Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Closer to the Father Thought Adjuster Is The Teacher Message received by Oscar

Thought Adjuster: “Those who begin to attempt likeness to the Father cannot help but start to know Him better. Only when you really want to learn something will your capacity for observation and learning function more effectively. When you want to achieve likeness to God, you study Him and you wish to learn more about His divinity, His personality, and His way of thinking. This helps you to understand and know Him better. As you can see, the journey to perfection is also the path that will bring you closer to God. When you strive to improve yourself, you open your mind to a fuller revelation of the Creator.

How can you determine the degree of harmony you have achieved with the will of the Father? The most beautiful, complete and filled with goodness is the ideal of God that you hold in your mind, the closer you are to comprehending him, and the more advanced will be your progress in the task to become like Him. You cannot imitate what you don’t know and you cannot admire what you don’t understand. A true love toward the Father is only possible for those who know Him and...+

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