Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
Plagiarised from Hardons blog.
Our religion has been completely destroyed by Jewish
social engineering, but at least we get to teach our children to worship Satan.
Wouldn’t our ancestors be proud?
From Vice:
In January the Satanic Temple announced plans to erect a monument glorifying the Dark Lord on the front lawn of the Oklahoma Statehouse.
Now an artist trained in classical sculpture is toiling away in New York, crafting a Baphomet figure sitting beneath a pentagram and flanked by two children gazing upward in loyalty.
When it is finished, it will be cast in bronze and, the Satanists hope, eventually displayed in Oklahoma.
The statue is a direct response to the state’s installation of a Ten Commandments monument outside the Capitol in 2012.
[See Exodus 20 for the 10 Commandments.]
State Representative Mike Ritze paid for the controversial statue with his own money, and therefore it was considered a donation and OK to place on government property.
As Trait Thompson of the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission told CNN last December, “Individuals and groups are free to apply to place a monument or statue or artwork.”
The applications are then approved or rejected by the Commission.
Unfortunately, the state has placed a halt on issuing permits for any other monuments until a lawsuit filed by the ACLU against Ritze’s Commandments monument is settled.
Nonetheless, the Satanists are building this thing, and
I was offered an early peek at the work in progress by Temple spokesperson Lucien Greaves. Greaves told me he has received numerous threats from people who want to attack the sculpture, but that he “wouldn’t expect these outraged and nearly insensible reactionaries to actually know how to assault a bronze monument without severely hurting themselves in the process.”
Still, he’s not taking any chances.
The Temple is building a mould of the sculpture so they can pop these things out like evil, terribly expensive action figures whenever they need a new one.
“Depending on our insurance policy,” Greaves said, “we may be able to cast two from the destruction of one, expediting our arrival to the next battleground.”
The Temple estimates that the monument will be finished in a few months.
Once it’s done, they plan to put it in front of the Oklahoma Statehouse regardless of the Capitol Preservation Commission’s ongoing battle against the ACLU.
They feel this should be allowed because their application was submitted before all the hullabaloo over Ritze’s monument.
“After all,” Greaves told me, “the Ten Commandments still stand at the State Capitol.
We are fully willing to place our monument at the Capitol, even while the ACLU suit is fought, with the understanding that a judgement against the Ten Commandments will have ramifications for our monument as well, likely resulting in the removal of both.”
Without even mentioning how far we have sank into nihilism being so viciously separated from our historic cultural roots, let me ask you something:
Have you ever seen anything more faggotry than this?
Dear satanists:
I’m sorry your daddy was mean to you.
It’s not your fault.
It’s not your fault.
It’s not your fault.
Exposing the handiwork of satan’s circumcised Brotherhood of yid’s, who's
watching through yellowed paedophile coke bottle bottom glasses, poor little urban shtetl jews, the powers of evil are sitting and watching.
By you accepting this statue of abomination is ALL the information they need in order to see how well they screw humanity and lead it to chase shadows in the valleys of darkness.
They are laughing at you with belly laughter and tell each other in self-approval: "yes, those goyim are real pleasure to screw with.
What a bunch of goats in the herd!
And they are rubbing their bloody hands with joy at how far they were able to lead you into the lands of crap.
. . . the jewish new world order count on your fear, they feed you fear, numbness, fright and
hopelessness in order to make you surrender to the "inevitable hell" that is in their plans.
And this is done SPECIFICALLY to make you passive, indifferent and hopeless and your hearts to be filled with fear and surrender to the powers of evil.
They seeks a dumbed-down, mixed-race, low-IQ, heavily-controlled world where the only strong religion and the only remaining authentic race is the Jew.
The jew seeks a transnational, standardised, multi-sexual, morally weak population of Goyim all of whom
The kike jews are the self-proclaimed master race.
And if racism is the appreciation and the study of unique races, what happens when there are only two races left to study – the Jew and the diversely moulded mixed-slave-race?
” It is not the evil itself which is horrifying about our times – it is the way we not only tolerate evil, but have made a cult of positively worshipping weakness, depravity, rottenness and evil itself…’
- George Lincoln Rockwell
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