The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
by Christine Horner
Collective Evolution
Because science was not advanced enough to detect and measure 6th and 7th sense energy fields, such phenomena was illegitimized as paranormal, and even ridiculed. Slowly, as cited by supporting articles found on Collective Evolution, this is beginning to change.
Intimately intertwined within the commonly accepted five senses our body uses to collect information about our external world lies the uncharted territory of our metaphysical world containing extrasensory perception and ourchakras. It’s only recently that our sixth sense has come into humanity’s collective awareness. But did you know you have a seventh sense?
It is Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) who is credited with the classification of the primary five sense organs: sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. These sense organs contain receptors for specific stimuli that are connected to your body’s nervous system which then sends data to your brain, providing you with useful information about your physical/external world. But what about your essential/internal world?
Buddhists consider the mind to be a sense organ in addition to the five senses. Simultaneously processing the collective data of the first five senses, the mind becomes a gateway, making an exponential or fractal leap to a broader spectrum of perception that includes your internal sensory system. This extrasensory system has been referred to as the psychic realm.
Because science was not advanced enough to detect and measure these energy fields, such phenomena were illegitimized as paranormal, and even ridiculed. Slowly, this is beginning to change.
Our sixth sense has been feared and revered since humans were a much more primitive species, depending on what period of history you had the (mis)fortune of being born in. If you were lucky enough be born into a Native American tribe, you may have been recognized for your inner genius and exalted as your community’s shaman.
But, historically, for the majority of those unacquainted with their internal guidance system, or those subject to culture and conditioning that only recognizes external power sources, much fear-generated misinformation has been disseminated over the centuries, leading the unfortunate to societal ostracization and even death.
Even in modern times, there is still very little information that can be called qualitative. And, to add to the mystery, a seventh sense is coming to light as humanity continues its evolution into higher forms of consciousness.
The difficulty for scientists in collecting empirical data is that the sixth and seventh senses function outside of space and time. The difficulty for non-scientists is that much outlier phenomena is still accredited to external forces or entities—channeling, spirits (good or bad), extraterrestrials, etc.—rather to than to the anomalous experience that is actually happening within.
Sixth sense experiences range from intuition, déjà vu, prescience, to past life parallels. As our conscious mind is always trying to create a linear story out of our experiences, we tend to look for cause and effect to explain a multi-dimensional event. When our mind can’t make two and two equal four, we call it a coincidence.
To demonstrate the complexity contained within your senses, there isn’t even scientific agreement on the number of senses because of differing definitions. Wikipedia states that the senses are divided into the exteroceptive and interoceptive.
Exteroceptive includes the traditional five while interoceptive senses perceive sensations in the internal organs neurologically linked to the brain for the purpose of regulating bodily functions, i.e. regulation of respiration, the sensation of fullness, blushing and more. Add to these sub-groups, the body’s awareness of balance, pain, temperature, pressure, which are derived from the synthesis of multiple senses.
Some “sense” can be made of all this when you understand that your primary senses are inseparable from your chakra system. Chakras are multi-dimensional vortices of energy, as levels of consciousness, resonating at specific frequencies that also line up with the notes on a musical scale. Chakras act as an interface between the dense physical world and the non-physical world of pure consciousness. There are seven notes in a musical scale, seven chakras, and you have seven senses.
While your sixth sense utilizes your feeling body to inform you when your intuition is on or off target, your seventh sense is your doorway to the Universal Self via Unity Consciousness. Bypassing physicality, it is direct access to all information contained within the entire Universe—relative to your physical world. No intermediary or channeling is involved. It has been called the Akashic records by some, or the Hall of Records. Another term coined by this author is The Universal Library.
How do you know you are accessing your seventh sense? Every human being intermittently uses his or her seventh sense, but most do so unconsciously. You are using your seventh sense when you ask the Universe a question and receive the answer as your own thought with such clarity, there is no doubt. It is pure knowing.
You could have recently used your seventh sense for something as inane as walking into an unfamiliar grocery story, wondering where the balsamic vinegar was, and allowing your feet to carry you directly there without questioning why “left” was the thought.
You cultivate your seventh sense when you consciously make use of all the resources available to you in the Universe. Quite literally, nothing can be hidden from you by any part of Creation—past, present, or future. All you have to do is tap into your seventh sense and inquire.
This happens by sitting quietly in contemplation—or remaining in a state of open wonderment. The wonder of a child is still contained within you, as you, and is a gateway to greater knowledge. In reality, all of life is a gateway to higher consciousness or enlightenment—Self-Knowledge.
Want to know how the Universe works? Or mankind’s true history? Ask! The information will flow to you at a level you can understand, the spectrum broadening when you are capable of going deeper. Be advised the information is relative to the physical plane as a more comprehensive version of reality, but is by no means complete. No human nervous system has the capacity to contain the totality of light.
As a fun exercise, if you’d like to go deeper using this article as a jump-off point, then contemplate that there are really twelve notes in a musical scale if you include the half notes, twelve chakras in the body, and the exponential/fractal leap from the individual human is the twelve archetypes commonly referred as the twelve tribes!
Are you able to recognize when you are using your seventh sense? Pay attention throughout your day, cultivating greater awareness until your seventh sense becomes inseparable from the rest of your senses.
Gordon Asher Davidson has his etheric finger on the galactic pulse for loving intervention in our time. This book, The Transfiguration of Our World, goes into the corrupted history of Earth by the Dark Lodge that came in eons ago and has recently been given the ultimatum by the Galactic/Solar Alliance of Shift or We Will Remove You (and is now done)! He then, with great, light-filled certainty, informs us of how to align with the Light Alliance for the most beautiful outcome that is in process here.
He is also currently hosting a seven-session, live teleseminar that is recorded so that you can sign up any time. The first one has already taken place and is available. This first session goes into how our subconscious voices need to be integrated with love as a first step. This is work I have done in the past and yet with this renewed input I have found rich new territory that feels very pertinent to the moment.
There is also a wonderful interview of Gordon by Barbara Marx Hubbard here.
I'm grateful to have Gordon's experience and clear insight for support right now. Highly recommended.
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If there is anything good to be said about mass surveillance, overcharging and monopolization by telecom/ISP companies, and government censorship including cell phone and Internet shutdowns as they see fit, it is that these heavy-handed measures only create astronger desire for freedom.
For many in the modern world, open access to the World Wide Web is being viewed as an essential human right – it is a gateway to knowledge, peer-to-peer communication, innovation and economic opportunity. Basically: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. For the 5 billion people who still do not have access, it represents the universal dream of self-determination.
There are several devices in various stages of development that aim to rectify the gaps in knowledge and communication which keep large portions of humanity enslaved and threaten freedom for the rest of us if the restrictions mentioned above are permitted to flourish. It is clear that some, if not all, of what is mentioned below carry various hurdles and challenges that might be difficult to overcome if widespread adoption is a goal. However, the ideas are there to be expanded upon – and as we know: “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.”
1. Lantern - Lantern has officially adopted the term Outernet for its mission of providing free data anywhere in the world. It’s the perfect antithesis to the expanding move to exert control over the IN-ternet.
2. goTenna - This device enables off-grid communication between any goTenna-connected smartphones, but without the need for cell towers, Wi-Fi, or satellites. It’s like a walkie-talkie on steroids.
3. Cryptocurrencies - Within an Outernet framework cryptocurrencies like bitcoin could become even more powerful. We can imagine one more layer put between their use and the regulators who continue to seek ways to eradicate this powerful peer-to-peer form of economic empowerment.
4. OpenBazaar - A peer-to-peer marketplace with no central server susceptible to shut down or seizure by authorities. By running a program on your computer, you can connect directly to other users in the OpenBazaar network and trade with them. No mandatory fees, and your trade is censorship-resistant. OpenBazaar uses Bitcoin cryptocurrency, and is an open source project, which means the code is publicly available, can be reviewed, and anyone can join the project and suggest changes. This system is in beta testing right now and is expected to be fully released in 2015.
5. Mesh Networks - Authoritarian governments around the world (including the U.S.) have considered implementing full communications shutdowns during protest. P2P chat apps likeFireChat were used by Hong Kong democracy protesters to end-run a potential Internet shutdown and/or cell tower jamming. Similar local-range solutions could be instrumental during natural disasters as well, facilitating community organization, as well as search and rescue when traditional networks might be overloaded. Texting is the first useful app for mesh networks, but imagine combining it with goTenna and Lantern technology as well as P2P markets and the current way we access the Web may soon change altogether.
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