Blue and Gold Energies
Argorians Update
By Lev, June 19th, 2022, at 9:42 AM CET, the new Argorians’ message synopsis came on Earth’s monitoring data.
Fan bursts of blue and gold ERMO energy radiate along the perimeter of the Giza Pyramids plateau. They form the environment by loading 5D matter development software into it.
A mix of red-blue energies is spreading along the equatorial zone. It consists of a red ERMA waves which build a five-dimensional Matrix; a blue FIADO, stimulating the mental development of a person; and a red-golden ERFAGO, that changes the timbres of sound flows to stabilize the Earth’s inner worlds.
ERFAGO affects tectonic dynamics. Earthquakes may become more frequent in seismically dangerous zones of the planet.
At the North Pole, stele receivers are actively working on silvery LIBRO energy, by which magnetic fields are controlled, and gray-blue BLIKGOR, which regulates the magnetic interaction of air planes. This helps to smooth out climatic differences in different planet’s zones.
At the South Pole, incoming quantum fluxes are transformed and distributed along the equatorial belt, and then, through channels, to the needed places along a given trajectory.+++
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