Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

We have hesitated in going public with this but now that it is already out it only confirms what we have been saying all along. DISCERNMENT and developing one's own inner sensitivity is foremost and paramount in the field of ufology.

On many occasions people are coming to us who have been involved with Simon and other top people in the field only to have implants and reptillian or grey cords connected to them. Without mentioning names there are people who keep professing there are no negative ETs yet at the same time they are arm in arm with Rockefellers, Clintons and other people with a long history of self service and Draconian rule.

There are tools for discernment.


does their message empower you as an individual or focus on them?


Does it empower you to make your own personal contact, your own personal God/Creator/Spirit connection?


Is their focus on material wealth and money?

Where does the money actually go?


How do they behave off the podium?

Before donating any money do your research, ask why their staff keep leaving, why all the secrecy, binding contracts whereas you cannot talk about anything concerning the organization.

Trust your feelings, see who is financing these people and you will know who they serve.

Sad to say so many are consciously and unconsciously serving a force that does not want the awakening and healing process to go forward. They are what is termed planned opposition. There to control the information, keep it in the past, far away and stuck in proving ETs exist verses who are they and why are they here. Better yet who are the benevolent ones and how can they assist humanity. There are some researchers who are for real and it is sad all the resources and donations are diverted due to name recognition verses service to the awakening and healing process.

Again before donating to any of these groups do your own research, meditate on it, go and feel what kind of energies are present at their events. Trust that inner voice that says there is something not quite right here.

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