Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Warm Fuzzy for you
By Nicky Hamid

We have all had the experiences we needed to have to get to where we are.

Your ascension, the Shift, is occurring through us being ourselves. It is through shifting out of being “spiritual” and just being authentic.

Wearing your Heart, “on your sleeve”, as it were, through your face, and being “out there” from “in here”.

Be in the acceptance of yourself.

Accept your love, accept your sadness, accept your anger, and all your feelings without stories attached to them, and be in the vibration of it as an experience and watch it change because of the very nature of who you are and the moment to moment conscious choices of how you prefer to feel.

These varieties of emotion are simply the wonderful variety of the experience of being HUman and a HUman Being.

They tell you clearly what frequency you are aligning to and signal you to watch from Soul Being, and listen deeper “within” to the navigational voice of Soul Self....+

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