Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Faith When Nothing Makes Sense
By Hope Fitzgerald

Greetings, Luminous One!

I have to admit that I’m almost at a loss for words… please bear with me as I stumble through this.

This month, we’ve looked at Faith in the natural world, in ourselves, in each other and in our unseen helpers.

Today I was going to discuss Faith in Action, but with the heaviness of our current news, I feel I must address what to do when our Faith is shaken to the core by the deeds of others, in this case an unhappy, misguided boy.

As I write this, a gentle spring breeze wafts over me and I hear the migrating birds serenading in the background. I’m doing my best to let these soothe my broken heart over these events.

I’m pretty sure you’re feeling the same way.

How do we deal with children killing children? And the repercussions from that senseless act?

Broken hearts can kill, as we now witness in the sudden death of the slain teacher’s husband.+++

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