Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Beloved Lightworkers ~ I AM Melchizedek

February 8-15, 2011

Beloved Lightworkers,

As you move into this month, you will be experiencing many mood swings and ups and downs in your energy flow. This is a time for you to allow the flow of energy to move through you with the least resistance possible, for this allows the good that you have been visioning to start manifesting for you. It is a time for allowing everything to occur without letting your mind get in the way. We realize that this might be hard for many of you to do, as you are used to the incessant voice of your personality self who is continuously reminding you of your ‘shoulds’ and ‘have to’s’.

In order to allow your Higher Self to begin to manifest in you and through you, you must learn the art of allowance. This means that whatever comes forth for you, you allow it and enjoy the moment. Learning to enjoy each moment in your lives will take you to your objective faster than remaining rigid in your expectations and old habit patterns. It is time now to learn a new way, the way of the observer, the shaman, the Master. When there is no resistance to the experiences and opportunities that are set before you, you begin to wield your personal power and great growth and expansion from within takes place in grace, ease and revelation.

We of the Hierarchy are working in unison with the Cosmic and Galactic Councils and there is a concerted effort at this time to unify the Lightworkers of the World so that greater works and miracles can be accomplished in a lesser period of time. All of you have been stepping forward and are now completing your previous assignments and you are volunteering for more tasks in order to assist the Ascension of the Earth and everyone and everything upon and within Her. There is very much work that is being done which is on the etheric levels as well as on the Earth plane levels. We do work in concert as a Team for the highest good of all.

It is very important to stay grounded each day, for it can be easy to just allow yourself to expand into the higher realms and awareness’s and just cruise through your life without manifesting anything in the World around you. There must be a focus upon your Earthly existence for this is what you have chosen to do as part of your reason for incarnating at this juncture in the Cosmic events that are taking place. This work can be done wherever you are at the moment and most of it is on the energetic level. Learning to use your mind to envision a better World for all is the next step and one that will bring in the magical manifestations.

Stay in the state of anticipation, expecting miracles, magic and synchronicities to make their appearance in your daily life. Each day you have the opportunity and choice as to how you will start and spend your entire day and it can be either positive and uplifting or negative and non-productive. Allowing the flow of creativity to flow unimpeded within you will produce some spectacular creations.

Continue to envision your Light Body superimposing your physical body and focusing on pulsating your Heart chakra each day. We remain always at your side, Beloved Ones, and the work continues.

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

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Comment by Lydia on February 9, 2011 at 10:23pm

My Friend Claude Just shared with me another version of the Celestine Prophecy ~ by James Redfield

This is the Short Version :

Summary version of the 10 Insights:

First Insight. Synchronicities (meaningful coincidences or connected events that can not be explained
by ordinary science) are real, frequent, meaningful, purposeful, and enlivening;

Second Insight. Through psycho-spiritual historical reflection we can live in a "longer now"
and see through our historical, cultural, and consciousness fixations;

Third Insight. The world consists of energy that human beings can directly interact with
in ways that transcend current scientific understanding;

Fourth Insight. Humans compete with each other for energy, and by recognizing this habit, we can transcend it;

Fifth Insight. Through a mystical awareness and focus on "beauty"
we can supply ourselves with nearly unlimited energy;

Sixth Insight. Our control dramas from our childhood hold us back and must be "cleared" or transcended

Seventh Insight. By paying attention to our thoughts and experiences, and by focusing on positive outcomes,
we fully engage in our own personal evolution;

Eighth Insight. A new "interpersonal ethic" is arising which teaches us to promote ourselves
by energetically promoting others;

Ninth Insight. A grand and glorious future awaits humanity as we become aware of
and begin to practice the wisdom of the previous Insights; and

Tenth Insight. We can maintain our optimism and stay awake, and integrate the previous Insights,
by seeing our lives from the higher perspective of the "Afterlife."


Comment by Lydia on February 9, 2011 at 6:05pm

Thank You for sharing that Trudy ~ In Love And Gratitude May We all Find Ourselves In SYNC with Each other ~ This was talked about in the Celestine Prophecy book by James Redfield ONE Of My Favorite Books :)))


Comment by Trudy on February 9, 2011 at 5:21pm
My son is aware of synchronicity ... and I am very happy that he become aware of what is going on ... I thank the angels and the guides for their outstanding work...
In gratitude for this great share dear Lydia :)))
Comment by Lydia on February 9, 2011 at 2:50pm
LOL....that is Great Cyril Love that! In GreatITude :))) XOX
Comment by Siril0 on February 9, 2011 at 2:23pm

In greatitude for this share

Much Loooove

Comment by Lydia on February 9, 2011 at 12:15am

:)))  I LOVE SYNC :)))  means we are In The Floow ........

thanks for sharing patarick and Lea Anna xox

Comment by Lea Anna Cooper on February 9, 2011 at 12:07am
Thanks for sharing.  Sync?  Yes...doing that as well.  Namaste
Comment by patrick on February 8, 2011 at 11:43pm
I have been enjoying more synchronicity lately, bumping into old friends and that sort of thing.

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