4 Tips to Heal and Recover from Depression
By Thea van der Merwe
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/14-tips-to-heal-and-recover-from.htmlDepression is such a tricky thing, and I am no expert by far. I am not claiming to have all the knowledge and I have certainly not been trained in the traditional medical or clinical approach to depression. But I have healed and recovered from depression and have done significant research into the many facets and aspects of depression. I have followed an alternative route to the conventional approach to the treatment of depression, resulting in me not having used any form of medication (conventional or alternative) since 2008 after suffering from severe depression since the early 1990’s. What I am sharing here is based on my personal experience and healing journey. I found the support needed and done the work, even if it was uncomfortable and sometimes even scary. It was not always easy but looking back, it was worth it. Today I live in a space of grace, peace, serenity, balance, and connected to self. I understand my triggers and I have certainly done a significant amount of shadow work.
It was during one of the worst and darkest times of depression that a Facebook post came across my laptop screen and it read… “Depression is the STOP sign of the Soul”… This stopped me in my tracks for deep inside I knew this to be true. I was living (or at least in part) a life that did not honor my soul. And I came to the uncomfortable realization that if I wanted my life to change, I needed to change – I had to make some changes and find the “tools” with which to manage and heal my depression. Ultimately, it was all up to one person and that person was ME!+++
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