Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Be ready to assist on March 29/30 To satisfy the universal laws there must be a consortium of a minimum of 30,000 incarnated humans,

30,000 needed for this mission to succeed.

Please help!

Support the Shining Ones in their
fulfillment of prophesy.

Participate in this great and g
lorious historical transformation.

11 Minute Mission Schedules
New Zealand @ 3:33am on March 30th
Australia @ 1:11am AEDT on March 30th
Asia @ 10:33pm on March 29th
North America @ 10:33am EST on March 29th
South America @ Refer to N. America’s EST
Europe @ 6:33pm on March 29th
Africa @ 7:33pm on March 29th
Next Delta Mission: May 26

February 14th 2010 a legion of the Elohim called the Shining Ones returned to Earth to help usher in the next phase of the collective expansion. This consortium of incorruptibles returns to Earth twice every 26,000 years. Their next appearance was predicted to be in 2012.
Many thousands of years ago, Enoch created two sacred golden deltas, each inscribed with the ineffable sacred name of the Creator God. The Shining Ones have returned at this time to activate the two Enochian deltas, which are said to have the power to transform humanity to its next stages of collective expansion.

Be ready to assist on March 29/30

On March 30th in New Zealand @ 3:33am the first of several transformational shifts occurs when the deltas are activated. This date coincides with Passover and is vibrationally aligned with a numerical chain of three zeros and three threes. [030303/3-3-2010
The consortium of Shining Ones is prepared to ignite the deltas for the first time on March 30th. When the two deltas are activated by the Shining Ones they will start to spin. For the ideal outcome to occur each time the deltas are activated, they must expand and then lock into
a merkaba configuration spinning counterclockwise.

Our Mission

The Shiningones Need Our Help

We play a critical role in the fulfillment of the transformation. To satisfy the universal laws there must be a consortium of a minimum of 30,000 incarnated humans, alive in this timeline, to fuel and support the transformation. Even if someone gets this information after the 30th, the recorded mission can be accessed to roll participants back to divine timing.
Our goal and mission is to hold a vision of the deltas spinning within a radiant golden sun and focus energy to support that ideal. This triangle conversion phenomenon occurs when the deltas expand and then link to form a counterclockwise spinning merkaba.
When the deltas lock into the merkaba configuration and spin counterclockwise they vibrationally transmit the ineffable name of the Creator. The name of the Creator is said to activate latent master genetic encodements within human DNA
Where are the deltas now?

The Patriarch Enoch, whose name means the Initiator, lived 365 years. He constructed an underground temple consisting of nine vaults, one beneath the other; placing the largest delta on a white altar in the deepest vault.
Enoch entrusted the smaller delta with his son, Methuselah, who did the actual construction work of the brick chambers according to the pattern channeled to his father from Creator. In the form and arrangement of these vaults Enoch epitomized the nine spheres of the ancient Mysteries and the nine sacred strata of the earth through which the initiate must pass to reach the flaming spirit dwelling in its central core.
The larger delta still remains in the vault Enoch placed it in thousands of years ago. It is waiting to be released and unveiled by the Shining Ones, who were prophesied to return in 2012 to ignite the seeds of master awareness in all of humanity.
The smaller delta fell into the hands of King Solomon and is known to have been a divining instrument of his flourishing realm. After Solomon’s death the smaller delta was spirited away by a group of people that possess it still. This delta has been recreated by Enoch on the fifth realm and a holographic representation of it is ready to be activated by the Shining Ones on March 30th in New Zealand and March 29th in Europe, Africa, Asia and North & South America.
To Participate in this Transformational World Team Mission on March 29/30 dial in to the conference live, listen online at , connect with the most recent mission recording or access the voice box system provided below for archived missions. The recorded missions roll participants back to implement this11 minute mission in its divine timing.

Mission Access:

Live Mission Dial-in Number: 1-712-432-0075
Mission Participant Access Code: 481990
Recording of the most recent mission: 1-712-432-1085
Archived Mission Recordings: (Each mission is archived here after the live event.)
Dial-in Number: 1-641-715-3800 + Access Code: 24978

Upcoming Delta Missions

The following dates are ones that we know the Shining Ones have selected to activate the deltas. These days are vibrationally aligned with specific energies that support the ideal outcome for the project. Please help the Shining Ones to assist humanity on.
  • May 26
  • June 21
  • July 17
  • September 22
  • November 1: Recorded mission access and on site mission in India
  • November 10: Recorded mission access and on site mission in India
  • November 11: Recorded mission access and on site mission in India
Please forward this Call to Service to as many people as possible.

Have questions or need assistance?

+1.208.938.2722 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Views: 46


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Comment by Wade Hutchinson on March 28, 2010 at 1:11pm
Good luck with the mission.... and here's to the new earth.
Comment by ian on March 28, 2010 at 4:47am
hehe, what is this?

SoE Visitors



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