Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Earth is the knot!

The Creations [of different colors] are like round rocks stacking up. The Creations stacking are like if you drill a hole and put a string of thread through. They have stacked and will meld together and become one frequency to become a winning Game. The Knot in the end is Earth. The Blue Creation [where we live with our Universe] is the last one in the stack. So, we as humans on Earth carry the Knot.

To have a dimension, you need a specific Core. That Core comes from The Beyond and it makes a middle of a planet and the planet can produce dimensions around it. Dimensions can be inside a planet and outside of a planet. Like rings on an onion.

The New Earth is big.

Our Universe is enormously big.
A galaxy can have 400 million planets. 200 million to 400 million could have life on them and be important. We can see 150-200 million galaxies and each galaxy has so many inhabited. 2 to 6 to 10 billion on each planet. And that’s just around here. But this is a Creation [we are talking about]. 500 million dimensions are in a galaxy. Then there is the parallel Universe. And we are talking about just one Creation.

The New Earth didn’t happen yet. The Fourth Drop fell 200 million years ahead of time. In one way, ours is a minor thing. But we have to go up.

If the smallest thing isn’t there at the right point, then the really big things can’t happen.

Latest Update
April 22, 2008

Today, April 22, we want to bring you the information and updates on where we stand and where The New Earth stands. Lately what has happened is that from a Higher Level of Existence, Beings have helped in making it possible for the negative energy bubble to become more positive. The dimensional wall has not opened up in the right way and so we have been captured in a bubble. The energies within the bubble have made the energy heavy and difficult for many. And many people have experienced headaches, heavy feelings and heavy energy for a very long time. We have also experienced the strangeness of weather on Earth, being extremely off the normal patterns. We have also experienced that the leylines and other lines in nature and grids have changed and moved.

Right now what has happened is that the Beings from the Higher Levels have worked and helped us to take away and balance the dimension around Earth. To begin with, first 30% of that energy was leveled out in its ways of affecting us. It became more balanced around Earth. Then, by the week of April 17th, the energy of this strange dimension was 65% gone which means that last Sunday (April 20) the dimensional ships started flying in a very, very soft way and to begin with, very few. It will gradually become more and more dimensional ships during this week (the week of April 21). It will be by the end of this week to the latest, a trying of using physical ships again. To begin they will start with smaller ships and gradually there will be bigger ships also. It is not that the physical bigger ships could damage Earth, but it is better for the balance of everything to first use dimensional ships and bring in new dimensional energy to Earth to balance Her up to the level where She feels better.

The physical ships from the Extraterrestrials that could land after that will bring in more specific dimensional energy and manifest that dimensional energy in a more physical way. So they are very much needed and they need to start flying as soon as possible.

The dimensional wall towards the New Earth has also started to dissolve. In a very short amount of time, it will be a possibility for Earth to be on the right track to move towards and go up to and into standing in eclipse with The New Earth.

So, we all wait with strong feelings and a big hope for a very quick continuation of what has already begun with Earth’s Spiritual Evolution. It will be a possibility for NET 10 and Universal White Time Healing Level 5 to hopefully come about very soon. Everything is almost decided this week, in how the continuation would be.

The 17th of April 2008 was a very, very important day for the Universe, The Blue Creation, and The GAME, but also for The WHOLE GAME existing, including The Beyond, The Before and The Beginning.

The happenings on that date have started a chain reaction in everything existing. We will come back on explaining what really occurred in another letter, because it shouldn’t be blended into this specific document.

With hopes for a grand continuation of our Spiritual Evolution

Love and Light to you.

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Comment by Betina on January 28, 2009 at 8:33am

I´ve shortened the blog due to the havy information in it. So that more people can read it ;)
Comment by Betina on January 4, 2009 at 12:42pm
Thanks, even if you did not understand parts of it, YOUR HIGHER SELF most certainly did. Some things needs to come in to you from you in 3d (world 1), and by you reading this you´ve helped your higher self´s.

Love to you to.

SoE Visitors



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