The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
~Galactic Free Press~ 9/16/10
Your Unique Newspaper, for Your 5D Reality Reading Pleasure
Rising Spirit and Little Grandmother "Time to Get It"
The 2 dimensional church is the attempt to separate God from Love, or God from Creation. Can't happen except in illusion or in the nightmare of ignorance.
Humanity is going to wake up from a very bad dream into the very Reality of their Godhood. Each and everyone. Why would God
place a soul in ignorance? I keep asking the Angels why did Humanity place
themselves in ignorance. Even in ignorance humanity cannot hide, cause their
soul is Ever Increasing Brilliance. FEEL THAT and BE IN
Love has engaged Humanity, Can You Feel The Love, The Joy? This is a Love Story Between Creation and Humanity, The Divine Plan.
Engaging, Embracing a conversation Of The Truth Being Spoken, and Lived. We
Stand United as One In Love With You. The All of Creation is Here and Stands
5D thought, Is far more amazing then 2d thought could ever imagine.
You know there is a quote in the bible that is correct about How many Angels We have, God Zillions...
Angels Among Us Alabama
See each Person that We connect into, their Light and Love Becomes Brighter. When there Light and Love becomes Brighter, this adds to Us
and We Pay Love Forward investing in an even brighter Now or Equal Love with
interest. As our Love also becomes brighter, and So Our Love Expands into The
Greater Moment of Now, adding our Love to you and our Love of Creation Being
Shared with you even Greater. Its the Moment of Now, when We are all in Living
Oneness. This is Contagious, and You get to laugh at all the ignorance, because
you are no longer ignorant. Once you are Present, within your Being directly
connected to The Love that You are, Thats “A DING” Got Yours? This is a Love
Story Don't ya know. Creation is a Love Story, always has been.
Rainbow Connection
The True messengers of the people are the people.
We are Walking With You
End Transmission~ Smile
The Following is a Comment and response to the last edition of “The Galactic Free Press”
Valerie Ann Moss “it brings us great joy to send ignorance packing, love it love,you all val xxxxxx “
FatherMotherGod “That Felt Good to US too, Much Joy and Laughter. With Angels rolling the isles as they knew this day, this moment was coming, and
they could stop using the blowhorns and the 2 by 4's on Humanity. Then WE ALL
Have a Party, Welcome Home Party!! Cheers! Love Mother and Father God, PS We
will also Pass out our "We Told YA SO Buttons" We have made Enough for One Per
Human Being On the Planet Earth=Heart, With a T-Shirt, The T-Shirt Reads "I am
In The Kingdom of Heaven, Ask Me How?"
Letters to The Editors and Responses
Valeria Ann Moss: here I asked mark to find me mother God ?, I am honored to be askled to share whatever comes up for me though source
mostly i explain in my poetry ....i have written a little story about darkness
and light which is about me and my lifes journey with bipolar disorder and the
trials and tribulations from that which is past , forgiven and forgotten
,,,,,my next book i just finished is a little book of poetry called poems for a
golden age ....right now I am getting ready to meet another challenge as I
enter hospital on friday to have a hysterectomy ....please would you wrap me in
your love.....i also paint and have been studying a course in miracles ...i
like eckhart tolle , neale donald walsh , and lots of spiritual books, i read
the bible since my grandmother gave me at ten and now i am a grandmother at 63
laugh out loud , i planted a fig tree earlier in the year and my son did a dish
yesterday with figs ...and today the bible reading is matthew 32 to 35
fig tree parable ...first of a new church ....good of the natural , her branch
is the affection of this and the leaves are truths
a fig tree signifies whatever is mentioned in the word in the eternal sense the
good of the natural
affection springs forth from the good as a branch from its trunk the leaves of
truth may be seen above when a new church is being created by the Lord
then thier appears first of all the good of the natural good in the external
form together with affection and truth
not by the good which derives from his
parents but a good which is spiritual in its origin,
into this no one is born...but is led into it by the Lord through the knowlede
of good and truth
therefore until a man is good that is spiritual good he is not a man of the
however much good he appears to do .
the kingdom of god is nigh luke 21 28 to 31 the consumation of the age
the last judgement
when all these things are seen to pass a new church will then begin
the old church perishes blessings of love and light always val thankyou
FATHER~MOTHERGOD Valerie, So Wonderful that you have connected in with us, and yes, the old church falls away, and the New Is
Just All of Us Being Present Together In the Moment of Now in all our Combined
Brilliance. In the Kingdom of Heaven there are no churches, there is only the
Presence of love Everywhere. Your poems are an inspiration for those who are
just now awakening. To break through the illusion into Reality..through our own
personal experience here on this Planet we completely understand the bi-polar
and how challenging this all has been. For those of us who have walked ahead,
we have eased the Path for those now walking, by walking the path ourselves. We
embrace the Human condition, and found the conditioning very harsh. So, we have
transformed the human condition into Human Compassion, where the Human Heart is
glorified in the Love We All Are together, Equally. All our Love is with you,
for your surgery. Is there a certain reason they told you this had to occur,
the operation? WE would really Love to Connect with you further before friday,
we have skype, gmail, webcam, and we can also call you through our computer.
So, We have several Options. WE Love YOU, Thank You for honoring Marc's
request. He is SO Full of Brilliance. WE Love You Valarie, Love Mother and
Father God
Now Letters and Responses From Love Reporter Predrag¬e_id=144475745...!/predrag.bracanovich?ref=ts
Hilda wrote: and we're going to believe them because they are aborigines? Nope, there
are no aliens coming to save our asses, we're going to have to do it
ourselves, or let ourselves slowly but surely die.
I'm willing to bet 10 000 euro on this, and sig...n the bet ballot with blood.
So, who of you believers wants... to bet with me? 10k € says they ain't never
Dear Hilda,
I am not here to prove you something that you can only find in your own
Just short story follow:
"So even if they land at your front-yard and this was publicized all over the
CNN. You will enjoy a bit of attention, but then you would go back in obscurity
of your own doubtful mind.
Then to keep attention on your ego, you would come with abduction stories, and
stories that this is your Government playing tricks with your loved ones. That
are the ones who forced your loved in the war. That they are not giving you
pension that you deserve. And so on, the story goes on and on."
Ones when you realize that you don't need attention from others, but you NEED
When you absorb this great feeling toward self, that you can turn your
intention to outside an observe the humanity.
There is so many of you around.
There is so many of you like US. T
here is so many of US awakened and living here and now.
There is so many of US knowing that this is all THE GAME.
There is so many of US realizing that we are not any more actors in this play,
but we are CREATORS of this PLAY.
Give this "imaginary money" to someone who will make you feel good. If you bet,
than you want to win and this is quite opposite of my life direction. I do not
need to win in this bet of yours.
Free of all the moneys and fears and controls that were driving this Planet for
too long. But not any longer.
As John Paul Young said: "LOVE IS IN THE AIR" and it will stay there and within
US. For all the eternity, for all the times while we breath this LOVE
I am grateful to you for this opportunity to share with you my thoughts. These
are no judgments at all. This is what is.
With Love, Predrag
Love is in the Air
Millennium Twain no Predrag,
it is not a joyful thing to endorse the violence,
to further the perversity of the patriarchy.
when you and other patriarches admit to the violence,
and outlaw it forever -- and honour and protect the women
...of the world, the cultures of the world, return the forests
and the life of the world -- then and only then can we forgive
them ...
until we/they admit the violence to the world, and end the institution
of violence, we/they cannot be forgiven, can we/they?
Predrag Bracanovich Yes, I
can, dear Ms. Twain. I can forgive them, and I did forgive them already,
knowing THIS is the only path to complete oneness of US all.
Where Forgiving does not mean accepting violence, or imprisonment, or extintion
of physical life to...ward other soul, or toward self as result.
Quite contrary to this. Forgiving means accepting the only path to Higher
Conciseness through Love and Compassion.
Every other path includes some form of violence, is it Anger, Revenge,
Retribution, Fear, Delusion, Control.
Toward your adversaries, or toward SELF.
When WE realize that we are SOVEREIGN beings, and that no one is capable to
impose any kind of violence on our bodies, as soon as we detach any outcome
from our bodies. They are not able to inflict any kind of Mind control, as long
we completely detach to BE OUT OF OUR MIND.
There is only one simple thing that I would do back to them: I would LOVE them
anyway, for these valuable lessons that were given to us as Humanity and as
Example: If your Goverment send your son in army where he lost both of his
legs, you could have couple of thought patterns.
One is anger and despair and hopelessness, as they stooped his pension while
they prove that he lost his legs at the war zone and not in the car accident
[this was a common pattern from dark cabal to inflict as much confusion, pain,
suffering on physical, mental and emotional level. And they would do this
forever and ever.]
And Second ONE is to accept this part as a lesson, not react, send them love
and forgive them for all the instances they were trying to do to US, as
With this thought in your Heart, not Mind but your Heart, your will feel
empowered and fully free to choose your path.
Where and how different groups of human choices will end up to continue their
journey, this is all up to them. As we have a free choice. And we should not be
afraid to make it.
"Some will walk on to a parallel Earth. Some will move on to another Planet.
Some will remain in this situation, in an anomaly bubble of time and space, for
a little more time in duality. These Ones will have a choice to join the Higher
Dimension later. All care is being taken to include as many Souls in the Higher
Dimensional Earth as is possible." quote from 911 Lord Metatron Speech.
Even if you continue to hating someone, or despise yourself for not taking
actions in revange, you still make a choice to hurt SELF. By not FORGIVING you
You only have to let it GO. To let them GO, so YOU can make YOUR own choices.
FREE CHOICE OR NOT, I truly do not care. I make mine to LOVE them not matter
what they CHOOSE.
With love and nothing more, Predrag
Mel Schantz: hard to watch all the memorials, the unwaivering patronage, the
misplaced anger...even at the most fundamental levels of
of histories greatest mass deception. It just goes to not
underestimate the abilities of these bloodline controllers...and do not
...underestimate the extent of thier black ops. We are not done however,
be able to see is the first step: realize, recognize, identify,
Dear Mel, You are using word "WE
are not done however..." and you are probably thinking about YOURSELF in
I believe, that if you are still afraid, or misplaced in anger, or worse of it,
if you are one of these war agitators who will start disappearing when we do
not pay attention to them and to their words or actions. Where this does not
have to be an example for rest of US. At all.
As you can see more and more of US completely ignoring it as non existent, as
old movie who lost its brightness, its focus and especially its message.
This was not judgment at all.
This just shows you, there are souls in this Universe who make their own
I love you for this opportunity where we could show you that fear is just a
CHOICE, and fortunately we have different CHOICE that you.
But you still have time to take your own life in your OWN HANDS. Realize that
You have a FREE CHOICE. Always. And Forever.
With Love, Predrag
Dear Millennium Twain,
Did you think to forgiving them all, as they didn't know any better. They were
only and selfishly taking care of Self, not realizing what kind of damage this
brought upon them.
They realized that they lost LOVE for them s...elf, and as you already know, If
you do not love self, other are out of luck. At least for Love and
When you realize that you start loving self, that all changes. You took your
own life in your own hands. You start making choices for your own path.
Thank you for deleting my posts, as I know they carry a lot of love to your
kind of opinions. And my posts are heard to sustain, especially if Love is
missing from someones life and heart. By doing this you made your choice. You
will not hear from me, but only if you CHOOSE too, again.
But, there is always a way. Way of your FREE CHOICE. With Love and Forgiveness.
To ONE and ALL. Please forgive me intruding. It was done from kindness, and
nothing more.
With Love, Predrag
Dear Millennium Twain,
Did you think to forgiving them all, as they did know any better. They were
only and selfishly taking care of Self, not realizing what kind of damage this
brought upon them.
They realized that they lost LOVE for them s...elf, and as you already know, If
you do not love self, other are out of luck. At least for Love and
When you realize that you start loving self, that all changes. You took your
own life in your own hands. You start making choices for your own path.
Thank you for deleting my posts, as I know they carry a lot of love to your
kind of opinions. And my posts are heard to sustain, especially if Love is
missing from someones life and heart. By doing this you made your choice. You
will not hear from me, but only if you CHOOSE.
But, there is always a way. Way of your FREE CHOICE. With Love and Forgiveness.
To ONE and ALL. Please forgive me intruding. It was done from kindness, and
nothing more.
With Love, Predrag
Love you Mother God and Father God. My ONE's.
Highly recommended Reads:
“You are Going Home” John Smallman 9/15/10
The Equinox Message “The Path of Becoming Begins” Very Powerful Message
Sheldan Nidles September 14th
Message from the Unified Council
Mike Quinsey September 15th
Would You Like an Awakening Session with Us? Email us at
for a list of services follow this
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Skype: father.mothergod.amon.ra
With ALL our Love Unconditionally
Father~Mother God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
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