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Free E-Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial)

Free E-Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial)

E-Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre:

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2009]: “The Myth Around Supriem David Rockefeller”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [1998-2011]: “The Wes Penre Papers – A Journey Through the Multiverse: (Introductory Level of Learning): Introductory Paper #1: Basic Information on the Global Elite a.k.a. “The Shadow Government”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2011]: “The Wes Penre Papers – A Journey Through the Multiverse (First Level of Learning)” (Including all Level I Papers and reads like a book)

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2012]: “The Wes Penre Papers – A Journey Through the Multiverse (Second Level of Learning)” (Including all Level II Papers and reads like a book)

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2013]: “The Wes Penre Papers – A Journey Through the Multiverse (Third Level of Learning)” (Including all Level III Papers and reads like a book)

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: “The Wes Penre Papers – A Journey Through the Multiverse (Fourth Level of Learning)” (Including all Level IV Papers and reads like a book)

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2013]: “Beyond 2012 — A Handbook for the New Era”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 1: “An Introduction to the Fourth Level of Learning”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 2: “Setting the Ancient Records Straight: Who is Who and Who did What in the Pantheon?”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 3: “The Relationship Between Asterisms
and Certain Star Beings”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 4: “The Cosmic Wars Started in the VOID…”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 5: “Lucifer’s Rebellion”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 6: “The Sirian War and the Golden Age”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 7: “The Solar War”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 8: “The Orion and the Artemis Myth,” “The Real Story of Isis,” and Genetic Manipulation”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 9: “An Introduction to the Underworld”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 10: “The Tablets of Destinies”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 11: “‘The Rigel War and ‘Thoth-the-Rigelian'”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 12: “The Milky Way Spiral Arms and the Cosmic Slave Masters”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 13: “The Garden of Edin Revisited”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 14: “The Antediluvian Times and Utnapishtim’s Heavenly Ark”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 15: “The Postdiluvian Times and Lucifer Building his Plans”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 16 (Second Edition): “The Ongoing Battle over the Material and the Spiritual Realms (What is Matter and What is Spirit?)”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 17: “Leaving the Cosmic Battlefield”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Penre, Wes [2014]: The Fourth Level of Learning, Appendix Paper A: “Protocol of a Meeting between Human and Extraterrestrial Galactic Representatives on Planet Earth in 2011″

bullet orange Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial)
 E-Books by Other Authors (in alphabetical order by author) :

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Bordon, A.R. & Barber, J.W.: “Between the Devil and the Returning Rock” (from the “Journal of End Time Studies” Series)

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Bordon, A.R. and Barber, J.W.: “Catastrophism, Exopolitics, and the Return of NI.BI.RU.: A Case For The Long-Term Or Extended View of Exopolitics” (from the “Journal of End Time Studies” Series)

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Bordon, A.R.: Geometry of Actionable Choicemaking

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Bordon, A.R.: “THE LINK” (from the “Journal of End Time Studies” Series)

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Bordon, A.R. and Wienz, E.M.: “The Anima Problem – Possible Location of the Threat Locus [Public Version]”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Giants and Human Hybrids (a compilation)

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Life Physics Group California: “Extraordinary Times — An Epoch in Which Humankind Grows Up”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial)  Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) ie icon Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial)LoBuono, George: “Alien Mind”

ie icon Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial)Marciniak, Barbara: “Bringers of the Dawn”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) McCanney, James: “Surviving the Planet X Passage”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial)  ie icon Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial)Montalk: “Discerning Alien Information”

ie icon Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial)Newald, Alec: “CoEvolution”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Strzyzewski, Kurt: “Introduction to Idiomaterial Life Physics”

pdf icon2 Free E Books, Papers, and Articles by Wes Penre and Other Authors (Conspiracy/Spiritual/Extraterrestrial) Tellinger, Michael: “Slave Species of Gods”

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Comment by Besimi on November 28, 2014 at 2:15am

Buddhist Monks Blessed Tea With Good Intention – Here’s What Happened

It’s become clear to more and more people that consciousness is directly correlated with our physical material world. Numerous scientific studies have proven that our consciousness is directly correlated to it, and through our consciousness, we can directly influence our physical world in more ways than one.

One example of this is how the mind has a capacity to influence the output of devices known as Random Event Generators(1) Another example are the multitude of declassified papers that deal with ‘paraphsychological’ phenomenon.

For example, government experiments revealed human beings are capable of bending physical material objects with their minds.(2)(3)

Another great example is what’s known as the “double slit experiment.” This study found that factors associated with consciousness such as meditation, experience, and electrocortical markers of focused attention have an influence on material reality. (4)

01%2BTea%2BMonk Buddhist Monks Blessed Tea With Good Intention – Here’s What Happened

I also think it’s important to throw in the remote viewing experiments conducted by the NSA, CIA and Stanford University. (5)

Another great example is the Placebo Effect, the documented fact that we can transform our biology with belief.

We constantly receive comments saying that there is no scientific evidence for the correlation between consciousness and physical material reality.

However, there are a number of published studies done by experts, for experts, scientists, and academic institutions all over the world. Work is available in a number of respected peer reviewed journals that clearly demonstrate it. For a selected list of more examples click here.

I just wanted to make it clear that it’s pretty clear that human intention and consciousness does correlate with the physical material world. Why this isn’t the topic of rigorous investigation by universities world-wide is curious. The implications of this information are far reaching and relevant to many factions of society (health for example).

Knowing that human consciousness and intent can alter our physical world lends further credibility to a study conducted by scientists at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

The study examined the roles of intention and belief on mood while drinking tea. It explored whether drinking tea “treated” with good intentions would have an effect on mood more so than drinking ordinary tea. The study was done under double-blind, randomized conditions. (6)

“Each evening, for seven days in a row, volunteers recorded their mood using the Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire. On day three, four, and five of the test, each participant drank 600 mL of oolong tea in the morning and again in the afternoon.

“One randomly assigned group blindly received tea that had been intentionally treated by three Buddhist monks; the other group blindly received untreated tea from the same source. On the last day of the test, each person indicated what type of tea he/she believed they had been drinking.” (6)

189 adults participated in the study, and the study was conducted over a week in order to reduce mood fluctuations. Those who drank “treated” tea showed a greater increase in mood than those who drank untreated tea. Change in mood in those who believed that they were drinking treated tea was much better than those who did not.

The authors also noted that the belief that one was drinking treated tea directly correlated with a large improvement in mood, but only if one was actually drinking the treated tea. This indicated that belief and intentional enhancement interact.

The authors also mentioned another very interesting point, that “esthetic and intentional qualities associated with the traditional tea ceremony may have subtle influences that extend beyond the ritual itself.” (6)

How Can We Apply These Concepts to Our Everyday Lives

We can apply these concepts in a number of ways. Before you eat, or drink water for example, put love into it, put good intention into it, be thankful for it.

Your intent and emotions behind the consumption of food and water can have a direct impact on your physical body. To take a look at what thoughts and intentions do to the structure of water, click here. If thoughts can do this to water, just imagine what they can do to us.

We can also apply these concepts to our health, just like the placebo effect. But the main point I want to get across is that we can use the power of human intent, prayer, consciousness, whatever you want to call it to help change, transform and re-build our world.

This is already taking place – one aspect of consciousness is perception, how we perceive the world. Throughout human history, our perception of the ‘truth’ has continually changed. New discoveries and more are responsible for changing this perception. This shift in consciousness alone changes our world.

We are one race led to believe that we are divided. This is changing, however, as more and more people are realizing that we do not belong to a country, or a sect of people, but rather we belong to planet Earth and we are ONE human race. Many people have perceived the planet as a 9-5 grind, grow up, get an education and get a job.

Because this was our perception for so long, we ended up prolonging it, creating it and reinforcing it. This is changing, and more people are beginning to see that it doesn’t have to be this way.

More people are coming to the same conclusions of how our world has  really been operating, that it is different to what we have been told it is, to what we have believed it has been for so long. We are merging into one perception.

Consciousness is powerful, and a big threat to the ones who want to control us, and force us into a system that doesn’t resonate. If you control the consciousness of the people, control their perception, you control the world. It’s time for us to take back control, and create a new experience for the human race.

What would happen if the entire human collective basked in the vibration and thoughts of love, peace, cooperation, understanding, and non-judgement? We would transform our world. So send out these intentions to the Earth, and you will assist in its transformation.

By Arjun Walia,

Comment by Besimi on November 28, 2014 at 2:13am

It was not too long ago that scientists spoke about space and time as two separate things. The contributions of Einstein in the first part of the last century changed that. Increasingly since then, space and time have been referred to by physicists as the ‘space-time continuum’.

Whereas space, prior to this, was considered to have three dimensions, Einstein’s contributiongave rise to a four-dimensional concept that included time1. This continuum was likened by Einstein and later by others to a sheet of rubber that can expand and contract, curl or lie flat, affected by the displacement of matter in a way that science is still coming to understand.

5deality Fifth Dimensional Awareness

The nature of space and time or ‘space-time‘ is still in a stage of theoretical unfoldment, yet even now, almost a century after Einstein’s revolutionary presentation of the new theory, most people still have difficulty picturing physical reality as four-dimensional, and a five-dimensional reality seems even further away.

As an abstract concept, the ‘space-time continuum’ is more of a mathematical idea than an image – one that does not readily lend itself to easy contemplation, especially when we try to picture ourselves as living within it. For this reason, it is helpful to seek the support of metaphor as we try to do so.

Einstein’s metaphor for space-time was the ‘rubber sheet’ mentioned above. In trying to locate ourselves within this metaphor, we either have to think of ourselves as part of the rubber sheet itself, or, we can expand the metaphor and think of the rubber sheet as having an inside and an outside with an empty space in between – a layer of space in which we live. If we picture this layer as containing all the physical universe that we presently know, we will come closer to imagining what most of us conceive of as three-dimensional space, for this space has boundaries of perception that we cannot exceed as three-dimensional beings, except as our evolving consciousness allows us to.

The interior layer of the rubber sheet, then, is where we live. It is a bounded universe of perception, though not a bounded universe in reality. If we take this bounded layer of the physical and shift from picturing an interior layer of a rubber sheet to, instead, picturing the interior of a sphere, or better yet, of a doughnut that contains a world of small people running around inside, we will have a closer approximation of what three-dimensional space might feel like to someone inside the doughnut, and what this same space might look like to someone outside the doughnut.

To the inhabitants of the doughnut, movement in all directions is possible until you hit the boundary of the doughnut which is the boundary of three-dimensional space and of physical reality. This is not a real boundary, but a boundary of perception. However, since this is the only world that the inhabitants of the doughnut know, they perceive themselves to be free to move in all directions. They do not perceive the boundary. From the perspective of someone outside the doughnut, however, life inside the doughnut can be perceived as a doughnut-shaped layer of reality – the inhabitants sealed within that layer, unaware that there is anything beyond it.

To carry the metaphor further, let us picture that inside the doughnut there are three dimensions of space and one dimension of time within which we freely move, thinking that this is all there is. However, to one outside the doughnut, it appears that the entire doughnut we live in exists within another larger doughnut – a layer of Creation that contains the smaller layer and is five-dimensional rather than four. This five-dimensional layer also exists within other layers that have higher numbers of dimensions. Each of the doughnut-shaped layers is contained within a higher-dimensional, more inclusive layer. Each layer penetrates the layers within it yet is not perceived as doing so, since to the inhabitants of the three-dimensional doughnut, the three-dimensional-space is all that can normally be seen and felt.

In trying to expand our awareness to this multi-dimensional space in which we actually live, most of us are able to return to early learning, remembering how one, two, and three dimensions operate. The simple description for this arrangement is that one-dimensional space can be thought of as a line, two-dimensionality as a flat surface, and three-dimensionality as a cube that has length, width, and height. To imagine four-dimensional space, we might imagine ourselves moving in time through three-dimensional space, though as stated above, this would not be an exact picture of four-dimensional space which joins ‘space-time’ into one larger whole. Within four-dimensional space, we are at a particular location in physical space at a particular time.

To try to imagine five-dimensional space from this three-dimensional perspective is generally not possible. The fifth dimension or layer of Creation is not spatial nor is it temporal. Rather, it is a dimension that brings space-time into relationship with the timeless and eternal. Fifth-dimensional ‘space’ and the awareness that accompanies it creates a movement of consciousness rather than a movement on the physical plane. This movement allows us to begin to perceive the unity of life and matter because we are moving within a higher plane. And just as we would if we physically ascended a mountain, as we move into higher dimensions, we have access to a broader view of what reality really is. Within this broader view, things are not as separate as they are within three-dimensional reality. The one who is ‘me’ and the one who is ‘you’ are not so far apart, in fact, they may not be apart at all.

To understand movement within a ‘plane of consciousness’, think of dreaming. In dreams, we can do things that are not normally possible in physical life. We can see the same thing from different perspectives. We can be two places at the same time. We can move in ways that are not possible in three-dimensional space, and time itself often has an altogether different quality. Dreaming gives us an illustration of what a ‘movement in consciousness’ might be like.

Multi-dimensional space, like dreaming, is a ‘consciousness-space’ – one which we, for the most part, are not accustomed to, unless we have had non-ordinary experiences which have taken us into these other realms. Dreaming, for most, is the closest approximation. The Kabbalah and its Tree of Life, the ten Sephiroth,2,3 can be a spiritual guide for us within this multi-dimensional space, as can other holistic models of the universe4 and of Creation which serve the same purpose. Although the Sephiroth do not correspond exactly to dimensions, they do describe a model of the spiritual-physical universe in which Light and energy descend progressively from the Godhead into the world of matter. In doing so, they create pathways through which forces of Creation emanating from the Godhead can direct energy toward lower states of expression and manifestation. The route or passage of this energetic descent results in the divinization5 and layering of the spiritual-physical universe into gradations of spiritual energy and Light.

We, in our three or four-dimensional doughnut are at the lowest end of the spectrum of Light and energy. We have lived within this frame of reference so long that we are accustomed to thinking that it is all there is. But it is not all there is. We have access in our consciousness to all that is ‘above’, for what is ‘above’ is also within. The metaphoric doughnut-layers containing higher-order dimensionality penetrate the layer we exist in at all times.

Similarly, the emanations of Divine light coming from the Godhead penetrate every layer of Creation and infuse our life without our knowing it. And whether there are ten layers as the Kabbalah indicates and as String Theory suggests, or a different number of layers (dimensions) as other theories would have us believe, we, in any case, are evolving in consciousness along with the earth into a greater capacity to experience what has previously been inaccessible to our awareness.

This evolution of consciousness will inevitably take us into five-dimensional awareness and beyond – beyond the confines of our bounded ‘doughnut’. For five-dimensional awareness is nothing less than the loss of the sense of separateness from others and from the universe in which we live. This loss of separateness takes place in the presence of expanding light and creates an experience of the Divine within all – a perspective in which distinctions between self and other, between matter and spirit, and even between life and death can fade into the background. Within fifth-dimensional awareness, individualized consciousness still remains, but the sense of estrangement and isolation from life does not.

Linked with this shift in awareness is a movement away from exclusive reliance on our mind and five senses to define reality, toward a new awareness of infused Light linking all within a vibration of love. It is the physical senses and their biological structure which have supported and made possible the perception of subject and object, self and other.

Fifth-dimensional consciousness is already present for some, and there are many others who are awakening to it even now while the greater shift has not yet occurred. Yet for most, the sense of separation between ‘me’ and ‘you’ and the need to protect ‘me’ from ‘you’ still predominates in an atmosphere where the experience of unity has not yet directly been felt.

Fifth-dimensional awareness will change this situation and the morality that accompanies it. When all is seen to be connected with all, then a morality that is based not on self-preservation but on concern for the welfare of the whole will prevail. When there is no difference between ‘your’ interest and ‘my’ interest, then the foundation for peace can be laid within each individual consciousness.

The advent of this shift has already arrived, creating a foreshadowing of a way of being on the planet that is based in love, not self-protection – one that seeks to serve the good of all, rather than the desires of self. Such a movement has God at the center by whatever name God is called, for the movement itself does not belong to any nation, religious tradition, or group.

As we, collectively, move into fifth-dimensional awareness, the possibility for resolving the dire conflicts that have beset the world will, for the first time, become credible, and hope for a peaceful future will, for the first time, become a real hope, based in a foundation of truth.

Comment by Besimi on November 26, 2014 at 10:56pm

CLIC ON ITEMS (PDF) links ,TO CHECK/READ THEM :)    ...Namaste guys & girls :)

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