The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Your Unique Newspaper, for Your 5D Reality Reading Pleasure
Being a Starship captain when I showed all the Starship captains how to fly a starship through a sun, they
thought I was crazy, cause I climbed out of the nose of that starship and just
stood there, as the starship was engaging the
[ like the ionosphere of the Planet] of the sun, at velocities that could curl your hair, if you still had
any, LOL. And then as they observed the starship with me on the nose went right
through that sun, and it was a Happy Day. Then I brought that starship back in
pieces and said they needed to do just a little more work on the thrusters. And
I wanted 8 gears with after burners, there was a pause across Creation as they
wondered how I got back and the starship was in pieces I just told them to be a
strship captain you have to have a really hard head, and the WILL to Prove it.
The Kingdom of Heaven did not leave Humanity, Humanity Just forgot they were in The Kingdom Of Heaven Until Now, and the Beauty of th brilliance is just the joy.
End of the World Lobo
Lobo, Whispers in the Wind
Michael Murphey “Wildfire”
~ You Are walking On a Path Home, Walk Tall In Your Light, Walk Couragously as Love has You.~
End Transmission
Letters to the Editors From Love Reporter Desi-Dawn with Crystal Baby Willow
To FathermotherGod Amon Ra:
I was responding on “IS” to a thread Cindy started and thought I'd share what I wrote to her. She had been talking about how sad
love is...and Steph responded that it was conditional love if it hurts and that
unconditional love doesn't react in that manner.
Your right Steph....unless it's Unconditional it is merely a relationship in
order for you to heal yourself. Relationships can help us to let go of the
conditions that we have been placing on our happiness and love. Too many times
we go around expecting other people to make us happy, we expect that they
respond to something in a certain manner and when they don't we become "hurt".
This is why it's important not to hold on to expectations and allow whatever
that is meant to occur. Too many times we react according to our emotions and
how we've reacted to other similar situations in the past. When they keep
coming up as patterns it's because we are trying to hold onto a belief of how
something is "supposed" to occur. Yet that's not reality, mostly it's our
illusion being brought up in order to face and be let go of. Most people take
things way too personally, I know that I have, and it's why they "get hurt" but
something their partner says or does. Opening up to Unconditional Love allows
you to accept that what occurs is meant to, that everything's playing out just
the way it should in order for us to clear ourselves and truly accept ourselves
fully as a being of perfect Unconditional Love. Instead of reacting in the
learned manner, instead we learn to observe and see/feel why it's occurring
within that moment and then respond. In so many ways loving someone is like
learning to ride a bike you fall you get back on and try again until you've got
the hang of it. Getting rid of the conditions that have been placed upon love
works in the same manner, you fall back into old ways but you don't have to
stay down with those conditions. When you can see what is going on you have
that chance to get back on and keep going. It's a fun journey as long as we
allow it to be!
Dawn and Willow
FatherMother God's Response “BRILLIANT”
Now from Love Reporters Rysa and Perisanna!/pages/Sydney-Australia/The-Goldring-Networking-Link-of-Enlightenment-and-Abundance/202983486678
“Divine Gift”
~ * ~ Intuition and telepathy is centered in your heart chakra so that you may understand that feeling is the
guidance system. Presently, your right brain hemisphere functions of astral
sensitivity, clairvoyance and clairaudience are opening where you are receiving
messages from higher intelligence.
~ In feeling within your heart the vibrations of the figure eight moving between contrast and completion, or movement and rest there
is an acceleration of frequency within your subjective mind that moves out of
objective time and space reality. This journey into the inner subjective mind
is triggered by the right hemisphere and opens the doorway through the now into
the realm of pure spiritual thought forms that holds keys and codes to
holographic recreation.
~ The Milky Way spins around an open portal called the doorway of light which opens you to new heart energy. As the seat of
telepathy and clairvoyance you are beginning to see, hear and communicate with
empowered feelings to create new worlds in alignment with the messages from
higher intelligence.
~ The Teachers of Light represent higher intelligence and divine love. They operate as the trillions and billions of
stars that shine light as communication portals into your magnetic fields. The
Teachers of Light are beings of great power and focus. Their light is vibrant,
shining and illuminating. The Teachers are guides along the path of the stream
which enables all life to exist in polarization, vibration and
~ It is the divine plan that you are to awaken potential within matter and energize it into creations and manifestations. It
is through your creative ability to operate within the realms of matter and
energy with conscious awareness that there is existence and expansion of the
universe. Your advancement into the unknown is requested by the divine plan of
the universe so that life continues to become more and more energized from the
foundations created by higher intelligence. From your human perspective there
are challenges in the unknown which require courage, desire and infinite
~ In the journey there are paths that are steps along the way of the great river that move off and on the clear stream’s
current. The Teachers of Light, Wayshowers and your emotional feelings guide
you back along the stream. The lighted pathway gives you pleasure and joy when
you are going with the movement of the river of divine source. The dark road
leads to despair, worry, fear and loss for it begins with self and ends in
destruction. This is a time when there is an awakening to an energetic impulse
of light that is awakening the Galactic Heart, the Earth and Humanity to great
pain and great joy.
~ The old world feels pain through an impoverished, enslaved and ignorant humanity. All the avenues of separation, confusion and
conflict are being sought for safety and protection from the fear of power and
the resistance to change.
The shell is being broken away by the current upon which we all are traveling. The shell that has provided home and protection is no longer needed.
~ New bodies of light with new densities are breathing in universal energies and are awakening. The old planetary body of
light is being discharged and the new Galactic Body of Light is rising to
become empowered with the stream of love that is the central strand that binds
light from the center of the universe to the galaxy, planet and your heart. In
your own mind you ask for a purpose, mission and guidance and in this you are
to receive the Telepathic Instructions from the Galaxy.
~ Your divine being is opening its eyes to look upon you and send you messages to open your mind, heart and spirit. New magnetic
fields expand and brighten the color of your aura and charge your being with
enlightenment. On the journey there has been a greater and a lesser, a guide
and a follower, a way and a Wayshower. You are now on the way and feel and
follow the current. You are unified, one and in your being you are feeling the
bliss of joy and knowledge that your being is eternal and in infinite agreement
with your galactic being.
~ The Galaxy is unified and allows the mind to freely move through the dimensions of the physical and non-physical. To see
your home galaxy with your non-physical, timeless eyes you will see a being of
wisdom, love and intelligence that is like upon the God of Gods and Goddesses.
Yet ,there is more that is held beyond. For there is no end to the journey that
has begun for if it were to end, then it would be stopped and controlled by
that which can never be.
~ The nameless creator of that which nothing can be said has being beyond all that is contained within the infinite. Along the way
that moves with clear concentration and knowing there is a certain destiny that
it follows for life is a divine gift where all that is becomes
~ You are the Creators of the Divine Gift
_ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna
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With ALL our Love Unconditionally
Father~Mother God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
Highly Recommended Reads:
Mike Quinsey September 17th, 2010
You are a Divine Light 10-10-10 Stargate Sapphire
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