Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Fear, a beautiful gift. By Brenda Watts

Sorry I did not edit this. I was meditating everything I have learned the past few months washed over me... and when I was done I just wrote this… It is not new news but it is powerful and true. This is for all of you walking in fear and those of us who are learning that we don’t need to.

Love Brenda

Fear, a beautiful gift.

People use fear as a catalyst to move them through life. This is a pre-birth soul agreement. Some souls will only respond when the fear moves them along.

Yet, Fear can only take you so far and the rest is up to you as individuals.

There are only two genuine emotions in the universe fear and love. From love comes all creation including fear. From fear comes hate and unhappiness… all the negative emotions.

Fear is one of the most important tools you have been given. Fear has the ability to push and motivate you in this form much more effectively than does love. The illusion that fear is opposed to love is just an illusion. Fear and love work together hand in hand to create theexperiences you treasure so much.

Even in the most frightening moment people will become tired of fighting the fear and turn to face it. Even if it means they are going to die. They will stop and face the fear because finallydying is ultimately better than the continued fear. In that moment as they turn the fear is no longer a substance and ceases to exist. It is up to each individual how far they are willing to go and how deeply embedded they allow the fear to become. It is a choice to run from fear just as it is a choice to turn and face it. Honor each individual’s path and the extent to which they choose to experience fear.

Worry is another form of fear, worry most generally builds up into great walls of fear that when faced will fall at your feet. You never worry that you will be loved too much, or that things will turn out too good. You would rather worry about the negative aspects. Attempt to worry that you will be too happy, or that an experience will be too wonderful. It isn't possible. For even as you attempt to try this experiment fear will come. You will think if I am loved too much and then he dies, I will be lost. Fear.

Fear is just a tool for experience. It is natural and it is good. It is up to you individually how far you are willing to run before you are too tired to run anymore. The moment of turning and facing the fear no matter what the outcome is the most beautiful expression of love given to mankind. The real moment of truth. It really is “all good”. There really is nothing to fear.

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Comment by Brenda Watts on November 7, 2010 at 2:47pm
Bashar is saying..
Fear is a reaction to a definition of something you have bought into. So it’s a belief that is limited and the fear is a way of telling you that you have these beliefs so you can find them and change them and change the fear and joy. Fear is a tool to show you what is out of alignment with your true self. So use your fear to serve you and then you will transform your fear into a tool and it will turn into Joy. Well that’s as good as I can summarize it. This is a very good video Nicklas, Thank you.
I also found a video by Lee Harris that was on fear, It sounds a lot like the blog I wrote. I love this, I love it when I “get it”.
This is a good one too on fear. I love Bashar!!!
Comment by Brenda Watts on November 7, 2010 at 2:28pm
Really Nicklas? Thats cool. Ill go listen. :-)
Comment by Nicklas on November 7, 2010 at 5:10am
Comment by Trudy on November 7, 2010 at 5:03am
It is said: Fear brings out the best out of you!
But in matter of fact is the ultimately releasing of the fear is what brings out the best out of you!
Comment by Brenda Watts on November 7, 2010 at 3:46am
Really Thank you P for bringing this to my attention. I am having a bit of fear at the moment and you could not have posted on it at a better time!! WOW! We forget don't we?
Comment by Brenda Watts on November 7, 2010 at 3:36am
Thank you Patricia. :-)
Comment by Brenda Watts on June 19, 2010 at 3:05am
The faster we are growing spiritually the more lessons we are given. As we come out of one, we seem to get thrown back into another. I could not understand what was going on until my teacher Patricia, said GOOD!! That means you are growing. You may be presented with more reasons to freak-out of have fear but you push through it faster and faster. Then today I read this from Walsch…
Gratitude is the fastest form of healing. What you resist persists. What you are grateful for can then serve you, as it was meant to do. Neale Donald Walsch

What you resist persists… that’s like running from the fear instead of turning and facing the fear.
Comment by Brenda Watts on May 31, 2010 at 1:45am
...."we teach what we need to learn...." no i never did hear that... I like it!!!!!
Comment by Brenda Watts on May 25, 2010 at 12:13am
When I read what you wrote here I knew exactly what happened. I do it with my homework papers. I write these long profound essays and send them off email to my teacher Rev. Patricia Roller. Later in class she will go over them with me and circle bits of it. Or she will quote me. I look at it as if I had never seen it before. I need to bring it home to re-read and study. Something is happening to us and it is profound. We are tapping into the universal consciousness and when we teach or try to explain something about this whatever its called.. this TRUTH.. we Somehow channel a pure stream of truth. Truth we did not even know we knew. But we do know. It is called universal consciousness and it is our divine right to have this information and to share it. So yes study our own truth as I study mine and as I will study yours. It is up to us awakening ones to share and teach. Some people who channel information keep it to themselves out of self doubt and fear. Others alter it and make it theirs, others call it channeling and others are as surprised as you and I when great truths and teachings come from places in us we never knew we could tap into. Is it not the most beautiful expression of communication and connection to the I AM? We truly are ONE. Everything truly is OK.
I am so glad to reconnect with you my beautiful friend.
Love Brenda
Comment by Brenda Watts on May 22, 2010 at 8:49pm
Dear Kamala,
I don’t have anything to add to your beautiful teaching here today. That is the loveliest and most beautiful writing I have ever read from you. Your truth shines through it and I suspect you not only taught me many things today, you also found some of your own truths there to be true. You also have touched many people and this piece of truth you composed will continue to teach and touch. They say a Smart man can answer a lot of questions, but a wise man knows what questions to ask… I guess I asked the right questions because your response is a work of art. I hope every one of our friends here reads this and copies it and keeps it to read again. I am so very glad we are friends and so glad you are still in my life and on this journey with me dear.
Love and Light

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