Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ego Walks on Stilts
Via Gloria Wendroff

God said to me:

Be joyful that your ego is diminishing. Be done with it. Disband from it.

Who is this individual that bears a name in the world? From what place of denial does anything at all bother you? My child, My child, that is who you are — My child. You are not ego. You are not that painting out there. You are not just someone. You are God’s child.

You are not a rubber ball on earth to be bounced around. You are a being of love, and love cannot be affronted. The truth of you is unassailable. And yet you duck your truth, time and time again, and bear the marks of the world on you.

Do not look for approbation from the world. You will have plenty of it, but do not look for it. Do not look for the slings and arrows either for they will also come on their own. Be neutral.

And how do you become neutral?

Just keep looking at Me, you who bears an individual name in the world. Remember My love. Remind yourself that you serve Me in joy. In anguish, ....+

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