Tier III) The Supreme Level of Karmic Alignment - Fully 1% of humans and non-human beings of superior development will supercede Tier I and II, and instantly erase 10,000 lives of past negative karmic debt, but only tasting Tier IV. Still, an awareness of the higher Tiers will become extant, and that's all that matters...for there will not again be any concerns or fears.
lol... Oh yeah... got some of that happening too... I'm not sure at the moment why or that it matters, but your response to my question triggered, first my ego lol... and then just laughter and tears. So now I'm sitting here feeling the love :) again. Much gratitude... love Dana
Comment by Arcturian11 on December 26, 2008 at 12:41am
Laughter comes closest to expressing the joy of God.
Comment by Arcturian11 on December 26, 2008 at 12:38am
Comment by Arcturian11 on December 26, 2008 at 12:29am
Dear soul, sweet soul of seeking to make the world a better place for all things, thank you so kindly for your query...the links and information exist, only in the realm of infinite incomprehensibility and infinite multi-dimensionality.
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