Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

In looking at the predictions for 2012,
I want to first deal with several questions about the comet Elenin
(Author’s Note: Comet Elenin was discovered
by Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010.
It is supposed to come closest to the Earth on October 16, 2011
when it will be around 22 million miles from the Earth.)
It has come into the solar system.
Some people that are psychic are predicting upheaval from that comet.
Our perception is this:
when you look at astronomical events such as the coming of a comet,
you must look at them first in terms of their symbolic significance.
When we look at astrology, when we look at the position of planets,
we say that the positions of the planets are reflections of an energy that is pervasive
in this section of the galaxy.
For example, people sometimes say that because Mars is in this position
that it is causing certain problems.
The position of Mars is a reflection of the energies that are in the galaxy
and that are coming to you on the planet Earth.
The comet from this perspective is a metaphoric or symbolic messenger
that is coming to this planet.
It is true that this comet will be approximately at its closest point
around 22 million miles from the Earth.
That is a relatively close in astronomical terms. It is not going to hit the Earth.
It is not going to be an asteroid that is going to blow up things.

The comet represents symbolically an attempt to awaken this planet at this time
to the fact that Earth is interacting with many extra
planetary energy sources.
Earth does not exist solely on its own in this galaxy.
This comet is coming at this point because it has a message for humanity.
The message for humanity is that you are galactic beings.
You are a galactic planet. You are not isolated.
It just so happens that the comet is coinciding with one of the most intense periods
of changes on the planet so far.
The comet is coming in right at the beginning point of the 2012 energy.
The people and some of the psychics have predicted that
there will be many more eruptions of volcanoes.
Some psychics have predicted that there will be more electromagnetic storms,
and there will be more weather changes and earthquakes that are coming due to the comet.
I want to say that the comet itself is not causing these things,
but the comet itself is representing to you the energetic changes
that are already here and are coming.
One view is that the comet is causing this.
In another view all of these changes in the Earth are erupting.
Humanity is on the brink of a spiritual revolution.
Humanity is on the brink of a spiritual period of evolution.
That means that the thoughts of bio relativity can be used to insulate the Earth
from the energetic changes and in a sense help to stabilize the Earth.
Never before has there been such a great need for humanity to stabilize the Earth.
Just even before this lecture, someone contacted the channel
and said that there are supposed to be huge earthquakes
that are supposed to be coming to Northeast America.
The psychic made dire predictions of large magnitude earthquakes
occurring in the first week of September.

In essence, the answer to such predictions is that we must hold thoughts of planetary stability.
We must hold the thoughts of energetic spiritual balance to the planet
because the planet is receiving already threads of fifth-dimensional energy and light.
Old patterns are breaking down.
The old patterns are breaking down, and the new energies that are coming to this planet
are affecting this planet on a large scale.
The effect can be seen on a social scale, a political scale, an economic scale,
a geological scale and on the scale of the weather patterns.
The Earth’s feedback loop systems are being affected also.
All of these systems now are going to be in a stressful state.

I want to look into the predictions for 2012.
First I will look at some of the political issues that are facing the United States for 2012.
The year 2012 is going to see a continued decline in America’s economic power
and in America’s economic leadership and in America’s leadership in general.
The current crisis that you see, the debt crisis and the banking crisis
and the general financial crisis, will continue to accelerate in 2012.
In fact we see that the Dow Jones, which seems to be such an important number to people,
will easily be going down to the 8,000 level by April or May of 2012.

The problem with the decline in the America’s financial power and financial leadership
is that there is not any country or any person that can replace America.
There are people who say that America is going to lose its power
and someone else will take its place,
but there isn’t any one country that can do that. Even China,
which could be considered the more stable country economically,
is not able to lead the world economically.
What we predict for 2012 is that the decline of the economic power
and the political power and the military power is going to leave a vacuum.
That vacuum is not going to be filled because there is not anyone
or any country that can stand forth to become the leader.

We are saying that also there is also a decline in the ability of the leadership in general.
You probably have already noticed that the leaders in the world don’t seem to be able to lead.
In other words, nobody really knows how to solve these problems.
There is an interesting political discussion about the Mideast wars
and the war and the concerns with Iran.
Now, for example, you know that there are discussions that Iran is building a nuclear bomb,
and now there will be undisputed evidence in 2012
that will be revealed showing that Iran does have the nuclear bomb.
Of course, this development would be a direct threat to Israel,
and there would be a direct threat to the peace in the Middle East.

Yet, the United States will not do anything because the United States wrongly,
perhaps from the political standpoint,
attacked Iraq because they thought there were weapons of mass destruction there.
Now, there will be weapons of mass destruction discovered in Iran,
but no one will follow the United States because they followed them the first time
and the result was devastating and catastrophic.

This is another example of decline in leadership.
One of the things that is going to happen in 2012 is this loss of leadership in the world.
There will be many people that are coming forward in America saying that
they want to be leaders, and that they have the energies,
and they think they have the solutions.
None of them are going to be able to lead and to be successful.
In this vacuum, the answer would be that there is going to be somebody
in the world that is emerging.
Remember that you have heard this prediction before.
You have heard the predictions before that there will be a leader emerging
that will show how to solve all these problems.
This person will win the popularity of many people, but a lot of people,
especially the starseeds, will see that this person is not really who he says he is,
and they will see through him immediately.
You will see that there will be many people following this person anyway.
This is again part of the unfolding of the cosmic drama that is being played out on this planet.
On the other front, we could say that this is another example of 2012
being representative of increasingly more polarizations.
You think that 2011 is polarized.
Wait till you see 2012, because there will be more energies of polarization.
There is a good part of polarization, because spiritual energy will also become stronger.
So when we speak of polarization, many people will say, this is terrible!
Many people view polarizations as being either Side A or Side B. Side
A doesn’t seem to be able to communicate to Side B,
and there will be a conflict that can lead to stalemates.
But, the good part of polarization for the starseeds and for spirituality is that
the spiritual beings on the planet are becoming stronger.
The spiritually minded people are becoming more committed,
and they are becoming more willing to work because they understand that
the spiritual light must be used to solve some of these problems of the third dimension.
The third-dimensional energies alone are not going to be able to solve the problem.
Overall, in 2012, there is going to become an awakening of extra planetary influences.
This will be especially in South America and especially in Asia and in parts of Europe.
There is going to become a huge understanding, a huge opening of the galactic energies
and of the existence of extra planetary beings and of the existence of the other energies.
2012 will see the uncovering of all of the secret documents that the governments
have been keeping in the closet.
People will begin to accept dimensional beings.
In general, there will be a much wider acceptance of the extra planetary beings.
There is going to be in 2012 less confidence in the governments,
especially when the people realize that the governments have kept
one of the greatest secrets in history, that is,
the existence of the proof of interaction with other extra planetary beings.
The governments have kept that information secret from the population.
That idea and that information is going to be broken open,
and people will again see that these extra dimensional beings exist,
and that in some cases there are governments that have interacted with them .
People will see that governments have even borrowed and used technologies
that have come from these interactions.
It is even going to be discovered that a trade for the technologies has occurred.
Some governments have given permission for extra planetary beings
to engage in genetic studies of populations.
In return those governments have received technological assistance.
There is going to be a lack of world leadership.
Somebody is going to emerge because it is going to be obvious
from the chaos that there needs to be somebody strong.

There are some other predictions that I want to make for 2012.
I always say that the predictions are based on the available information at this time
and from our perceptions.
A lot of people have an interest in the election in the U.S. in 2012.
I do not see Obama winning the election.
In fact, there is some doubt of whether or not he will even be a candidate for this election.
There is going to be some type of a bombshell or some kind of disruption in his life
or in the presidency that may make him either withdraw or make him decide to not run again.
Something is going to happen that will shift the whole energies of the election.
The problem again is, though, that there is no strong person that really emerges.
There will need to be a greater return to a spiritual understanding of Earth issues.
There will be a lot of anger directed at governments in 2012,
especially when people realize that the governments have been hiding many things.
What you have been seeing that is called the “Arab Spring”
in the Arab world may be spreading to some of the countries in the West.
There are always bright spots,
and there are always places that are somewhat immune from this.
We cannot cover all of the countries, but we can say that many of the countries
in South America are relatively immune to the government disruptions.
There will be a little more stability there.
The governments in countries in South America are going to be affected
by the economic instability, but at the same time,
many of them have their own individual resources that will enable them
to become more self-sufficient.
I think that the countries in South America and in Central America
are going to realize that they have to find ways of being on their own.

They have to find ways of more self-sufficiency and more self-direction.

Countries in South America have more of a direct possibility for becoming self-sufficient
because they have access to quite a few resources
and also the populations in these countries already are more resonant
with the extra dimensional and extra planetary beings.
They have more personal experiences and extra dimensional knowledge
is more generally open in these countries.

In particular, I do see Argentina and Brazil being two countries that will have stability.
Also generally, all the countries that are south of the Tropic of Capricorn
will have more stable weather patterns.
There will be difficult weather situations at times.
They may have more rain and more cold than usual.
It is not going to be devastating or catastrophic like some of the weather changes
that are being experienced in the northern hemisphere,
where there are severe droughts, for example.

This drought in Texas and in other parts of North America will continue through 2012.
There will be several other times when there will be huge storms,
 but they will not break the drought.
In terms of North America, we do not see major earthquakes happening in the Northeast
in the next month or in the next week.
There is a lot of fear that people are spreading about catastrophic events
in 2012 which will not really happen.

Never before in the history of Man has it become so necessary to use bio relativity.
The starseeds and the lightworkers are going to work to hold
and protect Earth’s energy patterns.
It is possible that a comet can send electromagnetic discharges to the Earth,
which could disrupt satellites.
This possibility of electromagnetic disruption can be countered by the starseeds
putting white light around the Earth
and around the electromagnetic energy field of the Earth.
Yes, there are great Earth changes happening.
At the same time, the power of biorelativity is also strong.
The effectiveness of biorelativity against disruptive energy can be effective.
People should believe and understand that biorelativity is a spiritual force
that can be used to help stabilize weather patterns, weather changes and even earthquakes.

Australia and New Zealand are two other countries
that are relatively insulated from further Earth changes.
They may continue to suffer economically because of their dependence
on the United States.
But also they have a stronger history of independence and self-direction.
I think that Australia will experience some dramatic weather events in 2012.
It is something that they are able to integrate and tolerate.
There are going to be some dramatic shifts in their government.
They will discover that their government has been more in cahoots with the United States,
and that they have unnecessarily handed over more of their powers to the United States.
People are going to become shocked when they realize
some of the things that they turned over to the United States.
People will become angry and will want to stop the turning over
of their power and light and energy to another country.
This is going to be revealed and will happen in Australia.
The Australian government knows about the extraterrestrial energies
and extra planetary interactions.
That will make people unhappy when the Australian people find out
that the government has kept major secrets from them.

Generally Australia will be a stable place to be in 2012,
except for these other weather patterns. Parts of Africa will continue to be unstable.
There are many bright spots in Africa. There are also lots of disruptions in Africa.
There is lots of poverty and famine in certain parts, as you know,
such as in Somalia and other areas.
Generally the world is not going to marshal the resources to stop these famines
because the world is going to be struggling with their own problems.

A lot of people are worried about the Middle East.
I think there is going to be a confrontation again between Israel
and another Middle Eastern country.
The idea is that Israel is going to have to defend itself, which Israel already knows.
Israel will be successful in this.
The United States will not be able to unilaterally act against Iran.
The United States will be supporting Israel behind the scenes.
The Arab Spring will continue for a while,
but it is going to be pretty much over by December 2011.
The countries that are open to shifting will have shifted by December.
Other countries that have not shifted dramatically will be able to
hold onto their power at that point at least for a while.

I still see Europe as mixed. I think that Germany still will remain the leader.
Germany still has the most economic power and that will continue.
Germany will continue to balance the rest of Europe, with the help of France.
Germany has an obligation to hold the rest of Europe afloat financially.
They will hold to that obligation.

The weather patterns in Europe will be somewhat variable,
somewhat extreme, but it won’t be as extreme as the United States.
There will be periods of great social unrest in some of the Mediterranean countries
including Spain, Greece, Portugal and even Italy.
The rest of Europe and Eastern Europe will be relatively stable.
Germany will continue to exert a leadership role in energy innovation for 2012.

There are still huge dangers around the world from nuclear energy
and from nuclear reactors. It will be revealed that the Fukushima accident
is far more dangerous and far more devastating than what anybody has said.
I think that many people knew that already, but a true report of the devastation will come out.
There will be reports of other nuclear accidents that have occurred around the world.
Unfortunately, I do not see a movement towards shutting down the reactors.
There is a possibility of one or two more major nuclear accidents in 2012.

Generally, Asia and India continue to be a dominant force economically.
India will assume a stronger leadership role and will become a greater ally to the United States.
India is going to be helping the United States.
It is going to be one of the few countries that is going to be in the position
to offer substantial support to the United States.
I am talking about economic support and also technical support.
India will be developing and is getting closer to developing a space program,
for example, and this will become more obvious in 2012.

In conclusion I could say that the lightworkers
and the lightwork in 2012 are going to become stronger.
Because of increased polarizations, more people will seek a spiritual light
and spiritual understanding, and that the lightworkers will be gaining in their ability
to become influential and in holding the light patterns.
Remember that there will be huge influxes of fifth-dimensional light in 2012,
and that these energy influxes will contain answers to many of the problems.

Remember that the Ascension is going to download spiritual energy into the planet.
Even when the Ascension ends, even when the first wave is over,
know that the spiritual light that the Ascension brings will stay on the planet.
It is not like the fifth dimension opens and the Ascension happens,
then it closes and the spiritual light is gone.

So, my friends, we are looking forward to working more closely
with all of you doing the biorelativity.
We did not cover all the subjects.
We will do more predictions for 2012 as we are working together throughout these months.
This is Juliano. Good day.

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Comment by Trudy on September 21, 2011 at 11:45pm

 ''The United States will be supporting Israel behind the scenes''.
This is no aha moment, they are two pieces in a pie two hands on a belly and so on and so on...
Comment by Trudy on September 21, 2011 at 11:40pm
Ofcourse there will be nuclear bombs to find in Iran, read the message of B F ...  Everything is orchestrated by the USA!!!

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