) presented in the color of ash….
…which is the color of the phoenix eggs on the woman’s hat. This would indicate that those leaders will be part of the ash heap from which the NWO phoenix will rise.

After seeing the Economist article, I decided to check into China and came across this Wall Street Journal article
”Despite appearances, China’s political system is badly broken, and nobody knows it better than the Communist Party itself. China’s strongman leader, Xi Jinping, is hoping that a crackdown on dissent and corruption will shore up the party’s rule. He is determined to avoid becoming the Mikhail Gorbachev of China, presiding over the party’s collapse. But instead of being the antithesis of Mr. Gorbachev, Mr. Xi may well wind up having the same effect. His despotism is severely stressing China’s system and society—and bringing it closer to a breaking point.”


Upon checking into India, I came across this paper from Arshi Saleem Hashmi. Here is a germane passage…
…(from pages 38-39)

It makes sense that the globalists will want to break up the large nations because it fits in to their PR strategy of restoring the appearance of sovereignty (while actually undermining sovereignty by making the divided peoples less able to resist the power of the globalist institutions). Once separated from their central governments, the newly-minted nations will need assistance in getting started, and to whom will they turn for guidance and help? To the United Nations and the multilateral institutions of course! They will turn away from the old power centers of Washington, Moscow, Beijing, and New Delhi and turn towards the new power center, the UN Complex. And this predictable dynamic gives us a clue as to the timeframe during which the breakups will occur.

Common sense suggests that the great nations will be broken up once the multilateral institutions and agreements that will pick up the pieces are finalized. That way, when they break up into their smaller components, those components will be offered continued membership in the multilateral institutions their former central governments set up. And since they’ll need help, they’ll accept that continued membership and thus become dependent on the UN and the regional and functional multilateral institutions (just like the Rockefellers planned back in the 1950’s). Given that the BRICS institutions have been rushed into existence this year, I would expect the breakups to occur sometime between September of this year and 2020, with most of it done by 2018.


Now that we’ve seen that the globalists intend to break up the federalist EU and replace it with a “sovereignty-respecting” multilateral framework of cooperation, it’s time to look back at the other statement from the Rockefeller Reports…

As you can see, it talks about regional institutions, “an international body of growing authority,” and how the combination of the two will be able to deal with problems the separate nations can’t solve alone. Now if we put this together with what we’ve already covered, a very clear vision of the real New World Order takes shape.

The globalist will use this year’s big crisis to begin separating the nations into smaller, less independent units. Scotland will leave the UK, Catalonia will leave Spain, Texas will leave the United States, and so on and so forth all over the world. So why, again, are they doing this?

Take a moment to think of the United States. If the US has a drought in California, Americans don’t starve because the country is so big that other agricultural areas can pick up the slack. But what if California were broken off as a “smaller unit” and became its own nation? How would the Californians avoid starving in such a drought? They’d have to turn to globalist-controlled international trade and the globalist-run multilateral institutions for help, wouldn’t they?

A big country like the US is capable of being independent when it comes to food, military security, border control, and many other things, but a smaller nation is less capable of that. The smaller the nation, the more problems it “will not be able to solve alone.” That is why the globalists want smaller units.

The NWO builders want the smaller, more numerous nations of the post-crisis world to flock to the globalist-controlled regional institutions instead of the federal governments they used to turn to. But as the Rockefeller Reports point out, these regional groupings will not be the ultimate authority; they will be “under an international body of growing authority,” which the Reports identify as…

So a more powerful UN will be the centerpiece of the New World Order, but for it to openly become the ultimate authority in our world, two things need to happen…

1) Any potential rivals must be eliminated. There can be no superpowerful nation-states like America, a federal EU, China, or Russia that can defy the UN.

2) The UN must get an image makeover to distance itself from its checkered past.

This is where the EU takedown and the globalist-created BRICS alliance come in…

1) Just like the BREXIT is meant to inspire other EU nations to jump the sinking federalist ship, the “people’s revolution” that demolishes the EU is meant to inspire the people of other federalist superstates to secede from their unions. But the coming worldwide “people’s revolution” is not what it seems. Its clarion calls will come from the globalist-dominated alternative press, and its great demonstrations will be led by agents-provocateur paid by NGOs like those of George Soros.

In the great “Global People’s Revolution,” the people will just be along for the ride. And when its all over, the New World Order will be standing, and people will think that it’s something we won, not something that was forcefully or sneakily imposed upon us. Why shove a New World Order down people’s throats when you can convince them that it’s something they wanted and created for themselves?

2) The BRICS alliance was created to be the controlled opposition to the “evil Western globalists,” and it is they who will give the UN a fresh new look and usher in the real NWO. But don’t take my word for it; just ask a Chinaman…
…From the UN News Centre

So at some point during the climax of this year’s crisis, the BRICS will lead a revolution within the United Nations to “free it from Western domination.” The UN will then undergo reform and appear to have new management. And what will the new management do? They will strengthen the UN so that “no unilateral power like the US can ever threaten world peace again”…
…From the Hurriyet Daily News

And just like that, the Rockefellers’ dream will become reality. We’ll have the globalist-controlled, United Nations-centered New World Order lording over a world of small, dependent nations — it will be “One World of Nations,” as the globalist disinfo agents like to call it. But my question is this…

If enough of us are aware of the trick, could it have a significant impact on the eventual outcome?

I certainly hope so, and that’s why I flap my quantum butterfly wings on this blog. Whether my efforts bring a hurricane down on the NWO or merely stir up a dust devil in the desert, I do what I can and leave the rest to the Universe.

Much love…

This entry was posted in Globalist Agenda Watch 2016 on June 27, 2016.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 12 – The globalists begin their...

Before you begin reading…

If you are a new to this site, you might want to read Understanding the NWO Strategy before you read this article. Otherwise you might not understand that the globalists are running both sides of the seeming political conflict you see unfolding around you. Both David Cameron and Nigel Farage work for the same people; they merely play oppositional roles for the purpose of manipulating public perception and behavior.

Now here’s the article…

As expected, the globalists engineered a victory for the BREXIT referendum yesterday, so the first of three punches that’ll bring down the EU has been thrown. Putting together all we’ve explored in previous updates and entries, this is how things will go from here…

> The Summer of Terror will start kicking in…
…From The Guardian. Here is an excerpt…

>>> The US State Department has issued a travel alert for Europe, cautioning Americans that the influx of summer tourists and a series of high-profile events “will present greater targets for terrorists planning attacks in public locations”.

We are alerting US citizens to the risk of potential terrorist attacks throughout Europe, targeting major events, tourist sites, restaurants, commercial centers and transportation,” department officials wrote. /strong>

The purpose of this globalist-sponsored terror campaign is to outrage the public and fan hatred towards the Muslim refugees and the EU bureaucrats that allowed them in. The angered public will then look upon the BREXIT as being a great idea for their own countries.

> The IMF will scuttle the Eurozone debt deal with Greece, which could lead to a default on Greece’s July debt payments to the European institutions…
…from The article is behind a paywall, so search for the title on Google News and follow their link to see it.

The purpose of this globalist-engineered development will be to create chaos in the Eurozone (the EU currency union) to go along with the EU political chaos created by the BREXIT and the Summer of Terror.

> The third punch to the EU – the knockout blow – will come when the BRICS and the G7 start shooting at each other this September. The sudden breakout of war will result in the stoppage of all financial and trade transactions between the two “sides,” and this will trigger the Next Lehman Moment – a total cardiac arrest in the global economy. Once this has happened, no one in any of the EU countries is going to give a sh*t about what the bureaucrats in Brussels say. The EU will simply fall to pieces.

If you are a new reader, you’ll find more in-depth coverage of all these points in previous entries.

[Addendum 1.1 – same day]

I made sure to finish this update late last night because I knew the propaganda they’d be pushing this morning, and the Drudge Report didn’t disappoint…

The first thing to notice is that the globalists’ controlled opposition figures are calling for referenda in their own countries. And over the coming weeks, you’ll see lots of reports of how Britain’s vote has emboldened anti-EU forces throughout Europe, especially in Greece.

According to the public narrative of how the Greek default will go down, the BREXIT vote will encourage the Greek Parliament to dig in their heels against unwanted economic “reforms.” Their resistance will be based on the expectation that the Eurozone will ultimately back down to avoid another BREXIT-style blow to the EU. This, paired with German intransigence, will bring the situation to a head and lead to the IMF pulling out of the bailout.

That being said, this narrative is just a script being acted out for public consumption. In reality, Greece will be the nation that upsets the euro apple cart because the globalists want the “birthplace of democracy” to strike the fatal blow against the “undemocratic” EU. As I’ve talked about in previous entries, the EU was never built to be the QE2; it was built to be the Titanic. The internationalists constructed it so the nations of Europe would jump aboard and drown together when it hits the iceberg of the Great Economic Crisis of 2016.

For more information on how and why the globalists are building tension in the public in order to release it through their controlled opposition figures, read…

The Illuminati strategy of tension and release (Update 2 – The Mise...

The Paris Attacks, Marine Le Pen and Ron Paul

Moving on, the snapshot of Drudge headlines we just examined came the top left of the website above the main headline. Now let’s have a look at the headlines offered right below the main headline on the left…

In the headlines outlined in red, we see Drudge foreshadowing the Summer of Terror. Note that the two cities specifically mentioned for attack are the core power centers of the EU. The coming attacks against these power centers and the Vatican will give rise to a growing disinformation meme about an attack against “Christian civilization.” This is what the globalists want you to believe…

“Christian civilization is under full-scale assault by Islamists from without and Satanists from within. The secretly-Satanic Western elite made common cause with the Muslims to create a terrorist army and get it into the Western nations in order to bring down Christianity. The Muslims supplied the men and the Satanists opened the gates and brought them in under ‘migrant’ cover.”

This idea of a war between civilizations – Muslim versus Christian – is why Drudge added the headline (outlined in yellow) mentioning “civilizational jihad.”

Now if we look to the headline directly below that one (and outlined in blue), it mentions the Rio Olympics. This is where the globalist script calls for the Muslims to step over the line and trigger an official holy war. An atrocious “ISIS attack against Christians” at the Olympics will lead to both the Catholic and Orthodox churches declaring a “just war” against them. And since this August attack will result in casualties from all around the world, ground units from all around the world will gather in the Middle East in September to fight them. This global gathering of forces against ISIS will, in turn, devolve into a conflict between the “Champion of Christianity and True Warrior against ISIS” Vladimir Putin and the “Secret Muslim and True Supporter of ISIS” Barack Obama.

For more information about the planned hijinks at the Olympics, read…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016 – The Rio Olympics are shaping up to be...

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

[Addendum 2 – 26 June 2016]

Some propaganda you need to see

Over the past couple of days, I’ve noticed some propaganda pieces that are worth pointing out. So without further ado, here is…

EXHIBIT A: This is an example of the “war of civilizations” meme I mentioned earlier in this update…
…From And here is an excerpt…

>>> Erik Prince, former CEO of private security firm Blackwater who served as a Navy SEAL and CIA asset, told Breitbart News Sunday’s Stephen K. Bannon that to win the war against radical Islamic terrorism, the United States must deny entry to people who pose a threat to America’s Christian way of life

“We have no obligation as a country to allow people in that are an inherent threat or could be an inherent threat to our way of life — to our Western Judeo-Christian civilization”… /strong>

So here we have a “former” CIA asset pointing out the need to deny jihadis entry into America so that “America’s Christian way of life” and “Western Judeo-Christian civilization” can be protected. Seeing this, you have to ask yourself a question…

If the “evil Western elite” are really trying to destroy Christianity and bring in Luciferianism, Satanism, and the New Age, why is one of their CIA flunkies (Erik Prince) speaking about the need to protect Christianity?

The answer is that it’s all part of the good cop / bad cop strategy the globalists are using to bring in the real NWO. They are using the “Satanic Western elite’s unipolar world order” to scare people into the arms of the “Christian-led (Putin) multipolar world order.” This is why the fear-mongering disinformation agents who dominate the alternative media (such as Alex Jones) scream so loudly about the Western Satanists…
…and speak so positively about the “Christian” Putin…
…From (top, bottom)

Make no mistake…

The globalists are bringing in their New World Order through Putin and the BRICS, and their ultimate goal is to unite the people of the world under an updated, Kabbalized Christianity.

To understand their approach in accomplishing this, read…

“End Times” Programming

More propaganda exhibits are coming.

Love always…

This entry was posted in Globalist Agenda Watch 2016 on June 24, 2016.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 11 – The 1-year delay of the EU...

It was with no small amount of amusement that I observed the propaganda rags marketing this idea last month…

Having them tie the reheated threat of a Greek default to the date of the Brexit vote on June 23 confirms what I suspected last year: that the globalists were all set to begin the demolition of the EU on June 22 of 2015, but they pushed the one-year delay button at the last minute. To see how this played out, let’s go back to what I wrote in last year’s Globalist Agenda Watch as we approached June 22…

[Update 33 – 11 June 2015]

June 18-19 “should be decisive” for Greece

I’ve been seeing a lot of “Greece’s time is up” language in the media today, and one particular passage in one particular article caught my eye. The article was an AP “dynamic” story that has since changed, but this was its title and location: Greece gets wake-up call: coming week could seal its fate. And this was the passage…

“The eurozone’s finance ministers, commonly known as the eurogroup, meet in Luxembourg June 18-19, in a meeting that Tusk says ‘should be decisive.’”

Do you know what else was decisive? The Battle of Waterloo, which took place 200 years ago come June 18, and I covered its possible tie-in to the Greek dramedy back in Update 28.

So while the eurogroup is meeting in Luxembourg and deciding on Greece’s fate, where will Greece’s Prime Minister be? He’ll be in St. Petersburg, Russia signing on to Russia’s Turkish Stream pipeline project. Gee, I wonder how the eurogroup will respond to that.

Putting this together with everything we’ve already covered in previous updates, here is how next week looks:

> Monday, June 15 is the beginning of the weekly news cycle, and it’s also 6/15/15 (6/6/6). Don’t be surprised if some significant news surfaces concerning what will happen later in the week.

> Thursday, June 18 is the 200th anniversary of Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, and it’s also the day that both the eurogroup meeting and the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum will be convening. We already know which meeting the Greeks will be attending.

> Monday, June 22 is a Masonic master number related to the concept of “disastrous downfall,” and it’s the first day Greece’s banks will be open after the two meetings are finished.

So will the EU meet their Waterloo when the Greeks go to Russia on the 18th? And will Greece’s banks meet their “disastrous downfall” when the EU retaliates by yanking back emergency liquidity on the 22nd? We’ll see.

Looking to the first bullet point, it played out exactly as expected. This was the cluster of headlines carried by Drudge on 6/15/15…

The Waterloo tie-in of the second bullet point was also fulfilled on 6/18/15 by a Frenchman named Benoit Coeure. This was my coverage of it…

[Update 37 – 18 June 2015]

Waterloo all over again: a Frenchman drops a bomb on Greece’s banks

Here is a little excerpt from Update 28

“On a historic side note, June 18 is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. It commenced with a French attack (at Hougoumont). Also, the number 18 is the sum of 6 + 6 + 6. Will the EU’s Waterloo begin with an attack on Greece’s banks on the 18th? Who knows, but it’s a date to watch. The ELA card can be played at any time starting today.”

Wouldn’t you know it, the ECB — specifically citing a French executive board member named Benoit Coeure – leaked to the press that Greece’s banks may be unable to open on Mo.... Needless to say, such a suggestion will send every Greek to the bank tomorrow to withdraw funds. So it appears that the EU’s Waterloo began with a French attack, just like the last one.

But when it came to Monday morning, 6/22/15, the globalists suddenly pressed the abort button on their plan to implode the Greek banks…

In the weeks that followed the Greek delay, we observed the globalists also enact one-year delays on the implementation of the new SDR basket and the handover of internet governance. And now that we’re approaching the one-year mark on Greece, we see the globalists resurrecting the threat of a Greek default and tying it to June 23.

Looking to what’s ahead, I see the globalists dealing a one-two punch to the European Union. The first will be a political blow when the vote counters/manipulators announce that Britons have voted to leave the EU on June 23, and the second will be a financial blow when the Greek economy implodes no later than July 20.

As we look into all this, it’s important to remember that the European Union was never meant to last. The only way the globalists could take down all the nations of Europe on cue was to lash them together under one currency, then crash the currency. This was always the true intent behind the adoption of the Euro, and this was the reason the globalists left their strongholds of England and Switzerland out of the currency. Unless the globalists press the delay button once again, the Euro will not exist by the end of this year.

More to come…

This entry was posted in Globalist Agenda Watch 2016, NWO on May 7, 2016.

Zero Hedge, SOTT and the Globalist Disinformation Conglomerate

I’ve been taking some time off from writing to clear my head, but I just couldn’t stay silent after seeing this…
…From Zero Hedge

Here is a notable snippet from the Bloomberg article it references…

>>> Lokey, who said he wrote much of the site’s political content, claimed there was pressure to frame issues in a way he felt was disingenuous. “I tried to inject as much truth as I could into my posts, but there’s no room for it. “Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry= dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft,” Lokey wrote, describing his take on the website’s politics. /strong>

I find this passage interesting considering what I recently experienced with Zero Hedge and another Putin-worshipping alt-media site, Signs of the Times (SOTT). Several weeks back, I ran across one of my readers who was commenting on SOTT and being attacked by one of the site’s administrators, “Niall”…

After wading in to back up the reader under my commenter handle “Veriton,” I revealed to the reader that I was Ken, and this got me promptly banned from commenting on SOTT. Given Niall’s thin skin and weak arguments as well as the very clear disinformation bias of that site, this was no surprise, but something happened later that did surprise me.

A few days after having my Veriton handle disabled by SOTT, I attempted to make a comment on a Zero Hedge article using my Veriton handle there. Even though the comment didn’t even contain a link to my site, the administrators immediately deleted the comment and disabled my account. This is what it looks like when they lock you out…
…And the lockout raised some obvious questions…

Did Zero Hedge receive a memo from SOTT or their agency handlers that Veriton = Ken? What is the connection between these two Putin-worshipping sites?

The answers seem pretty obvious…

Both SOTT and Zero Hedge are part of the globalist disinformation network run by the same intelligence agencies / contractors. Their mission is to sell Putin and the BRICS as the SOLUTION to the PROBLEM posed by Obama and the West. It’s the same old “bash the West / praise the East” template we see throughout the controlled alternative media.

Interestingly, though, SOTT and Zero Hedge differ when it comes to Trump. But if you’ve watched all the infighting amongst the different alt-media disinfo sources over the years — such as Karen Hudes versus Neil Keenan or Tom Heneghan versus Gordon Duff — you’ll know that such conflicts serve the purpose of uniquely branding each site and making them look independent of each other. No matter their differences in flavor, though, these guys are all selling the NWO Kool-Aid.

Much love…

This entry was posted in Globalist Disinfo on April 29, 2016.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Updates 9-10 – “ISIS” in Rome & th...

[Update 9]

In Update 7, we looked at the possibility of “ISIS” attacks targeting children during the timeframe of April 19 – May 1, and we noted that three cities have been specifically threatened: London, Rome and Berlin. Now a reader has put me on to an obvious target in Rome

After receiving what may turn out to be their final confession at the Vatican, the children will be bussed (one assumes) about 6 kilometers to Rome’s Olympic Stadium, which raises some obvious questions…

Will the Italian police or military secure the entire 6 km corridor from the Vatican to the Stadium?

Even if they do make some attempt to secure the corridor, will the security cordon be airtight against drones?

As if to foreshadow the mode of a Rome attack, this made international news a few days ago…
…From the Daily Mail. The article specifically mentions “safety and security fears, especially in the wake of terror attacks in Paris.”

So how would the attack likely go down?

My best bet would be an attack at 22:00 hours. The children will still be concentrated at the Olympic Stadium and filing out from the completed ceremony, and it will be dark. The contractors who are pretending to be “ISIS” can then elevate their bomb-laden drones to altitude and home in on the big, bright target of the Stadium, hitting kids both inside and out. I wouldn’t expect the Pope to be harmed during the attack, though. The globalist script calls for the hit on him to take place in September.

Let’s hope that pre-awareness is prevention.

[Update 10 – 15 April 2016]

Now we know why the globalists released stories based on the Panama Papers on April 3. The timing allowed nearly two weeks for the story to spread before the IMF / World Bank Spring Meetings on April 15-17…
…From The Guardian. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF, said the Panama Papers, an unprecedented leak of 11.5m files from offshore law firm Mossack Fonseca, showed that “the [international tax] rules appear to be skewed towards” the global rich

Lagarde said more global cooperation is needed to stop tax avoidance and to ensure “the net does not have little loopholes here and there”. “A lot of things have gone global but there is one thing that has not gone global and that is tax. It is still very much a local affair,” she said. “International cooperation really has to be significantly improved and we are happy to play our part.” /strong>

This use of the Panama Papers was anticipated in Update 8

The public release of the Panama Papers is a limited hangout operation. In such an operation, the globalist intelligence services leak a carefully selected mass of secret information designed to lead the public to conclusions the globalists want them to arrive at. In this particular case, they want the public to see…

> the corrupt and wealthy using loopholes in the current international financial structure to hide ill-gotten money and avoid taxes [This is intended to generate support for the coming multilateral financial system which was supposedly built to stop such hijinks, but which was actually built to more-closely monitor and control the public.]

Looking past the current IMF / World Bank meetings and the possible false flags during the April 19 – May 1 timeframe, our next big date with destiny is the Brexit vote on June 23. Last year on June 22, the globalists had scheduled a pulling of the plug on Greece’s banking system in order to begin the disintegration of the EU, but they pressed the delay button at the last possible moment. That one-year delay will end at the time of the Brexit vote. And since the globalists are still working with the same September 2016 war deadline they were facing last year, the EU collapse will be short and sharp. By October, the EU Project will resemble the Triumphal Arch in Palmyra. It will lie in rubble.

We’ll explore this in the next update.

Love always…

This entry was posted in Globalist Agenda Watch 2016 on April 13, 2016.

Globalist Agenda Watch: Update 8C – The Panama Papers and the “eye ...

[Update 8]

If you want to know why the globalist intelligence services released the Panama Papers, ponder this picture…
…I found it on the Putin-worshipping alt-media site If you place your cursor on the thumbnail of this image found on their main page, it says “Putin eye hurricane.” Note how he is surrounded by a divine glow that seems to shield him from the violence and corruption swirling around him. Such messianic imagery is meant to build up his cult of personality in preparation for what comes in September.

So how does this relate to the Panama Papers, you ask?

The public release of the Panama Papers is a limited hangout operation. In such an operation, the globalist intelligence services leak a carefully selected mass of secret information designed to lead the public to conclusions the globalists want them to arrive at. In this particular case, they want the public to see…

> the corrupt and wealthy using loopholes in the current international financial structure to hide ill-gotten money and avoid taxes [This is intended to generate support for the coming multilateral financial system which was supposedly built to stop such hijinks, but which was actually built to more-closely monitor and control the public.]


> the West attempting to unjustly smear Vladimir Putin. [This allows Putin to point out that his name was never mentioned in the Papers, and that although he may be surrounded by the corruption of the Russian political system, he somehow rises above it. The Western release of the Panama Papers also provides the pretext for the Eastern side to release secret information that names specific corrupt figures in the West. This contrived East/West “truth war” will culminate in a massive truth bomb that gets dropped on Obama sometime between now and the end of September.]

[Update 8A – 10 April 2016]

I haven’t been in the mood to write for the past few days, and now I’m glad I waited. A reader sent me a link to an alt-media propaganda piece that will save me some writing. It is this article (boxed in red)
…which appears on the faux-truther propaganda mill New Eastern Outlook (NEO), which itself is associated with globalist disinfo doofus Gordon Duff.

The article does a good job laying out the faux-truther spin on the Panama Papers…

“And that is exactly what is happening with the appearance simultaneously in all the western media, on Sunday, April 3 of a story about what are called the Panama Papers. The story attributed to a shadowy organisation called the International Coalition of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has all the hallmarks of an operation by western secret services to attempt to subvert targeted governments. The primary target is of course President Putin in order to influence the coming elections and to further attempt to portray him in the eyes of the peoples of the west as a criminal…

The immediate positioning of President Putin as the principal target of this story, despite the fact he is not mentioned in the documents, coupled with the timing of the story make a reasonable observer conclude that this information was not released just to inform the public but to subvert and discredit chosen governments, that is, it is a propaganda operation, using information that will get the attention of the masses.”

So according to the faux-truthers over on NEO, the Panama Papers release was a Western attack on Vladimir Putin. Such spin is to be expected from them considering that their site is devoted to bashing the decoy Western NWO and promoting the real Eastern NWO…
Link. To learn more about the fake conflict between the Western “unipolar” NWO and the Eastern “multipolar” NWO, read Understanding the NWO Strategy.

In reality, the “western” secret services are no different from the “eastern” secret services. If you go to the very top of any of these hierarchical letter agencies, you will find a globalist running it. The world’s major security services are all franchises of the globalist conglomerate, and they are all cooperating to bring in the New World Order.

[Update 8B – 10 April 2016]

Now that we’ve looked at the alt-media spin of the Panama Papers release, let’s look at some spin coming out of the mainstream Brookings Institution…

The article makes the suggestion that it may have been the Russians who passed the Papers to the Western press, and it foreshadows the possibility that damning information about key Western leaders will arise in the months ahead. Here is an excerpt…

>>> If “we” (in the United States or the West) released these documents, the motive would apparently be to embarrass Putin. This is part of the fantasy that we can defeat Putin in an information war. If that was the motive, the result is pathetic: No real damage is being done to Putin, but there is collateral damage to U.S. allies.

If the Russians did it, a good motive might be to deflect the West’s campaign against Putin’s corruption. But as I’ve explained, any actual reputational damage to Putin or Russia caused by the Panama Papers is in fact pretty trivial. For that cheap price, the Russians would have 1) exposed corrupt politicians everywhere, including in “model” Western democracies, and 2) fomented genuine destabilization in some Western countries. What I wonder, then: Is it a set-up? The Russians threw out the bait, and the United States gobbled it down. The Panama Paper stories run off Putin like water off a duck’s back. But they have a negative impact on Western stability…

If the Russians are behind the Panama Papers, we know two things and both come back to Putin personally: First, it is an operation run by RFM, which means it’s run by Putin; second, it’s ultimately about blackmail. That means the real story lies in the information being concealed, not revealed. You reveal secrets in order to destroy; conceal in order to control. Putin is not a destroyer. He’s a controller. /strong>

Although the NEO and Brookings articles offer differing (and naive) suggestions on who leaked the Papers, take note of what they agree on:

> They agree that the Panama Papers were used by the Western press to make a ham-fisted attack upon Putin’s reputation.

> They agree that there is a real information war — and therefore a real geopolitical conflict — between the West and the East.

> Their authors agree that Vladimir Putin is a real threat to the Western NWO.

On that last point, take a look at the promotional passages offered for a Putin biography written by the Brookings author…
…From the Brookings Institution Press

The NEO and Brookings agree on these points because both outfits work for the globalists, so both are selling the same fundamental perceptions to the public.

Let’s also take note of something I found in the Amazon write up for the Brookings book…

Remembering my previous writings on Mr. Putin, what figure would go to “extraordinary lengths throughout his life to conceal who he really is?” I can think of two figures…

1) The Messiah, who has hid his presence while he worked in the world to prevent the triumph of the “Satanic” Western NWO.

2) The Antichrist, who has hid his presence so he can establish his own UN-based “thousand year kingdom” in place of “Christ’s Millennial Kingdom.”

Putin is, of course, both of these figures — or so the globalists would have you believe.

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

[Update 8C – 11 April 2016]

It was back when I was writing Vladimir Putin: The mobster who would be the globalist Messiah that I noticed the coordinated effort to portray Putin as the “eye of the hurricane.” As I laid out in the entry, Putin entered St. Petersburg politics while he was still in the KGB, and evidently he was assigned to take over the city government on their behalf.

A KGB-friendly local politician named Anatoly Sobchak brought him into the St. Petersburg government, whereupon this happened…
…From Putin: Russia’s Choice by Richard Sakwa

Now if you are a criminal gang taking over a city, what are two things you want to control? That would be law enforcement and the media — the ones who could stop you — right? And those are precisely the things Putin went on to control. Also note how Sobchak shied away from signing any document that wasn’t pre-approved by Putin. This means that Sobchack wouldn’t make a move without it first being okayed by the KGB/FSB mafia.

So what was the result of this? Sakwa continues…

After noting that crime in St. Petersburg skyrocketed after Putin made the scene, Sakwa, who is an Establishment academic belonging to The Royal Inst..., goes on to imply that Putin himself is clean and is a “strong, effective and pragmatic leader.” So crime followed Putin in, yet Putin is portrayed as being personally untouched by it. In other words, he was the “eye of the corruption hurricane.”

We find another example of the effort to portray Putin as incorruptible in Boris Berezovsky’s remarks to another Putin biographer, Masha Gessen…

>>> Foremost in the dwindling circle of Yeltsin’s allies and supporters known as ‘the family’ was the oligarch Boris Berezovsky; indeed, many believed Berezovsky to be the real power behind Yeltsin’s throne. Berezovsky knew Putin from the early 1990s in St Petersburg when, in the first flush of buccaneering capitalism, Berezovsky was aiming to expand his car dealership and Putin was a minor city bureaucrat.

Putin arranged for Berezovsky to open a service station in the city, and declined to take a bribe. ‘He was the first bureaucrat who did not take bribes,’ Berezovsky told Gessen. ‘Seriously. It made a huge impression on me.’

Berezovsky began to vigorously promote Putin, among ‘the family’ and to Yeltsin himself. He would remember Yeltsin’s reaction on meeting Putin: ‘He seems all right,’ the president said of his putative successor, ‘but he’s kind of small.’ In August 1999 Yeltsin appointed Putin prime minister. – From The Telegraph /strong>

Although Berezovsky was being somewhat truthful in admitting he was among those who helped Putin take power, the reason he gives for doing so is ludicrously absurd. Do you really think Berezovsky went to Yeltsin and said, “I ran across this bureaucrat in St. Petersburg who didn’t take a bribe, and I found it impressive. Let’s make him President of Russia”? Do you really think a criminal oligarch like Berezovsky would even want an incorruptible man in the Russian Presidency? It’s totally ridiculous. The real reason Berezovsky talked about Putin rejecting a bribe was to help establish Putin’s bona fides as a lone incorruptible island amidst a sea of corruption.

So why are the globalists doing this – why are they trying to make Putin look like the “eye of the hurricane” who is untouched by the corruption swirling about him? This question can be answered with another question: How can you take a regular person with a sordid history like Putin and raise him up as a figure of religious reverence?

If you wanted to make Putin look like a Messiah, you’d tell people something like this…

“This world is corrupt, especially in the halls of international power. So the Messiah had to work with the corrupt in order to effect the changes he was endeavoring to make in this world. In doing so, he artfully used their own corruption against them while doing his best to maintain his purity of spirit. This world being what it is, it was impossible for him to do such work and remain totally untouched by sin, so he repented of the sins he couldn’t avoid and his Father washed him clean.”

So with such a narrative, you explain away his past to the gullible religious types. Then, all you have to do is fake his assassination and resurrection to raise him to divinity.

With love…

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