Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Bifurcation: The Time of Choice
By Sharon Lyn Shepard

Busy Busy Dreamtime!

With the proliferation of all of my resent expansive dreams, I have gone beyond trying to interpret or make any sense of them. NOTHING seems to make sense anymore, neither my dreamtime, nor my daily life. Perhaps that’s because life, as we have known it, doesn’t makes any sense to me either.

When I awoke this morning, I felt a deep loss of the world I used to know, both personally and globally. A world that used to bring me joy and satisfaction. But that world has slipped away. Instead, I am seeing all the chaos and disruptions in the world playing out on their individual stages of war, mass killings, withdrawal of human rights, political battles, etc, with people called to action in massive demonstrations. But none of this feels real. It all feels irrelevant to me. Not that I don’t have compassion for those who are experiencing these things. I feel deep compassion. But, I no longer feel part of that world, nor the need to engage and add my energy to it. I no longer belong in the world of chaos.

I have to ask: Is humanity experiencing a collective global healing via all this disruption? Or a bifurcation? And what part am I meant to play in any of this?

The following is the answer I received from my Inner Wisdom according to my personal soul path. Perhaps you may find some relevant words of wisdom here, as well:

In many ways we could say this is a bifurcation as a “point of choice” for every human on the planet at this time.+++

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