Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Bush has really united us all.

Lets face it, all that Bush has done (let it be bad or good) has united us all. US is now more united than ever and other countries too. You can say that he has not made his best but in uniting he has done a great job (unknowingly). Bush's wrongdoings has helped us spiritually and made many people wake up to the reality. So he has helped a lot. Think about how much he has got hate over him.

Now it is time to make a change. Maybe it is our time to help with Hi's spiritual growth. Lets send him all Love that we can possibly give. Hate wears you but Love makes you full. So don't hate him, Love him. Forgive Bush and yourself.

Stop hate and start Love and acceptance. Lets really show what we are made of, lets really show what we can do.

If you are member of ATS please go to this discussion and give it a flag to make it more popular. :)

Thanks. Peace and Love. :)

Views: 74


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Comment by Wespa on January 4, 2009 at 1:56pm
Thanks for your comment. :)
Comment by RL on December 30, 2008 at 9:53pm
haha cool i share the same sentiments
he has blundered (purposely or not) his way into making the world a better place
and given massive strength to an iraqi brother to throw his shoes at him despite knowing he'd be jailed, and giving me inspiration to throw my own metaphorical shoes at people whom i want to stand up to.

i say give that guy a round of applause. LOL

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