The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
We have received a new message from Alex Collier regarding what is happening in the world right now…
I want to expand if I may on my last letter to you all, and share more of my prospective on what’s going on around Earth. And there appears to be quite a bit. However, is it all on purpose? Or is it really just so corrupt that it’s falling apart on the weight of its own deceit. It’s probably a combination of both. In politics nothing happens by accident.
I would like to say that in no way is this situation hopeless, or incurable. Of course if we the people of Earth had been or were more self reliant and protective of our liberties and managed the national governments we most likely would not be in this position. But regardless here we are.
So how bad are we going to let this get? Is everything so bad that the PTB only solution is to remove 2/3 of the population? No. Not even close. And why would we ever buy into such bullshit? Take for example the Earth’s space fleet. It’s international in scope. It required the talents and resources of the whole planet to pull it together. The planning and building of such crafts. The reverse and engineering of the technology to make any of them get off the ground is nothing short of remarkable. The training of different types of astronauts’. The training to live in space. The new medical processes needed to maintain health in space, healing, operating, etc. The propulsion systems and fuel needed to generate space travel. Hyper dimensional travel and its affects on the body and the mind, the type of food that will grow in space and or zero gravity, the logistics of just about everything that would be needed to sustain a daily routine apart from Earth. The protocols’ needed in approaching a planet, the science and geology of planetary systems and of course the protocols’ of contact in space with other races.
Entirely new sciences, logistics, engineering, training, spirituality, genetic sciences, etc, were all created in the last 75 years and almost entirely done in secret. This is the most remarkable achievement of mankind in the last 9,000 years. And we were not invited to the party. Why? Simply put, Rogue groups of ET’s are using Earth as a base and everything on it and in it as a natural resource. I have shared this before. If we are capable of creating this completely new off world paradigm in just 75 years, why is the surface of the planet so screwed up? Because the PTB want it this way.
They want us distracted, and in a powerless position, because they fear our true power. They are doing everything they can to convince us all that we cannot manage or govern ourselves. So that when the day comes to ask and or insist that we as a planetary races surrender our freewill and sovereignty, we will have been beaten down into submission, by our governments, religions and environmentalists that are blaming humanity and that we are a plight, a mistake, and sinners in their kingdom.
This position of there’s, is of course all bullshit. These groups have lied, murdered, and destroyed our history as much as they could from us; they have committed treason against all of humanity both past, present and the future of us, for power and control. They could at anytime have come clean and changed how we all view ourselves. They could have instilled a pride and pioneer spirit that would have renewed our ability to believe and empower every single human being on this planet. But they haven’t. I say that’s enough. We can believe next to nothing of what we are being told by the corporate media. They are willing and naïve pawns in this game to claim earth away from us. It’s coming. But, only if we let them.
Almost everyone now see’s the contrast, of what they don’t want and are really beginning to think about what they do want. In other words the automatic pilot is coming off and people are waking up. This is truly an exciting time to be alive.
So, why all the secrecy? Why the erasing of history? Why the lack of true spiritual teaching? Simply put they the PTB (ET included) do not want us empowered. They want our frequency vibrating at a low level, so we can be managed. Why the full court press at this time? Because in the next several years, we will be entering and crossing the Plasma field of the Galactic plane. I would encourage you to research this. Many very talented and wise speakers are out there sharing this info. It’s nothing short of a spiritual and holographic dimensional Paradigm shift.
This is why the PAATAL are here. They this collective group of conscious beings have incarnated here to hold and guide us back to the frequency of love though all of this upheaval we are about to experience. That’s their job. To hold the vibration of love. You see when the regressive ET’s quietly invaded they began to shift our planets vibration. Because of their own deep intense dominate and control consciousness, they changed everything on the surface over thousands of years. We would have had a different future and present had they not invaded. But that’s another story.
The Paatal are here to put us back on track and it is working. Do you again see the contrast that is all around you? Its rather amazing when you start to really see it and empower yourself to change from what is, to what you really want.
It’s not about power. Never was. It’s about being who you are and being supported by the spiritual power of “ALL THAT IS” to support you in becoming who you are. A generator of dimensions. Do you recall my sharing about being in nature? Nature doesn’t lie. It’s steady, quiet and very grounding.
I don’t mean that you have to become Grizzly Adams or Daniel Boone. Just take a little time to quiet your mind and body, and feel your own frequency. Allow yourself to remember what self love feels like. Your body will remember. Just give it a chance. I have all the faith in the world in you. Freedom to unconditional be responsible for oneself, without being coerced to accept some higher authority. You are already what you have been searching for. Love to you all.
I will send another letter soon, Alex
To those few who have helped me ,You forever have my thanks and gratitude. Bless you and those you love.
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Mike Sygula, Contributor
Waking Times
Throughout our history, on every level in any area of life there always has been some kind of manipulation aiming at achieving self-centered goals and often corrupting official systems. This behavior reflects the selfishness of human nature. It affects everyone without exception in every way. This is why we should always question everything we are told.
In this article I will point out a few examples of this tendency.
I remember that during 2010 I used to watch BBC news every day for the whole summer, meanwhile I would read the news online, often from alternative news sites. I started noticing how frequently vital global issues were ignored by the BBC. One of those stories was about Russian wildfires. 2010 was the hottest summer in Russia ever recorded, it got so bad that they stopped exporting grain as millions of hectares were destroyed. Diplomatic staff were evacuated from several foreign embassies in Moscow including Canada and Poland’s. What was funny is that the BBC did not report this very much, I think they only mentioned the droughts and wildfires once during the whole period of this crisis. Why was such an important issue like this not widely covered?
I had never really thought about this back then. Does the mainstream media have any hidden agenda when they publish their news? How impartial and objective is their reporting? Why are some very important issues ignored while other trivial topics are on the main cover?
The truth is that the media is a powerful weapon and has been used many times as an instrument of propaganda but the problem is that most people do not realise this. One notable example is the story of Amber Lyon, a former CNN journalist, whose documentary on Bahrain has been censored by CNN. In this video she gives her account of what happened:
The media is just one of many areas of life which we should be sceptical about. It is also very important to question the official process of politics and government. In many countries, especially those leading the economic league, the main goal is to govern, dominate and manipulate the public, often by any means necessary.
For example, anyone who has invested any time into investigating the 9/11 attacks knows and understands that it was an event orchestrated by the American government. A typical argument from the uninformed will often be something like this: “Our own government would never kill our own people”. In fact, governments kill their citizens all the time, sending troops to war (often fought over resources) is a case in point. But for those non-believers who still can’t comprehend that their own governments can do horrifying things to their own people, I suggest they watch these two short videos:
In both cases, citizens were used as guinea pigs, without any conscience or concern about human health whatsoever.
The same applies to government organisations, no matter if this is the FDA, NASA or NSA, there is always a subterranean agenda hidden from the public . Just recently we have learned from Edward Snowden, that the NSA, which is supposed to protect and serve its citizens, is actually spying on them. Think about how many similar cases which might be happening all the time. Most of these will never be discovered as the system is intelligently designed to keep them secret.
In 1947, the United States Air Force issued a press release that a “flying disk” had been recovered near Roswell, New Mexico. This press release was quickly withdrawn and officials subsequently claimed that it was a weather balloon. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to recognise the difference between a weather balloon and a flying disk. There is a tremendous amount of evidence supporting the claim that we have been visited by extraterrestrials, people who have devoted themselves to researching this topic understand that. This ranges from historical records to countless videos and statements issued by leading authorities, including former astronauts and top officials. Isn’t it obvious that if, say, a UFO crashed somewhere in the US (or any other country), the government would prefer to keep this secret in order to examine the technology and prevent panic? You wouldn’t want other nations to steal the technology, that goes without saying. We shouldn’t forget that admitting the existence of aliens could have profound implications for religious establishments.
In 1938 on October 30th an estimated 6 million Americans listened to the “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast, which described an invasion from Mars. It created panic and around 1.7 million people took it seriously. It caused suicidal fear and chaos. Residents in the small village of Grovers Mill, New Jersey shot holes in their city water tower, thinking that it was a Martian ship. Some sources claim that the whole event was an experiment to assess the reaction of the public to unexpected emergencies and this was later published in the book: “The Invasion from Mars: A study in the psychology of panic”.
I believe that very few people challenge the conventional wisdom, we are being brainwashed and live in a hypnotic trance. We binge on mindless entertainment and are bombarded by pointless trivia which distracts us from seeing the big picture.
In many cases, if the US government is intervening in some conflicts, their motives are far from philanthropic. There is always an agenda and if there is no interest then there is no engagement. The news that the public is allowed to hear is one thing, the real reasons are another.
Obviously, concealing the presence of extraterrestrials brings more benefits than informing society , that is why it would be better to keep the public blissfully ignorant . And we should never forget that every government, corporation or public institution is run by human beings. People in power will often be corruptible, seeking to retain their influence and enjoy the benefits this brings. They will want to hold onto this even if this means that others will suffer. We have seen that throughout history, over and over again.
Mike Sygula is a blogger and activist promoting alternative ideas to raise public consciousness of the important issues facing humankind. He is currently involved in establishing Awe Academy, an open source learning and teaching platform. You can learn more about Awe Academy here. Click here to read more articles by Mike Sygula. Follow him on Facebook here:
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