Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Enormous changes are essential and imminent

Humanity’s continuing rise in frequency or spiritual evolvement is truly glorious to see. Great progress is constantly being made as more and more of you experience insights, moments of spiritual awareness and recognition that harmonious loving acceptance of one another leads to unexpectedly serendipitous results.

God’s divine plan is unfolding most wondrously throughout all of His creation, and the results of the continuous infinite outpouring of His unconditional love onto your beautiful planet are quite amazing to behold.

The groundswell of spiritual energy that the prayer and meditation so many of you are doing is creating a symphony of grace and healing that is affecting every aspect of planetary life and bringing into the conscious awareness of more and more of you a very perceptible sense of your divine heritage. It is an awakening realization that “of course God exists and that He is infinitely loving and caring”, and people are wondering what is causing this knowingness to seep into their reality and enticing them to pay attention to it. They find it increasingly difficult to ignore.

As they do pay attention, they start to seek further information from friends, books, and the World Wide Web and are frequently surprised and relieved to discover how much information is available, and to find themselves resonating with it.

Many of their repressed fears and anxieties about life and its possible meaning are coming to the surface of their conscious everyday awareness and demanding attention. They are beginning to seek spiritual guidance and answers to the many questions that are slipping, apparently unbidden, into their minds.

The unsatisfactory way in which governments operate and betray the trust invested in them is becoming more and more apparent, and the groundswell of anger and dissatisfaction that this awakening has unleashed is growing rapidly.

A sense that enormous changes are essential and imminent is being felt right across the planet, throughout every culture, nation, and ethnic group. And this feeling will be increasingly validated as major changes start to occur and become apparent all over planet Earth.

You are all set for a great and thrilling ride as change after change flows across your world, offering the most startling and exciting possibilities for renewal and realignment of your ways of living and interacting with each other and your whole environment.

The culmination of this stage of God’s divine plan is almost upon you and is bringing with it a new and beautiful age in which peace, harmony, and joyful and exhilarating cooperation will change forever the way you perceive yourselves, your environment, and the infinite divine creation that is All That Is.

With so very much love, Saul.


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Comment by Besimi on June 30, 2009 at 5:43pm

Thanx bro,Jose.
..nice post.

SoE Visitors



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