We all need thoughts..
To help us with our everyday life
To bring forth new opportunities to search for our truths
It also opens us up to the loving heart and strength of spirit..
We need to become conscious of our own selves
Then we can truly understand what is is to be human
As the saying goes
"Know yourself and you will know how to live"
Trust what is in your heart
Allow it to happen
Open up your heart to the faith you have inside you
Time is does not really exist..only here in this dimension
Our bodies are simply a physical vehicle or instrument by which our soul or spirit may move around
Our real reality is in the world above where unconditional love, happines, lightness and our being exists
This is the place where all beings from all walks of life meet
A place where the mind is free
Where hearts are connected as one
This is our pathway..our journey to the God and Godesses who exist in all of us
We have been wandering around in a dream
Now is the time to awake
And be heard
Live life..know you are light and love..
You are beloved...
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