Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


You are about to be RFID chipped. Coming to stores soon!!!

Makes shopping there even more delightful on top of their already mounting list of atrocities.

Thank you for shopping at Walmart

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Comment by Simmy on July 24, 2010 at 1:06pm
Wal-Mart is in Brazil as well. It's the 3rd biggest there. First is Carrefour (french).
I ALWAYS buy stuff I don't need and when I get home and unpack, I hate myself for that! It is almost uncontrollable. It's crazy! (But this happens no matter what supermarket I go, unfortunately!)
I will try to be more focused next time!!
Comment by nonya on July 24, 2010 at 11:40am
SIMPLEMAN, i never go into this I dont know if that happens. I have gone into target on occasion but I get what i need and get out. I have a deep seeded hatred for these mega stores. I wonder if anyone else gets creeped out at walmart...thanks for bringing that to our attention. have Walmarts over there too? oh man, that is one scary company. I thought it was only in the US until someone corrected me the other day. I was saddned to think that company slimed other parts of the globe.
Comment by Ullan on July 24, 2010 at 8:43am
These things are pretty much standard fare on this side of the Atlantic. The difference is that the tags are large and visible, and the checkout counter removes them before you leave the store.

@simpleman: I'm not sure if this is due to electromagnetic radiation or low frequency radio waves being released on purpose, or your subconscious rebelling against you even being in that store to begin with. Many stores are laid out in a pattern that attempt to stimulate impulse buying, Walmart and its UK cousin ASDA normally pioneering these layouts before they are rolled out to other stores. I've found several years ago that being in a store that is designed to confuse and stimulate impulses gives me a throbbing migraine. The way I've found around it is always make a mental map of the surroundings, orient yourself with cardinal compass points and /always/ know where the exits are and how to get to them. These stores count on you getting lost and thus spending more time than you should so they can keep bombarding you with offers.

Forget RFID, these are the three main tricks stores use to keep you subdued and buying:

1. Confusing and angular layout. This leads to you getting lost or lose track of the exit, and makes you spend more time in the store. This time is spent bombarding you with offers and products which you do not need nor were looking for.

2. Music selection. The music playing in most stores is designed to keep you calm while stimulating the urge to buy. Repeating and often unusual patterns seek to disrupt your ability to think rationally, making it harder to work out if a good deal is in fact a good deal.

3. Well stocked shelves. This induces a sense of plenty and alleviates the guilt you would normally feel at buying more than you need. As communal creatures, humans have a natural tendency to leave enough in stock for others and therefore moderate their desire to simply take what they want. Well stocked shelves make it feel as if there is plenty to go around and suppress this natural instinct while inducing a state of well being.

Keep all that in mind next time you walk into a large store.
Comment by Vaddix on July 24, 2010 at 2:31am
Rfid's are in most credit cards now.
Comment by simpleman on July 24, 2010 at 1:42am
Has anyone ever noticed temporary mood changes while in a walmart, pressure in the ears, pressure on the fore head, irritation, confusion or temporary memory loss? I and some others think there is some type of radio waves or ELF waves being used in their stores that affect the brain.

Thanks for the post Nonya.

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