Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

And so it begins....I will not make you believe in the Sugar Plum Fairy...

Let me begin by saying that I am not a big fan of the blog so I may end up rambling on like an idiot...if that is the be it. Now, it was brought up to me now, on more than one occasion that we are starting to wake up...and some of us faster than others...but now...a new group is forming and I do not know the general purpose of this group. The haters...why if you want to be awoken and find the real you...your purpose...why would you come and push hate and disbelief on others?... Some instances people see that they have overlooked a key item and they come back to their senses...others...just don't care to open their eyes to what is infront of them...if you wish to live in this reality so be it...but you are doing it to yourself and I wish you stop and see yourself and who and what you are...not for any other reason but for you to see what you are missing out on....look for love...

And I have had a few choice experiences...a few silly like learning the behavior of my cat, and to sensing energies from more powerful (and maybe lucid) dream states...whatever they may be...they are my experiences..and I only share them...hoping to see if others are aware of things like me...or if I am just going crazy...but unless you are just looking to push a specific view or trying to debunk someone...why even come here? I came here to find myself...and I have heard of some people who claim to be "seekers" who not all but some seem to be more troublemakers than they appear...enjoy life for what you take it...and what you put in is what you get out of me what you may...I love myself and my brothers and sisters of light...and only hope we all wake up one day and stand amongst eachother and smile at our accomplishment...nothing more, nothing less...

I end this with a few thoughts...One..we are here...we are immortal...and we will never truly die!!!
Two, positive energy attracts positive be positive...I'll come around and see you more!!!
Three....believing whatever you want makes you an individual...making fun of others will not make you stop it!!!
Four...find things out for yourself and you learn to keep looking for more all goes back to the put in what you get out deal...see how that works?...
And finally...We are all the I will not spend my time trying to convince anyone that I feel a certain way and you better do the same...they did that back in the Spanish Inquisition, and look how wonderful they are...That is all...

*****Peace and Light to all....and remember......we are love...and love is all...Namaste...

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Comment by Shin Neo aka The Young Yoda on November 25, 2008 at 8:03pm
And to H.R. victims...only students...Namaste...and keep learning...
Comment by Shin Neo aka The Young Yoda on November 25, 2008 at 8:02pm
I agree with Nicklas..but my point of view changes shortly afterwards..yes I understand that the Darkside does live among us...and that negative energy flocks just parallel of positive only loss is that by asking yourself "what if" you begin your quest...and not many people feel they want to quest for this...they instead search for others to slow them down...and to interrupt their progress...I do welcome questioning, by all not believe a word I say if you see it fit to do so...but that will not stop me from my own evolution...that will not stop me from sharing and passing the words and ideas that I know of...

My views are just as different as the next guy...but for debunking purposes...the simple matters are best...we are all here for a purpose...and we will find out soon enough...

Light and love is all I will express...and I will do my best to learn and share with you all...

and if I do learn to fly outside my would all know...and I would persoanlly make it a goal to teach all of you...enough for now...
Comment by H.R. Pufnstuf on November 25, 2008 at 8:00pm
Thanks for the kind words, Nicklas. Just becase we question doesn't mean we hate :) Don't get stuck in that mindset and play victim.
Comment by Shin Neo aka The Young Yoda on November 25, 2008 at 6:56pm
I am just showing how we are in another Dark Age...that is all...not negative...just showing the obvious...everything is clearer when you see it for yourself...remember this lesson...and negative thinking is the lack of questioning anything...that is negative thinking...*see it for yourself you must*...and look in yourself for what I speak of...
Comment by H.R. Pufnstuf on November 25, 2008 at 6:48pm
So question everything. Not everything is a lie. That is negative thinking.
Comment by Shin Neo aka The Young Yoda on November 25, 2008 at 6:42pm
We are already in another Dark Age...for we have been lied to and been kept in the dark for so the question we continue to let them lie to us...or do we as an entire social entity...walk up to them and proclaim our independance from them...That is the real question...everyone please look around...we have been lied to about everything for so long...yet we think we are okay in this time...yet time itself is even a lie and a myth...
Comment by H.R. Pufnstuf on November 25, 2008 at 6:39pm
Remember what the Inquisition was about, my friend. If you did not believe what they believed and did not convert, you were dead. We must be allowed to question or fall into another Dark Age

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